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Re: Ghidra - open source reverse engineering tool

Posted: 2022 Sep 02, 19:35
by efloth
This is really cool. Programming in assembly is not for the faint of heart. This could really open the doors to understanding the code better. I tried to get this working with my 56k bin but I keep getting this error

Start address must be less than or equal to end address: Start Stack[0x900] end = Stack[0x800]

I added a 0x2000 offset to the bin and configured it the same way as the screenshot. Not sure what I did wrong here. I just copied the sleigh files into ..ghidra\processors\806x

Re: Ghidra - open source reverse engineering tool

Posted: 2022 Sep 02, 19:35
by efloth

Re: Ghidra - open source reverse engineering tool

Posted: 2022 Sep 02, 23:44
by wwhite
Looks like the has issues, reason is the .cspec file is wrong.
Stack space should be defined as:

Code: Select all

 <range space="stack" first="0x0800" last="0x0900" />
not the other way around.
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