ISC duty cycle max clip

European strategy specific for 2004 ford mustang euro spec but also modified by SVT and used on the 03/04 cobra. Can be used on all 2002-2004 mustang v8 and v6 manual and automatics. Supports automatic 4r70w control. Can be used on 2001-2004 ford F-150 4.6 / 5.4 ecu's if configured correctly as well.
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Re: ISC duty cycle max clip

Unread post by decipha »

probably crank iscdc
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Re: ISC duty cycle max clip

Unread post by Turbo4V »

Just want to close this one out. It ended up being the FN8000 table. I copy/pasted in the table from the 03/04 Cobra AMZ2 stock file and it immediately started to act right. Since I'm using an 03/04 Cobra ISC valve it makes sense to use the AMZ2 specific FN8000 table. Now the ISC actually acts totally normal. Wish I had tried it a long time ago.
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Location: Metairie, LA
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'25 F-150 5L

Re: ISC duty cycle max clip

Unread post by decipha »

that would mean your isc duty cycle table was corrupted some how if you had it clipped to 60 before, should have been obvious
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