EEC V file conversion

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SMD-190 / SMD-490 EEC-IV

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Re: EEC V file conversion

Unread post by jsa »

Post one up.
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Re: EEC V file conversion


Few I just randomly picked out of the directory. There are tons of files here that look to be pointers or data files. On of them looks to be the data for how it decodes the vin number when starting a diag session. Looks like it could be useful somehow at least. LOL
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Re: EEC V file conversion


Most of them seem to start with Salted__Ã or at least Salted__something. Looked that up and seems to point toward some sort of data file. A salt file or something like that. Also see mentioned in quite a few files in this directory. Also forgot to mention the subdirectory is named XMLFILES
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Re: EEC V file conversion

Unread post by jsa »

Salted as in salted password at a guess. Probably compressed XML, certainly file size would seem too small for an xml or even plain csv text version of a DMR.

In any case those files are for 2016 so not relevant to 806x.
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Re: EEC V file conversion


Those are. There are a ton of them. Just older than about 2010 goes to just lettered files. I just need to figure out which files pertain to which strategies.
I will zip the whole directory and see how big it ends up being. Maybe I can post the zip file if it isn’t too big.
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Re: EEC V file conversion


Unfortunately it ends up being too large of a file to post. 59?,??? Kb ish.

I am curious though if when you download ids install files if it would put all that on your drive even if you do not register it though. May be the easiest way for you to have all of the files on ids. There are a ton of dll files and tml and xml files in the different directories that may point to a way to read the files and get the data we need from them.
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Re: EEC V file conversion

Unread post by jsa »

I agree install looks possible, but it appears log in is required to get calibration files.

They've gone to the trouble of salted passwords, certainly trying to keep some stuff secret.

I don't intend to spend time sifting through endless files or trying to work out the salted passwords.

I think the calibration files need to be downloaded to make any progress.

If you have something specific, I'll take a look.
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Re: EEC V file conversion


I will try and figure out the naming scheme and find some files for the older EEC V vehicles that would have the older PCM in them. I did find some files listed as Barra and some that mention Ford of Australia if you are interested in those. However, upon further investigation there seems to be a ton of dll files and exe files that may uses the tml files as a library and maybe we can figure out which is which and that may tell us what we need to know to open the tml files and get the data? Not sure here, just guessing at this point. Is there a good program for finding out which exe files use which dll files and which tml files? Something that won't cost a bunch of money, LOL. Especially because I am not sure it will go anywhere. Or maybe something I can hook up between the computer and vcm to sniff out what addresses we need while hooked to the vehicle? Was just thinking if we could figure out the tml files we could also figure out how the active commands work and possibly add that stuff into tuning software for diagnosis and testing purposes?
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Re: EEC V file conversion


Updated DIR and short CMT file for CRAI8. No updates to CMT file. Just what you told me to add. I think I have made good progress on this one. Still a ton to figure out though.
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Re: EEC V file conversion


In CRAI8, this subroutine seems to be using R26 and Rfe as RBASE value storage locations..... How do I find out what those values are exactly so I can figure out the correct function addresses for this subroutine? Seems to match up with SUB_082DA in RZASA as well, but the RBASE values aren't defined in that strategy either. You may have gone over this before, but I can't seem to remember or find the answer in previous posts. Thanks.

Code: Select all

92197: 65,08,00,26        ad2w  R26,8            TEMP1L += 8;
9219b: 3d,ad,04           jb    B5,Rad,921a2     if (FLG_SFT_UP = 0)  {
9219e: 65,02,00,26        ad2w  R26,2            TEMP1L += 2; } } } }
921a2: 45,6e,92,26,32     ad3w  R32,R26,926e     TEMP7L = TEMP1L + 926e;
921a7: 46,32,fe,36        ad3w  R36,Rfe,[R32]    TMP2L = Rfe + [TEMP7L];
921ab: b0,30,38           ldb   R38,R30          TMP3L = TEMP6L;
921ae: 91,10,a5           orb   Ra5,10           SIGNDY = 1;
921b1: ef,a9,26           call  9485d            SLU9485D_92C16_**YFn ();
921b4: c7,e4,2a,3c        stb   R3c,[Re4+2a]     TV_RAMP = TMP5L;
921b8: 45,60,92,26,32     ad3w  R32,R26,9260     TEMP7L = TEMP1L + 9260;
921bd: 46,32,fe,36        ad3w  R36,Rfe,[R32]    TMP2L = Rfe + [TEMP7L];
921c1: a3,d2,40,38        ldw   R38,[Rd2+40]     TMP3L = TOT;
921c5: 91,20,a5           orb   Ra5,20           SIGNDSLP = 1;
921c8: ef,de,26           call  948a9            SLU948A9_92C62_**WFn ();
921cb: a0,3c,2c           ldw   R2c,R3c          TEMP4L = TMP5L;
921ce: b0,30,39           ldb   R39,R30          TMP3H = TEMP6L;
921d1: 11,38              clrb  R38              TMP3L = 0;
921d3: 45,52,92,26,32     ad3w  R32,R26,9252     TEMP7L = TEMP1L + 9252;
921d8: 46,32,fe,36        ad3w  R36,Rfe,[R32]    TMP2L = Rfe + [TEMP7L];
921dc: ef,ca,26           call  948a9            SLU948A9_92C62_**WFn ();
921df: 6c,2c,3c           ml2w  R3c,R2c          TMP5L *= TEMP4L;
921e2: 0c,0a,3c           shrdw R3c,a            TMP5L >>= a;
921e5: 88,00,3e           cmpw  R3e,R0           
921e8: df,03              je    921ed            if (TMP6L != ZERO)  {
921ea: bd,ff,3c           ldsbw R3c,ff           TMP5L = ff; }
921ed: c3,01,56,17,3c     stw   R3c,[R0+1756]    [11756] = TMP5L;
921f2: 44,26,fc,32        ad3w  R32,Rfc,R26      TEMP7L = 5d32 + TEMP1L;
921f6: 6f,33,98,10,2c     ml2w  R2c,[R32+1098]   TEMP4L *= [TEMP7L+11098];
921fb: 0c,0a,2c           shrdw R2c,a            TEMP4L >>= a;
921fe: 98,00,2e           cmpb  R2e,R0           
92201: df,03              je    92206            if (TEMP5L != ZERO)  {
92203: bd,ff,2c           ldsbw R2c,ff           TEMP4L = ff; }
92206: c3,01,58,17,2c     stw   R2c,[R0+1758]    [11758] = TEMP4L;
9220b: 44,26,fc,32        ad3w  R32,Rfc,R26      TEMP7L = 5d32 + TEMP1L;
9220f: a3,33,84,10,3c     ldw   R3c,[R32+1084]   TMP5L = [TEMP7L+11084];
92214: c3,e4,34,3c        stw   R3c,[Re4+34]     [112b4] = TMP5L;
92218: b0,30,38           ldb   R38,R30          TMP3L = TEMP6L;
9221b: 45,1a,92,26,32     ad3w  R32,R26,921a     TEMP7L = TEMP1L + 921a;
92220: 46,32,fe,36        ad3w  R36,Rfe,[R32]    TMP2L = Rfe + [TEMP7L];
92224: ef,36,26           call  9485d            SLU9485D_92C16_**YFn ();
92227: a0,3c,34           ldw   R34,R3c          TMP1L = TMP5L;
9222a: b0,31,38           ldb   R38,R31          TMP3L = TEMP6H;
9222d: 45,28,92,26,32     ad3w  R32,R26,9228     TEMP7L = TEMP1L + 9228;
92232: 46,32,fe,36        ad3w  R36,Rfe,[R32]    TMP2L = Rfe + [TEMP7L];
92236: ef,24,26           call  9485d            SLU9485D_92C16_**YFn ();
92239: a0,3c,36           ldw   R36,R3c          TMP2L = TMP5L;
9223c: ad,0a,38           ldzbw R38,a            TMP3L = a;
9223f: 45,36,92,26,32     ad3w  R32,R26,9236     TEMP7L = TEMP1L + 9236;
92244: 46,32,fe,3c        ad3w  R3c,Rfe,[R32]    TMP5L = Rfe + [TEMP7L];
92248: ef,02,27           call  9494d            Sxx9494D_RZA92D8E ();
9224b: c4,2c,3f           stb   R3f,R2c          TEMP4L = TMP6H;
9224e: 11,46              clrb  R46              TMP0L = 0;
92250: 45,44,92,26,32     ad3w  R32,R26,9244     TEMP7L = TEMP1L + 9244;
92255: 46,32,fe,36        ad3w  R36,Rfe,[R32]    TMP2L = Rfe + [TEMP7L];
92259: b0,30,38           ldb   R38,R30          TMP3L = TEMP6L;
9225c: 91,10,a5           orb   Ra5,10           SIGNDY = 1;
9225f: ef,fb,25           call  9485d            SLU9485D_92C16_**YFn ();
92262: bc,3c,3c           ldsbw R3c,R3c          TMP5L = TMP5L;
92265: 37,3d,04           jnb   B7,R3d,9226c     if (B7_TMP5H = 1)  {
92268: 03,3c              negw  R3c              TMP5L = -TMP5L;
9226a: 17,46              incb  R46              TMP0L++; }
9226c: 11,3a              clrb  R3a              TMP4L = 0;
9226e: b3,01,80,17,3b     ldb   R3b,[R0+1780]    TMP4H = PWFC;
92273: 6c,3a,3c           ml2w  R3c,R3a          TMP5L *= TMP4L;
92276: 30,46,02           jnb   B0,R46,9227b     if (B0_TMP0L = 1)  {
92279: 03,3e              negw  R3e              TMP6L = -TMP6L; }
9227b: 54,3e,2c,3c        ad3b  R3c,R2c,R3e      TMP5L = TEMP4L + TMP6L;
9227f: 29,47              scall 923c8            Sub_923c8 ();
92281: b0,3c,47           ldb   R47,R3c          TMP0H = TMP5L;
92284: 08,01,26           shrw  R26,1            TEMP1L >>= 1;
92287: 44,26,fc,32        ad3w  R32,Rfc,R26      TEMP7L = 5d32 + TEMP1L;
9228b: b3,33,a7,10,38     ldb   R38,[R32+10a7]   TMP3L = [TEMP7L+110a7];
92290: c7,01,5b,17,38     stb   R38,[R0+175b]    [1175b] = TMP3L;
92295: b3,d2,17,c6        ldb   Rc6,[Rd2+17]     FLAGTEMP_BG = FLAG_EXT5;
92299: 37,c6,07           jnb   B7,Rc6,922a3     if (B7_FLAGTEMP_BG = 1)  {
9229c: b3,fd,7c,10,46     ldb   R46,[Rfc+107c]   TMP0L = S.0x16DAE;
922a1: 20,41              sjmp  922e4            goto 922e4; }
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