Franken Lightning

00/01 SVT Lightning
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Location: Edmonton AB Canada
Vehicle Information: 1979 Ford Bronco\Ranger XLT\Powertrain - 2003 5.4L S/C (Lightning), 4R100, BW 4406 auto T\case.
2011 F-150 Harley N\A
1991 Mercedes 500SL
1969 Mustang Ragtop 351W 4V fmx auto
1967 Cougar XR7 GT 390 GT C-6 Auto

Franken Lightning

Unread post by Lightning777 »

Hi all, sorry if this ends up long, I'm new to posting. I am currently resto-modding my 79 Bronco with an 03 Lightning powertrain. I have everything together and it will run, but I do not have the correct PCM. (I'm running it with one from an N/A 5.4 to move it around during the build. I can't find a PCM anywhere except FS1 for over 3 grand! And I can't go there! (OLD GUY PRIDE)
I can't load a stock Lightning tune as the hardware code in the PCM's are different. (I have an IDS, so I can write a factory tune if I can find a PCM with the correct hardware code. (MPC-206)
1st question - does anyone know if there is a cross reference chart that shows PCM hardware codes by VIN or truck build. (The PCM I need (MPC-206) comes in a few models, I just can't find a way to look it up. There aren't a lot of lightnings left out there.
My backup (and less desirable) plan is to tune the N/A Pcm to run the lighting 5.4. I will lose some functionality doing this. Not the end of the world, but...

I was discussing it in the lightning forum in and It was suggested that I try here.
P\S I'm running a 4r100 auto and an auto T\case, all 03 ford vintage. I'm going for a certain ambiance with the build, so I have built/modified a factory harness to run everything. I'm running the factory HEC, GEM and PCM.
I am not a tuning guru, I'm actually pretty new to this world, I was a drivability\electronics specialist at a FORD dealer and I teach automotive apprenticeship at a TECH institute currently, so most of my experience is based on relatively stock and factory tools and service info.
Sorry for going on and on.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Franken Lightning

Unread post by decipha »

Yep on the homepage click on supported ecu's and type in mpc-206

Shows its only used on the 02/03 lightning and harley trucks. So there's your answer, no other vehicle has that hardware code.

Absolutely nothing wrong with using an n/a ecu as it will still function perfectly. You simply extend the iat wires to the iat2 sensor on the back of the intake. You can reassign an unused pin to turn the intercooler pump on and off if you desire or just share it with the fuel pump output.

what is the hec?
Posts: 9
Joined: 2022 Feb 03, 14:05
Location: Edmonton AB Canada
Vehicle Information: 1979 Ford Bronco\Ranger XLT\Powertrain - 2003 5.4L S/C (Lightning), 4R100, BW 4406 auto T\case.
2011 F-150 Harley N\A
1991 Mercedes 500SL
1969 Mustang Ragtop 351W 4V fmx auto
1967 Cougar XR7 GT 390 GT C-6 Auto

Re: Franken Lightning

Unread post by Lightning777 »

Thank you so much, I will dig right into that!
HEC is the instrument cluster, I am running that at the moment as I don't have an aftermarket tuner that speaks old ford and had to get around PATs. Do you recommend one?
Thank you again for your time, it is greatly appreciated!
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Re: Franken Lightning

Unread post by decipha »

what ecu catch code do u have currently?

Do you have a quarterhorse?

what is done to the engine? stock down to the original lightning maf air inlet housing pulley and injectors?
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Location: Edmonton AB Canada
Vehicle Information: 1979 Ford Bronco\Ranger XLT\Powertrain - 2003 5.4L S/C (Lightning), 4R100, BW 4406 auto T\case.
2011 F-150 Harley N\A
1991 Mercedes 500SL
1969 Mustang Ragtop 351W 4V fmx auto
1967 Cougar XR7 GT 390 GT C-6 Auto

Re: Franken Lightning

Unread post by Lightning777 »

The one I'm running on currently is LGA2 ( I'm running !9lb injectors at the moment, so I can move it around without flooding.
I do not have a quarterhorse, but in the small amount of research I've done since you asked , it looks like it may be the answer I've been looking for.
Something I will purchase for sure.
I didn't kill a lightning to build this thing so all I have is a drop in from ford (long story) complete from pan to throttle body, no MAF or intake tubing.
So all stock 2003 so far.
I am running it on the intake pipes and MAF from the donor truck (2001 Navigator) I'll get a real MAF and fab a cold air pipe once I know what I need based on the software. I'd like to keep it as close to stock as I can.
I can't thank you enough for the help
Posts: 9
Joined: 2022 Feb 03, 14:05
Location: Edmonton AB Canada
Vehicle Information: 1979 Ford Bronco\Ranger XLT\Powertrain - 2003 5.4L S/C (Lightning), 4R100, BW 4406 auto T\case.
2011 F-150 Harley N\A
1991 Mercedes 500SL
1969 Mustang Ragtop 351W 4V fmx auto
1967 Cougar XR7 GT 390 GT C-6 Auto

Re: Franken Lightning

Unread post by Lightning777 »

sorry, should have read19lb injectors (old hands)
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Re: Franken Lightning

Unread post by decipha »

LGA2 is an ODAL1 mpc-204 ecu. It will probably run the omae2 lightning/harley code with the missing hardware disabled properly.

All good. Yeah go ahead and snatch the quarterhorse you can get it direct from for $250. Heres the info-

When it comes in read out your current tune file and shoot it to me to copy over your pats code, unless you want to just disable theft?

You'll need to toss the 42 lb injectors back in her.

For the time being you can get a stock 05-10 ford slot maf sensor and pigtail. Go ahead and fabricate a 4" inlet pipe and cold air inlet so your ready when the qh comes in. You can actually use the stock na f series/navi maf if you want as the engine in all stock form with stock boost shouldn't peg it but its not ideal.

its $450 to become a premium member - details -

You'll also need to fill out the vehicle info sheet and either PM or email it to me.
Posts: 9
Joined: 2022 Feb 03, 14:05
Location: Edmonton AB Canada
Vehicle Information: 1979 Ford Bronco\Ranger XLT\Powertrain - 2003 5.4L S/C (Lightning), 4R100, BW 4406 auto T\case.
2011 F-150 Harley N\A
1991 Mercedes 500SL
1969 Mustang Ragtop 351W 4V fmx auto
1967 Cougar XR7 GT 390 GT C-6 Auto

Re: Franken Lightning

Unread post by Lightning777 »

Again, I cant thank you enough for the info and the links, Ill get quarter horse ordered right away
Ill be in touch as soon as I get set up.
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Re: Franken Lightning

Unread post by red5.0fogger »

You probably know about this already but around that time there was an issue with the 4R100 mechanical diode. It may not be the year you have but I'm just saying to double check if you haven't already.
Posts: 9
Joined: 2022 Feb 03, 14:05
Location: Edmonton AB Canada
Vehicle Information: 1979 Ford Bronco\Ranger XLT\Powertrain - 2003 5.4L S/C (Lightning), 4R100, BW 4406 auto T\case.
2011 F-150 Harley N\A
1991 Mercedes 500SL
1969 Mustang Ragtop 351W 4V fmx auto
1967 Cougar XR7 GT 390 GT C-6 Auto

Re: Franken Lightning

Unread post by Lightning777 »

Thanks for the info, I used to be the automatic guy at a Ford dealership, so it is fresh, with a few sonnax goodies and it has the sprag, not the diode.
Thanks again for the heads up though.
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