2008 Super Snake Failsafe Engine Mode

For all other non specifically listed ECU tuning. This would include can-bus ecu's such as powerpc copperhead tricore and siemens ecus. As well as GM, Dodge or any aftermarket controller tuning etc...
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2013 F150 3.5 ecoboost

2006 F350 6.0 Powerstroke

2008 Super Snake Failsafe Engine Mode

Unread post by jcbryant »

Having trouble with a 2008 Shelby GT500 Super Snake

Customer said engine would not crank. he installed a new battery, engine still would not crank.
I tried checking codes. Ford IDS would not communicate with the PCM. I tried programming with IDS. programming kept locking up.
I had a tune file from this car when I turned the traction control on. I loaded that file to the PCM. Now the instrument cluster would show mileage.
I then went back to using Ford IDS. Tried programming again. This time programming went through. I programmed keys, Engine would crank and start.

I had an SCT tune file for this car from Kenne Bell when I was trying to turn the traction control back on. A year ago when I tried loading that file the PCM would show Failsafe engine mode. So I just used Hptuners.

I tried loading that fiel to the car but it would not go it. It gave me an error code for I think not compatible. Something like that. I figured out when I programmed the PCM with the IDS it changed the strategy code. It was originally SXH1. it changed to KDH0.
So I built a new base file coping the tune I was sent from Kenne Bell SXH1 to KDH0. I've loaded that tune and I still get Failsafe engine mode.
I've preformed testing on the Throttle body and accelerator pedal following Fords test to make sure I go over all the wiring and component testing throttle position sensor and accelerator pedal. both test good.

I've used a DVOM to check for any voltage a ETC motor when I key on or when I press the accelerator pedal. I don't get any voltage reading on the dvom.

The 2 codes I'm getting are P2104 and P0600

I'm guessing something needs to be changed in the tune to be happy with the throttle body. Torque source is showing ETC FMEM.

P0600 description is
Serial Communication Link
Indicates an error occurred in the powertrain control module (PCM). This DTC may be set alone or in combination with P2105.
Possible Causes:
Software incompatibility issue
Damaged PCM

the test for this code askes if the vehicle shifts into 4x4 or not. if you answer yes it says to refer to a test for no problem found. that test will run you in circles. I've never had luck using those test.
If you answer no it refers me to transfer case diagnostic. this vehicle does not have a transfer case.

Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) System - Forced Idle
The TAC system is in the failure mode effects management (FMEM) mode of forced idle.
This DTC is an informational DTC and may be set in combination with a number of other DTCs which are causing the FMEM. Diagnose other DTCs first

I've followed the test for this code with not luck.

Ask me any question I may have left some info out. a lot of stuff I've gone over.

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Re: 2008 Super Snake Failsafe Engine Mode

Unread post by decipha »

I cant be of any help unless you have pcmflash and a mongoose to pull the bins out
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2013 F150 3.5 ecoboost

2006 F350 6.0 Powerstroke

Re: 2008 Super Snake Failsafe Engine Mode

Unread post by jcbryant »

I have pcm flash. I’ll get the module added. I just ordered a mongoose.
I do have a Ford VCM2. Would that have worked?
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fore dual fuel pumps with return fuel lines
long tube headers
91 octane

2013 F150 3.5 ecoboost

2006 F350 6.0 Powerstroke

Re: 2008 Super Snake Failsafe Engine Mode

Unread post by jcbryant »

I believe I already have access to that module on my pcm flash. Module 21.
I’ll try to take a read later today using PCMflash and VCM2.
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Re: 2008 Super Snake Failsafe Engine Mode

Unread post by decipha »

yep vcm2 will yank the bin too with pcmflash no prob
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fore dual fuel pumps with return fuel lines
long tube headers
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2013 F150 3.5 ecoboost

2006 F350 6.0 Powerstroke

Re: 2008 Super Snake Failsafe Engine Mode

Unread post by jcbryant »

Got a BIN read of the factory file.
I know I had said in another post that I don't have time time to try and learn how to do this. Since its on a customers vehicle I figure I might as well try to take some time to learn.

I had some questions about IDA disassembler.

I have down loaded the free version. The bin file will not drop into it. It tells me to upgrade to be able to disassemble more files then a PE file.

How do I know what what license to buy?

Also, Do you know of any training for the disassembler other then what they offer. The $6000 price tag is a little on the pricey side for me to justify.

Thank you
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fore dual fuel pumps with return fuel lines
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2013 F150 3.5 ecoboost

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Re: 2008 Super Snake Failsafe Engine Mode

Unread post by jcbryant »

Also for you helping with this can I donate some how to the forum to help with anything?
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fore dual fuel pumps with return fuel lines
long tube headers
91 octane

2013 F150 3.5 ecoboost

2006 F350 6.0 Powerstroke

Re: 2008 Super Snake Failsafe Engine Mode

Unread post by jcbryant »

I found another disassembler called Binary Ninja https://binary.ninja/

I down loaded the demo version. I'm able to open my file in it and see lines of code.
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Re: 2008 Super Snake Failsafe Engine Mode

Unread post by decipha »

yep that's a bone stock KDH0 file

Coding isn't something you just jump in to and expect to make progress it takes several years of commitment and head scratching to get anywhere.
As i mentioned before best bet is to take the eec-v binary and go through it to see if thats something your interested in as the disassembler is free made by a member here.

no donation needed your already a premium member

Load this in and LMK what you get. Assuming the car is bone stock as you hadn't stated otherwise it should run fine.
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Location: Jefferson City, MO
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2016 mustang pcm strategy FPGP6KS
2.9 whipple
132mm whipple throttle body
1050X injector dynamics
fore dual fuel pumps with return fuel lines
long tube headers
91 octane

2013 F150 3.5 ecoboost

2006 F350 6.0 Powerstroke

Re: 2008 Super Snake Failsafe Engine Mode

Unread post by jcbryant »

I understand it won’t be a quick learn. None of this has been a quick learn and I’m still chasing. I figure this will continue into electric cars. I’ve always wanted to learn this.

I’m sorry it does have different injectors, MAF and throttle body. I’ll send you the MTF I got from Kenne Bell.

I do appreciate your help. I understand I’m a premium member but that may be used up pretty quick. If it gets to a point where I’ve gone over premium just let me know I need to make a donation.
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