MAF value changing on own

Used only on the 03/04 Marauder but can be used on any 03/04 ecu with code changes. Uses newer style SCP array so will not control cluster correctly on 2004 and older fords that use the older style SCP array such as mustangs.
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MAF value changing on own

Unread post by p4ndiamond »

Have an issue in the tune.

Preparing to run a VMP HPX maf .

In the tune file im on RZASA 190312

It will not accept Kg/hr numbers larger than what its forcing a value of 1745.4 Why is this and what can i do to eliminate this problem in the file to properly match the MAF sensor being used ? I can type the values in , save them , but revisiting it changes those values and pegs them at that.
Screenshot 2021-09-16 010551.png
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Re: MAF value changing on own

Unread post by decipha »

your xdf is 2 years old.

download the latest it uses the k constant so no worries.
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Re: MAF value changing on own

Unread post by p4ndiamond »

Will do. I think i tried that one before and ran into the same issue which is why i reverted originally. Does the K constant allow me to place the true values from the maf table ?
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Re: MAF value changing on own

Unread post by decipha »

You were clipping the max limit in the maf. If you have larger injectors that value will be higher with the k constant.

Read the fuel write up.
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Re: MAF value changing on own

Unread post by p4ndiamond »

Thanks i just saw that it was updated.

I am running 52lb ford racing injectors @60psi

So i updated the XDF and changed the K constant to 30 .

I edited MAF data , sar, high and low slopes.

The maf is the only one that seems to scale down with a max and the scale percentage is around 1.9%

so from there I can dial in the tune or is there another step i must take ?
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Re: MAF value changing on own

Unread post by decipha »

you have to do the injector data first

maf will be acrual values now, there is no visible scaling with the k constant

nah thats it

you did update all the sp** parameters correct
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Re: MAF value changing on own

Unread post by p4ndiamond »

All SP parameters appear to be updated. for maf-t does the sp** maf-t and the non SP need to be updated ? i only updated the non SP for that
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Re: MAF value changing on own

Unread post by p4ndiamond »

The kg/hr table clips maf value at a max of 3320.2 now.
All values lower appear to properly reflect the table from this default transfer. ... pDYAT/view
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Re: MAF value changing on own

Unread post by decipha »

the sp** maf transfer is what you need. The comments should tell you that.

that limit sounds correct for your injectors.
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1989 foxbody hatch

Re: MAF value changing on own

Unread post by p4ndiamond »

cool deal. I've updated that one also now.
When dialing in fuel i should update SP** maf transfer only or both ?
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