Code: Select all
2004 # FIXSUM to get to zero sum
200a # Checksum Fix
200c # End of ROM ?
200e # I/O times between console executions (->84c2)
2010 # HSO Port Output 2
2012 # I/O Timer Overflow
2014 # A/D End of Conversion
2016 # HSI Port Input Data Available
2018 # External Interrupt Vector
201a # HSO Port Output 1
201c # HSI 1 Interrupt Vector
201e # HSI 0 Interrupt Vector
201e ||################# 'Base + offset' (Rbase) register setup - used throughout -> Rf0 - Rfe
2020 # no of regs
2022 # Rf0
2030 # Rfe
2030 ||#############################################################
2030 |# Master Reset Subroutine
#32030 # Clears 0x16 to 0x489 [if b5&6 R2A unset, then POWER UP=1 (b0 Ref)
#2030 |# bit 6 = ?
#2030 |# input - R2A bit 5 = ?
2030 |#############################################################
2034 # stop interrupts
2036 # save VIP mode
2053 # restore VIP mode
205c # R72,R74,R76 RAM base ptrs
2060 ||###########################
1 |# Initialise various locations in memory, lists start at 862a
1 |# 3 lists linked together
1 |# each list has an address 'base' which is added to each address entry
1 |# update is done with an OR, which allows checking
2060 |###########################|
2068 # outer loop
206c # -1 = list processing done
206e # 'Base' address, in top byte (R1b)
2071 # end of list (address of next list)
2079 # get low byte of addr to init
207c # get current contents
207f # OR byte from list
2082 # save new value
2087 # Error, try again
2089 # Address of next list
208c ||#####################now do rest of checks|
208e # engineering console
2091 # Init console if found
2094 # verify KAM Table 1 (702-7AF)
2097 # verify KAM Table 2 (7E4-7EC)
209a # engine load (VE)
209e # Averaged Load
20a7 # Save ptr to MAF tfr func
20af # filtered TP to start value
20b7 # EGR Type (0=sonic, 1=PFE, 2=none)
20be # PFE EGR is present
20c1 # = 1.428 for 8 cyl
20c5 # = 8 (PIPs per cycle)
20cc # = 1.666 for 6 and 4 cyl
20d0 # ratio for Signature PIP (cyl 1)
20d4 # get EVP from KAM
20e7 # default EVP if outside limits
20eb # filtered EVP saved in KAM
20f5 # Clear any pending HSI input data
20fe # HSI0, HSO 1, HSO 2
2101 # HSI line select
210a # Drop chan 1 - No knock sensor
2113 # Add chan 5 - CID sensor
211c # Add chan 6 - VSS sensor
211c ||######## set up HSO event to tickle console every 5mS|
# 211f # change output in 3 state times
2124 # Software Interrupt (ch 10) in 3 state times
212d # not TFI controlled dwell, do SPOUT ?
2131 # address in data Table - SPOUT(channel 5)?
213d # High Data Rate Electronic Spark H/W
2141 # address in data Table - SPOUT(channel 5)?
2148 ||#############################################################
2148 |# EEC main (background) loop - cycles thru these routines
2148 |# R9A ($9a) is current routine offset
2148 |# Runs subroutines in Table starting at index 0
2148 |## Jump here from RESET
2148 |#############################################################
2149 # clear all VIP mode flags
214b # set stack pointer
2154 # goto loopstop (DEAD) if too big
2156 # routine num
2159 # address of subroutine from list
215d # push return address
2160 # push subroutine address to stack
216a # Reset RAM pointers every time through
216e # next subroutine
2171 # execute routine
2172 ||#################################################################
2172 |# Update loop selection and restart loop
2172 |# from task list routine at 2151, do each of 3 loops
2172 |# LIST A - Normal Operation
2172 |# List B - KEOE Engine off self tests (and engine on cruise controls self test? )
2172 |# List C - KEOR Engine running self tests
2172 |#################################################################
2177 # Vehicle Speed Control Self Test ?
217a # set List B
2181 # set List C
2185 # set List A
2189 ||####### Tasklist Subroutine Lists
2189 |####### List A - normal operation - no self tests
218a # Check console, init RF0 regs
218c # Validate/initialise KAM
218e # Update Dwell
2190 # Set RPM Flags
2192 # Read AD channels
2194 # Read/update raw AD vals
2196 # Update WOT flag
219a # Update heated windshield flag
219c # Update (MPH) vehicle speed values
219e # Update RPM?
21a0 # Update A/C cutout and idle flags
21a4 # Update Timers
21a8 # Update fuel comsumption for DOL
21ac # EVP something
21ae # Update EGR stuff?
21b0 # Check for RPM and Speed limiters
21b2 # Update closed loop flags
21b4 # Adaptive something
21b8 # Update fuel pump enable
21ba # EVP something - large function
21bc # EGR stuff
21be # Update spark advance
21c2 # Update ect cooling fans
21c8 # Update Canister Purge timing
21cc # Update idle speed
21ce # SCCS stuff checks VBAT
21d0 # Update shift light
21d4 # Update Air Management
21d8 # diagnostic Self Tests
21da # recheck list A
21da ||################# List B - engine off self tests (and engine on cruise controls self test? )|
21dc # check console, init RF0 regs
21de # Set RPM Flags
21e0 # Read AD channels to Table
21e2 # Read/update raw AD vals
21e4 # Update vehicle speed vals
21e6 # Update RPM
21ea # Update Timers
21ee # Update EGR stuff?
21f2 # Update fuel pump enable
21f4 # Update Vehicle Speed Control
21f6 # Diagnostic Self Tests
21f8 # Update EGR stuff
21fa # Update Canister Purge
21fc # Recheck list B
21fc ||######### List C - engine running self tests|
21fe # Check console, init RF0 regs
2200 # Read AD channels
2202 # Read/update raw AD vals
2204 # Update WOT flag
2206 # Update vehicle speed values
2208 # Update Dwell
220a # Update RPM
220e # Update Timers
2212 # Update fuel comsumption for DOL
2216 # Update EGR stuff?
2218 # Something Injection ?
221c # Update fuel pump enable
221e # Ccheck idle speed?
2220 # SCCS stuff checks VBAT
2222 # Check HEGO sensors
2224 # Check brake and PS flags
2226 # Ddiagnostic Self Tests
2228 # Update EGR stuff
222a # Update Canister Purge
222c # List C (rechecks List)
222c ||#################################################################
222c |# Save A to D values. Definitons in Structure at 225f
222c |#################################################################
222e # A/D Lookup Structure
2233 # get, and set, AD channel reqd
2237 # exit if no more channels
2239 # wait for AD ready
223e # get channel returned
2242 # check correct channel
2245 # No, try read again
2247 # AD Low value
224b # AD High value
224e # incr ptr to save address
2253 # get destination address (hi+lo)
2256 # save AD value to destination.
2259 # next AD
225e ||#############################################################
225e |# A/D Definition. 3 byte entries
225e |# byte 1 = A/D channel no (0-12)
225e |# byte 2&3 = destination address
225e |# NB AD Ch 6 (MAF) is read and saved elsewhere, to 0x124
225e |#############################################################
225f # Throttle position sensor rate
2262 # Voltage Calibration Level
2265 # Voltage level (->793d)
2268 # Open Circuit Check
226b # Speed control system
226e # Exhaust Gas Oxygen sensor 2
2271 # Throttle position sensor (->794d)
2274 # Engine Coolant Temperature
2277 # Air charge temperature
227a # Auto shift posn (neutral/drive) NDS
227d # Exhaust Gas Oxygen sensor 1
2280 # EGR Valve position
2283 # end of Table
2283 ||##########################
2283 |# Table used for High Speed Output (HSO). Called from several places
1 |# 8 byte entries are -
1 |# Offset Description
1 |# 0,1 Subroutine call address
1 |# 3 HSO command to send, plus bits 6&7
1 |# B6 = 1 Don't keep o/p state in $44
1 |# B7 = 1 Do extra subroutine at [ptr+6] if set (only in $250d)
1 |# 4 Max count of Queued HSO events (hardware is 12 max) skip if higher
1 |# 5 Offset for this entry into RAM table at 2C5
1 |# 6,7 Subroutine call address
1 |# commands entries are therefore
1 |# 2286 ch 9 (KTS) ON, no int, don't keep state, call $24f9 ? don't call $6d11
1 |# 228e ch 9 (KTS) OFF, int , no ON, clear bit 9 call $250d then calls $6cd8
1 |# 2296 ch 5 (SPOUT) ON, no int, don't keep state, call $24f9 ? don't call $2c88
1 |# 229e ch 5 (SPOUT) OFF, int , no ON, clear bit 5 call $250d then calls $2c61
1 |############################################
22a5 ||##################################################################
1 |# Injector timing Table. 22 bytes per cyl (12 ON, 10 OFF ?)
1 |# (Offset, Size, Purpose)
1 |# 0 subroutine call - 325a is 'Send HSO' command
1 |# 2 ?
1 |# 3 byte HSO (ON) command to send
1 |# 4 byte 10 = count of or max for HSO queue ?
1 |# 5 byte offset into 2C5 scheduling Table
1 |# 6 byte bit mask for setting
1 |# 7 byte bit mask for clearing
1 |# 8 word injector cyl no (port no)
1 |# A word bit mask
1 |# #######################
1 |# C (0) Subroutine call - 3273 is 'Send HSO' Command
1 |# F (3) byte HSO (OFF) command to send
1 |# 10 (4) byte 12 = count of or max for HSO queue ?
1 |# 11 (5) byte offset into 2C5 scheduling Table
1 |# 12 (6) byte bit mask for setting
1 |# 13 (7) byte bit mask for clearing
1 |# 14 (8) word injector cyl no (port no)
1 ||##################################################################
2356 ||##################################################################
2356 |# called from HSOTable
2356 |##################################################################
235c ||#################################################################
235c |# Validate KAM signature and initialize if invalid
235c |##################################################################
2364 # to check KAM signature
2380 # KAM valid
2382 # KAM invalid
2385 # 700 = 0xAA
2389 # 7b0 = 0xC6
238d # 7e2 = 0x75
2398 # default EVP value
239c # Rolling avg of EPT sensor at Idle (counts)
23a1 # Init tables at 703 and 759
23ac # clear Idle Speed KAM IPSIBR cells
23b7 # Clear KAM Flags (7C0)
23bc ||###############################################################
1 |# Send command to HSO, does actual output
1 |# Input Parameter Registers:
1 |# R80,1,2 = 24 bit time to fire event
1 |# [R92 + 3] = HSO Command to send
1 |# R92 points to one of 2284 entries
1 |# Updates state in $44 if B6 of HSO Command is NOT set
1 |# sends injector pulses via HSO outputs
1 |# NOTE - this proc short cuts the caller, forcing its exit, if no queue flag is set
1 |###############################################################|
23bd # HSO command to send
23cb # Add Delta to master time (24 bit)
23db # time until event needs to fire (24 bit)
23de # Event time has passed - do immediately?
23e1 # time delta > 65535 IO times
23e7 # time < 29 uS - do immediately
23ef # time > 2.625 mS - skip
23f8 # schedule command execution (via 2284/2C5 Table)
23fd # compare to [Table+4] - count?
2403 # jmp back to schedule a task
2413 # HSO output overflow
2419 # jmp back to schedule a task
2419 ||########### Set up HSO entry in h/w
241b # set output change time
2420 # command to send - from R92 entry[3]
242b # = (timelo/256) & 7
242f # each slice is event count, in 614uS (0.6mS) slots ?
2436 # increment relevent slice
2453 # keep state (on or off)
2457 # flags = $4c:4 =1 others 0
245a # SHORT CUT, return to GRANDcaller
245c ||##############################################################
245c |# This proc defines a PWM ON or OFF event.
245c |# The volatile info (time etc) are saved in the 2C5 Table in spots from
245c |# 2284 Table 2286(ON), 228E(OFF), 2296(ON), 229E(OFF)
245c |# R80/81/82 24 bit time for event to execute (call events execute proc)
245c |# R92 - pointer to one of the two sides (on or off) of the event pairs in 2284 Table
245c |# 22A6 Table is valid too (ie 22B6)
245c |# check if this functions entry is currently scheduled
245c |# reserved for each ROM Table entry ( ROM offset 5 points to 2C5 Table entry)
245c |# schedule subroutine for timed execution
245c |#
245c |# link (2c5) first byte is status ? jmps to activate if N=1, FF = NOT scheduled
# 245c |# link is currently scheduled for execution
# 245c |# unlink entry from current execution time list
245c |##############################################################
245d # = 2C5 RAM Table offset for this entry
2461 # = 1st byte(link) of 2C5 entry
2469 # FF = out of service
246c # = link deactivated
2471 # +5, link to next entry (OFF?)
2477 # = link deactivated
247c # jump if end (no next entry)
247e # entry is valid so update link?
247e ||### populate entry - 2284 offset and new 24 bit activation time|
2483 # convert to Table offset
2488 # save *ROM* OFFSET in this 2C5 Table entry [1]
248d # save TimeLo16
2492 # save TimeHi8
2497 # load offset (2C5) to list head (?) from 2284 Table pointer
249b # R8A is link from R88 entry
24a1 # insert into list by activation time
24a1 ||#### insert entry in 2C5 list by activation time
24a3 # flip to other 'side' of entry ?
24a7 # traverse link + 5
24ad # jmp if valid 'link' to next entry - if N==0 && Z==0 then jmp to next entry
24ad ||### end of list - insert at end of list|
24af # save in other 'side' link?
24b9 # convert 2C5 offset to address
24c1 # (ROM offset? )offset 1 (0 value means time/entry not valid/active? )
24c6 # jmp if offset link = 0
24c6 ||### this is an active entry - compare event times|
24c8 # execute time Lo 16 bits
24d0 # execute time Hi 8 bits
24d5 # if new event time is after this entry time then jump
24d5 ||### insert in list before R8A entry|
24e5 # index to flip side of entry
24ed # pointer to base side of entry
24f8 ||#############################################################
1 |# subroutine called from $2296.
1 |# send command from Tptr+3, then change TPtr to next entry (+8)
1 |# and execute subroutine at [Tptr-2] ([Tptr+6] from orig locn)
1 |#############################################################
24f9 # send HSO command and other stuff
24fe # move to next entry
2502 # push return address
2508 # call subroutine from -2 of next entry
2509 # must reschedule the event
250b # drop through if reschedule
250b ||#############################################################
1 |# subroutine called from $2296.
1 |# send command from Tptr+3,
1 |# IF B7 Cmd SET - change TPtr to prev entry (-8)
1 |# and execute subroutine at [Tptr-14] ([Tptr+6] from orig locn)
1 |#############################################################
250d # send HSO command and other stuff
2515 # R92 pointer to Previous entry
2519 # push return address
251c # get subroutine address from ON entry
251f # call subroutine
2520 # must reschedule event
2522 # go to ON event execution
2524 # processed ?
2529 # Never gets to here !
# 252f # jump to computed address
2530 # schedule a routine for execution in 2284/2C5 Table
2532 ||###########################################################
1 |# Read HSI data
1 |# The opening arithmetic converts the 16 bit IO TIMER (o/flow every 0.157 secs)into 24 bit value
1 |# (with overflow every 40.2 secs).
1 |# R7a,b,c is the EVENT time for the HSI Interrupt
1 |# HSI data is then processed and reqd handlers called
1 |###########################################################
2537 # time diff
253b # add diff (24 bits)
2541 # set event time Hi
2544 # time diff since event (Lo)
2548 # add propogation delay ?
254c # corrected event time
2550 # (24 bit)
2553 # read HSI data
2556 # current state
2559 # get changed bits
255c # mask for valid inputs
255f # New state
256c # handle Ign Diag Mon
2572 # handle VSS counts
2578 # handle CID
257e # handle BP/MAP
2584 # handle KNK
258a # handle PIP
2590 # any more events ?
2599 # knock sensor fitted ?
259b # No, mask int
25a2 # CID sensor fitted ?
25a4 # Yes, allow int
25a7 # VSS sensor fitted ?
25ad # Yes, allow int
25b0 # flag extra events
25b6 # loop back until HSI stack empty
25b8 ||#############################################################
25b8 |# High Speed Output Port Output Interrupt Routine
25b8 |# Software interrupt every 1 msec
25b8 |# Input : R91 is flags?
25b8 |# Slice ptr is changed every 614uS? (0.6 mS) and is 0-8 (3b4-3bb)
25b8 |# This base s/w clock int is used to drive a large Table of s/w routines
25b8 |# This may be only for creating PWM output signals ?
25b8 |##############################################################
25bd # = 1msec at 15Mhz
25c2 # int enabled, level low, channel 10
25c5 # save current IO time
25c9 # save stack pointer
25cd # temp stack
25d3 # HSI time/256 & 7 ?
25d3 ||### loop around entries 0-7
25da # New time slice ?
25e5 # clear table entry
25ec # cheap reset for loop 0-7
25ef # loop back, next slice
25f1 || ##### Code segment 33e1 to 358d executed here and returns #####|
#25f1 ||# this int routine sets ** LSO ** lines from R46
#25f1 |# this int routine sets ** bidirectional IO lines from R47 (8 BITS *NOT* 2)
25f4 # BIDI O/P line 0 to ON
25f7 # R50 = (new ?) LSO and BIDI OP values
2601 # write OUTPUTS
2604 # drop bottom 3 BIDI O/Ps - why ?
2607 # Odd address ? save bits for ?
2607 ||#### traverse the 2C5 queue, execute subroutine for each entry whose time is up
2607 |#### does not remove or add any queue entries
2613 |# Init to top of loop
261b # exit when 2C5[R94] == 0
261f # map to 2284 Table entry
2625 # valid entry
262f # calc next entry
263a # loop exit when R96 == 0
2641 # loop back for next time slice
2643 # process valid entry
264c # update master ref time
264f # event time for this entry
2659 # time left to event
2663 # -ve, time passed, do immediately
2666 # still time left
266c # < 2mS to go, process it ?
266e # skip until later ?
2670 # late event, flag immediate
2679 # event time > 158 uS
267c # map to 2C5 Table pointer
2680 # map to 2284 Table entry
2684 # return address for call
2689 # call subroutine from 2284 Table
2695 # next 2C5 Table entry
269f # back for next entry
26bd # Prev Low Speed digital inputs?
26c5 # read bidirectional port
26c8 # keep bits 0 and 1
26ce # HSI sample
26d1 # Redundant ?
26d5 # save HSI AND Low speed sample
26d7 # last time HSI+ LS Sample
26db # bits changed since last read
26de # swop bits back ?
26e0 # Last sample
26e3 # compare for changes
26e9 # HSI and LS changes
26ec # save this sample for next time
26f2 # IO time difference for Watchdog
26fb # keep alive
26fe # update wdog time
2701 # keep the watchdog at bay
2703 # toggle line 6 (LOS)
2706 # no of byte locations to add up
2709 # init sum
270b # test for done adding
270e # move sum to RCF
2711 # exit loop
2713 # add 9 bytes of ? save to ?
271a # IO timer overflow pending?
271d # allow only IO timer OVF interrupts
2720 # restore saved stack pointer
2727 # safety delay ?
272a ||#############################################################
272a |## High Speed Input # 0 Interrupt Routine (read HSI data)
272a |#############################################################
272f # save stack pointer
2733 # temp stack pointer
2739 # read HSI data if avail
273b # restore old stack ptr and return
273b ||#############################################################
273b |# Master I/O Timer Overflow Interrupt Routine
273b |# neatly uses overflow to increment 32 bit counter.
273b |#############################################################
273e # increment I/O Timer overflow
2742 # flag Tmr overflow
2748 # save 32 bit time
274c # reset int mask
#32750 ||#############################################################
#32750 |# A/D End of Conversion Interrupt Routine
#2750 |# External Interrupt Routine
#2750 |# High Speed Input # 1 Interrupt Routine
#2750 |# High Speed Input Port Input Data Available Routine
#2750 |# Ignored interrupts linked to 2750
2750 ||#############################################################
1 |# Software Interrupt Handler ?
1 |# Reset S/W interrupt every 5 ms, (2083 IOTimer ticks = 5 mS)
1 |# and check Cal Console status and enter [console] routine if required
1 |# effectively gives console a timeslice every 5mS
1 |#############################################################
2754 # THIS interrupt time
2759 # zero means set no more SW ints
275f # interrupt earlier than time requested
2765 # remember int overflow ?
2768 # skip creating new int
276a # Next s/w interrupt in 5 Ms
2770 # avoid zero which means s/w ints are off
2772 # save NEXT s/w int time
2779 # set new software interrupt
277c # CONSOLE STATUS check
2781 # Console address ? IO time for next console call
278c # exit if no console
2798 # if time has passed ?
279e # console entry ?
27a5 ||##############################################################
1 |# Reschedule (or start) software interrupt
1 |# sets next software interrupt 5 millisecs after time in $298
1 |# Ignores if HSO overflow
1 |############################################################### |
27a9 # time of last s/w int
27ad # last int + 5msec
27b3 # avoid zero
27b5 # save NEXT time
27bc # set interrupt
27bf # clear ints overflowed flag ?
27c2 ||###############################################################
1 |# Table 4,6,8 cyls - used at 3E5D lookup for $3c2. Minimum PIP period for cyl 1 marker ?
1 |###############################################################
27c8 ||###############################################################
1 |# handle HSI line 0 data (PIP)
1 |# R7a,b,c = last HSI event time 24 bits
1 |# R50,1,2 = time delta (time since last PIP event)
27c8 |###############################################################
27ca # read MAF (AD ch 6)
27cd # clear Pip flag
27d0 # min PIP time to update RPM ?
27d9 # new PIP time in 24 bits
27e3 ||##### PIP High handler (Initialise if $2d:4 = 1)
1 |##### Initialise the 8 entry RAM table (2c5) from InjTab table (22a6)
27eb # Base of Table
27f3 # done - exit loop
27f5 # index into 2C5 Table (-3 ?)
27f9 # 24 bit PIP event time
2803 # next InjTab entry (22 bytes)
2807 # end of init loop
2809 ||##### PIP High handler (Run)
2815 # time too small - ignore it
#281c # PIP occurred after 50 msec
2823 # CID sensor present ?
2825 # AE fuel - sync = 1, async = 0. Init to 0
283a # Previous PIP period
283e # new PIP period 24 bits
2841 # period = time since last PIP Hi
2848 # High Data Rate Electronic Spark Present ?
284d # PIP time hi 8 bits
2852 # PIP time lo 16 bits
2858 # Sequential (1) or simultaneous (2) inject
2862 # PIP HSI event time lo 16 bits
2866 # PIP HSI event time hi 8 bits
286f # No of steps to Ramp Fuel, unitless
2875 # No of steps to Ramp Fuel, unitless
287d # No of PIPs which have occurred
28a1 # High Data Rate Electronic Spark present ?
28a4 # wait for A -D complete
28a7 # mask out channel no
28ae # save (raw MAF counts ?) 124
28c7 # routine in 2284 Table
28d1 # Underspeed Flag
28e1 # send HSO command and other stuff R92=2296
2918 ||######## PIP Low handler #######
2929 # PIP Elapsed time
292c # half (for equal Hi/Lo)
2933 # PIP hi-lo time delta (Pulsewidth)
2936 ||###### skip this section for narrow blade (cyl 1) if CID fitted,
1 |####### because then don't need to do all this work...|
293a # No Cyl ID sensor
2942 # = PIP Hi-Hi time/2 - Pip Hi-lo time
2946 # should be zero at steady state
294a # top byte PIPHi-Hi/Pip Hi-Lo
2951 # 9e68 is 20% of 65536
2953 # This is Cyl 1 - narrow blade/slot
295e # OK - cyl 1 expected do/keep SYNC
2981 # 9aac = 256
2989 # 9aa8 = 256
299b # UNSYNC
299b |#### end of narrow blade processing|
29ab # Spout Off command ?
29bc # send HSO command and other stuff
29c2 # Spout On command ?
29cd ||########################################################
1 |# handle CID (cylinder ident) Interrupt - sync to cyl no 1
1 |# $d1 (byte) is incremented by 32 (->2898) in PIPHi handler, so wraps
1 |# each 8 sparks. $d1 = 0 for cyl 1. Compares with 9aa8
1 |# are done as byte AND word, so the 256 word value is probably a flag marker
1 |# for newly synched ? The 128 use may show that CID changes state at cyl 4,
1 |# which would be a state switch for each crank revolution ?
1 |########################################################
29d7 ||####### CID High handler #####|
29de # = 128
29e4 # not = 128
29e6 UNSYNC cyls, set 128 for next rev & return
29f0 ||####### CID Low handler #####
29f6 # UNSYNC if underspeed
29ff # not = 0 so UNSYNC cyls & return
2a03 # OK - SYNC Cyl no
2a06 # 9aac = 256
2a0e # 9aa8 = 256
2a14 |#######################################################
2a14 |# Vehicle Speed sensor counts
2a14 |# handle VSS
2a14 |#######################################################
2a15 # masked input line data
2a18 # rising edge only
2a1b # count of VSS ring clicks
2a1d # timer - time since last click
2a24 # set interval start
2a27 # clear click count
2a2d # save event time 32 bit
2a31 ||#######################################################
2a31 |# data, first 3 entries are cyl/spark angle degrees (*4) = 180,120,90
2a31 |# last 3 entries are also ratio 1, 1.5, 2
2a31 |# matching 4,6,8 cyls - delay time for bank fired injection ?
2a31 |#######################################################
2a3c ||#################################
1 |# start with R50 = pip counter. KNKCYL =4
1 |# If R50 > 4, Decrement R50 until it equals 4.
1 |# if R50 < 4 then return unchanged Why go to all this trouble with a loop ?
1 |#################################
2a5a # SparkAdvance[ cyl 1 -8 ]
2a64 # Max degrees retard
2a6e # SparkAdvance[ cyl 1 -8 ]
2a92 # tip in retard max = 0
2a96 # Throttle position
2a9f # (degrees)
2ab7 # SparkAdvance[ cyl 1 -8 ]
2acc # Lower limit spark clip
2ada # Upper limit spark clip
2b22 # Spark Angle Pulse Width, msec.
2b34 # or no of PIPs per engine revolution
2b3d # PIP time lo 16 bits
2b4e # or no of PIPs per engine revolution
2b76 # Max allowed advance in spark timing between spout outputs
2b89 # PIP time lo 16 bits
2ba6 # Min RPM to enable transient spark routine
2baf # Hysteresis for TRSRPM
2bc0 # MAF input range error?
2bcd # PIP time lo 16 bits
2c34 # 27E+5C=02DA = 2C5 -15 right in the middle of our Table
2c52 # odd 2284 Table offset
2c5c # jump with existing return
2c61 ||# 22a0 proc - save zero flag in 2C5 entry or add PIP & ? time to R80/81/82
2c88 # 2284 entry proc
2c91 # 0 = TFI Controlled Dwell
2caa # Slope for PIP acceleration
2cc8 # Limit of PIP acceleration
2cf9 # Dwell Switch point
2cff # max low speed dwell
2d0c # max high speed dwell
2d28 ||################################################################
2d29 # wait for A -D complete
2d2c # mask off low bits
2d33 # save Raw MAF A/D reading
2d44 # MAF calibrate/lookup
2d88 # Manifold filling - slow filter
2d8c # Fraction - slow vs fast filter
2d92 # Manifold filling - fast filter
2dc6 ||################################################################
1 |# MAF/calibrate/lookup in transfer function
1 |# This seems to use its own code for func lookup for some reason
2dc6 |#######################################################################
2dcb # Scale raw MAF value
2dcf # Scale via Batt Ref Voltage
2dd5 # clamp max MAF voltage
2dd8 # save value
2ddc # MAF transfer function pointer
2de0 # Table max MAF voltage
2de5 # shortcut if max value/Air flow
2de9 # end Table look up
2ded # back up in MAF transfer function Table to the right value
2df4 # loop
2df8 # jmp ahead in the MAF transfer function to the right value
2dff # loop
2e05 # interpolate larger MAF
2e08 # larger air flow
2e0b # MAF difference
2e0e # MAF delta to interpolate
2e11 # air flow difference
2e1a # interpolated air flow
2e21 # Save last MAF tfr func ptr - for speed?
2e25 # old MAF value
2e29 # MAF not in Kg/Hr
2e2f # add old and new MAF values
2e36 # avg/2
2e45 # Running Total ?
2e5a |##########################################################
2e5b # start port = 0
2ed3 # Injector Pulse Width
2f06 # which edge for fuel pulse
2f1f # 180 = 4 cyl
2f37 # PIPs per engine revolution
2f9c # sequential (=1) or simultaneous (=2) injections
2fc1 || ########## something to do with injection and no of cyls called from 2f3b
2fc2 # 4 cyl
2fc4 # 6 cyl
2fc6 # 8 cyl
3006 # 8 - no of cyls
300e # R52 is cyl sequence ?
3013 # Load Injector firing order
3018 # ROM ptr to injector to fire from sequence no
301b # R50 is cyl no
301e # Injector Output Port
3023 # Ptr to port from cyl no
3026 # port to fire (0 or 2)
302c # test port - jmp on port = 0
303e # 8 - no of cyls
30d0 # injector firing order ?
30d5 # not self test
30d5 ||########### get cyl no (in R54)
30ef # entry no - 1
30f2 # 2284 Table cell for cyl
30f6 # convert cell to table pointer
30fa # =91B8, Injector Output Port
30ff # load port from cyl no
3104 # PulseWidth? - port 0 or 2
312a # set time for this injector to fire
3141 # 8 - no of cyls
3147 # wrap cyl count
3149 # what does this do?
3158 # watchdog and LOS reset
317f # Not called ?
318a # 2C5 Table ?
3199 ||######################################################################
3199 |# Bank Injection (unsynced fuel) setup ?
3199 |######################################################################
319a # R50 is scyl no ?
319e # Injector Output Port(Inj port vs cyl)
31a3 # add cylno
31a6 # load port (0 or 2) from ROM Table
31a9 # jmp if port == 0 (not 2)
31ac # change port 2 into 1
31ae # Table indexed by port 0 or 1
31b5 # PIP time lo 16 bits
31b8 # R50 = R50 * 8192
31c3 ||######################################################################
31c3 | Cyl Injection (synced fuel) setup ?
31c3 |######################################################################
3212 # schedule event time
3227 # Add for execution in 2284/2C5 Table
325a # send HSO cmd and other stuff
32cc ||######################################################################
32cc | Fuel addition for trip computer ? unsynced
32cc |#########################################################
32cf # Cyl No ?
32d3 # Injector Output Port Table
32db # load port 0 or 2 for this cyl
32f7 # Save time
32fb # Inj Pulse Width ms, R50 - port 0 or 2
333d ||######################################################################
333d | Fuel addition for trip computer ? synced
333d |#########################################################
3347 # 8 - no of cyls
3369 # entry for a cyl no?
336d # Injector Output Port Table
3372 # pointer to the bank for entry R92 cyl ?
3375 # bank to fire for this cyl
337b # Table? pulse width for port 0 (port 2 $208)
339c # schedule event time
33dd # Add for execution in 2284/2C5 Table
33e0 ||################################################################
33e0 |# update low speed controls - EGR, MIL/STO output, SCCS, CP, Idle Speed(ISC)
1 |# STATIC JUMP from 25f1 (not called as subr) and jumps back to 25f4, so is really part of
1 |# 'HSO Int1' High speed interrupt handler
1 |################################################################
33e1 # get AD chan 6 (MAF)
33e4 # EGR vac regulator OFF
33ea # EGR stuff done
3406 # EGR vacuum regulator ON
3413 ||#### Idle speed control ### |
3417 # ISC OFF (bypass air)
341a # ISC Duty Cycle ?
3420 # IFREQ - $b8/256
3425 # -ve, set to min ?
3428 # ISC ON
342d # No ISC reqd ?
342d ||### DOL update ###|
3437 # Toggle DOL state
3449 # block PIP interrupts ?
344f # jump past STO stuff
3457 # Allow PIP interrupts ?
345a # STO shift count (leftmost 1 bit at start)
345e # loop if bits left to output
3464 # Self Test Output trigger set - to turn off STO
3469 # Time difference
3470 # Update 24 bit master reference time
3473 # Hi 8 bits of current time
347d # current master time - RDA(STO time)
3481 # R56 = STO time - current time (hi bytes)
348a # jump if time remaining till STO > 3 mS
348a ||### very close to STO bit time end|
348c # set HSO time
3490 # set HSO chan 10 off + interrupt
3493 # IO time for each trouble code bit at selected output speed
3497 # IO time for each trouble code bit at selected output speed
349b # STO high 8 bits time
349f # set bit 0 of RD8 flag STO HOLDOFF (time to change to next bit? )
349f ||#### still shifting out error codes|
34a4 # bits remaining to be output
34a8 # STO SHIFT - shifted trouble code
34ac # next output bit? RIGHT SHIFT? SB left shift
34af # set STO hi/lo based on R52 bit 0
34af ||# handle STO/MIL lamp trouble codes output
34b1 # jump over STO if Self Test Output trigger clr
34b4 # bit to output is set
34b4 ||##### OFF bit |
34b7 # R52 = 0 - set STO off
34bc # R52 = 1 - set STO on
34c1 # R52 = 0 - set STO off
34c3 # clear STO on and OFF flags
34c6 # jmp to set STO line hi/lo
34c6 ||###### ON bit |
34c8 # clear RD6 bit 5 STO CODE
34cb # set RD6 bit 3 working
34ce # Self Test Trouble code
34d1 # 16 bit trouble code?
34d7 ||##### strip off leading zero bits in trouble code RD4|
34da # RD4 << 1 next bit of trouble code
34dd # leftmost 1 bit just shifted out
34df # decr 16 bit count of left most 1 bit
34e2 # 'backup' to leftmost one bit
34e4 # trouble code bit position (bit position of first != 0 bit)
34e4 ||##### select MIL lamp interval time in R50 and R54|
34ec # STO 'slow', 0x32dcd=0.5 secs
34f6 # STO 'fast', 0x823=5 millisecs
34ff # STO 'hyper', 0x341=2 millisecs
3501 # master time diff in R84
350f # STO timer value
350f ||######### compute time to change STO|
3513 # time for this next bit (lo 16)
351a # hi 8 time for this next bit
351e # allow next bit to queue up
3521 # MIL ON
3524 # trouble code flg
3527 # MIL OFF
352a # STO bit set for R52 time
353a # no PIP interrupt pending?
353e ||##### Speed control system (SCCS) #####|
3541 # SCCS Count
354b # Speed Control Vacuum Off
354e # Speed Control Vent On
3557 # SCCS vacuum active
355a # TOGGLE Speed Control Vacuum
355f # TOGGLE Speed Control Vent
356d # Loop back
356d ||##### canister purge timing (CP) #####|
356f # output line 1 OFF (canister purge)
3572 # 12B canister purge start period
3577 # 12D canister purge on time
357d # 12E canister purge period
3583 # 12B canister purge start period
3587 # canister purge enabled clear
358a # output line 1 ON (canister purge)
358d ||########################################################
358d |# handle HSI line 2 - BAP sensor
358d |########################################################
3593 # time of last read
3598 # delta time since last BP read
359c # update last time read
35a5 # why not just incb directly ?
35a8 # new BP calc reqd ?
35ab ||########################################################
35ab |# Byte function lookup with interpolate
35ab |# handles all 4 combinations of signed and unsigned in/out values
35ab |# IN R32 func address
35ab |# IN R34 input value
35ab |# OUT R38 = func(R34) as byte
35ab |########################################################|
35ac # signed input, unsigned output
35b1 # signed input, signed output
35b4 # unsigned input, signed output
35b7 # unsigned input, unsigned output
35bb # Signed input
35ca # Use below for result
35cd # Get values above and below i/p val
35e3 # Negative - remember
35f0 # Negative, fix sign
35f5 # add interpolated delta
35fd # cleanup
3600 ||#############################################################
3600 |# Word function lookup - as byte logic (but word instructions)
3600 |# IN R32 func address
3600 |# IN R34 input value
3600 |# OUT R38 = func(R34) as word
3600 |#############################################################
3653 ||#############################################################
1 |# Filter (rolling average) routine - signed and unsigned options
1 |# 3654 loads 3 params into R32, 34, 36
1 |# 365e loads 1 param into R36
1 |# 3663 loads 0 params
1 |# inputs R32 old, R34 New, R36 filter factor (rate)
1 |# output in R3e
3653 |#############################################################
3656 # OLD sensor value
365b # NEW sensor value
3660 # filter value
3663 # R36 = R3E * 65536 / (R36 + R3E)
3665 # flag as signed
366a # R36 = R3E * 65536 / (R36 + R3E)
366c # flag as unsigned
366e # difference (new -old)
3672 # jump if signed
3675 # effectively +ve result (unsigned)
3677 # effectively -ve result (unsigned)
3679 # jmp if difference is NOT negative
367b # set bit 0 - neg result flag ?
367d # reverse diff, so ABS (diff)
367f # ABS(diff ) * R36(filter factor)
3682 # neg scaled diff Hi 16 bits
3684 # jmp if scaled diff > 0000FFFF
3686 # neg scaled diff LO 16 bits
3688 # jmp - scaled diff is ZERO
368a # any fraction to next whole num
368c # negative flag
3691 # add filtered diff to old AD value (in R3E)
3694 ||#############################################################
1 |# Get a caller's WORD param and increment return address
1 |# can be called more than once (see above)
1 |# If positive, returned as is.
1 |# If top bit set, map to ROM. All calls in this bin are D0nn
1 |# which maps to [f8] + nn as word address to look up
1 |# Range used is D040 (at 5400) to D060 (at 410c) which gives actual
1 |# ROM addresses of 97E8-9808
1 |# return R3c with lookup ADDRESS
3694 |#############################################################
3695 # This subroutine's return addr
3697 # Caller subroutine's return addr
369c # 3C = Word param from caller
369f # restore caller address (+2)
36a1 # restore this return address
36a3 # return unchanged if top bit clear
36a6 # = f0 register offset (R3c top byte)
36a9 # clear reg offset (top nibble)
36ac # top nibble down 3 (reg offset * 2)
36af # force even for register offset
36b2 # return (param & fff)+[e0+x*2]
36b7 ||##############################################################
1 |# Rolling Average/smoothing Filter calc
1 |# R36 = Timer * 65536 / (R36 + Timer)
#R36 = (r3e*65536)/(r36+R3e) = r3e/(R36+R3e) * 65536 = 1 + r3e/r36
1 |# Aspinput flag uses preset value for timer which is
1 |# used only for AM (airflow) filtering,
1 |# otherwise uses background timer as base param
1 |# outputs:
1 |## routine scale filtering difference by factor
1 |#############################################################
36bb # Background Loop Timer
36c4 # divisor + timer
36c9 # clip to max FF
36d1 # clip to max on overflow?
36d7 ||#############################################################
36d7 |# Table lookup with 3 way interpolate (2 vars X and Y) Signed and unsigned
1 |# R30 = X value. (column) 'whole' in top byte (R31), fraction in lower (R30)
1 |# R32 = Y value (row 'whole' in top byte (R33), fraction in lower (R32)
#36d7 |# R30 is parameter A
#36d7 |# R32 is parameter B
36d7 |# R34 is Table width (no of columns)
36d7 |# R38 is the Table pointer
36d7 |# result in R3B
36d7 |#############################################################
36d8 # Signed scaled Table (not used)
36db # scale up by 16
36dd # Byte param A * 16
36e2 # Byte param B * 16
36e7 # Signed Table
36ea # Unsigned Table
371e ||#############################################################
1 |# single dimension interpolate - signed or unsigned
1 |#############################################################
3722 # SIGNED interpolate calc
373c # UNSIGNED interpolate calc
374e ||#############################################################
1 |# Timer checks against list address supplied in R30.
1 |# Result is carry set/clr. Looks like (timed) enabler check for several functions
1 |# Closed loop, EVP, CANP etc
1 |#############################################################
3785 ||#################################################################
3785 |# Set RPM Flags mode - cranking, underspeed. run etc
3785 |#################################################################
3790 # (225 RPM)
3799 # ECTCNT <=8 ?
37a1 # RPM>225, ECTCNT<=8, PIPCNT>8, clear CRANKING
37a6 # RPM > 255
37ab # set underspeed and exit
37ad # cranking flag not set
37b5 # RPM < 50
37c1 # set cranking and other flags
37c6 # cranking not set, RPM >= 50
37cf # RPM < 200, Underspeed limit low, set underspeed
37d1 # R30 = 300RPM
37d8 # RPM < 300, Underspeed limit high, exit
37df # RPM > 300 clear underspeed if set
37eb # set underspeed if necessary
37ee # Underspeed transition
37f2 ||#################################################################
37f2 |# Update Throttle flags (RAA is Throttle position)
37f2 |#################################################################
37fa # Min+delta
37ff # Min>=delta, clr WOT
3804 # TP <= max, clr WOT
3806 # hysterysis?
3811 # Closed Throttle ?
381a # WOT breakpoint (TPS voltage - 1)
382e # set WOT
384d ||#################################################################
384d |# Read Analog to Digital channels new state
384d |#################################################################
3857 # jmp to ACT test
3857 ||#### update EVP
3859 # skip EVP update
385c # default EVP
3860 # filtered EVP saved in KAM
3868 # go to ACT test
386a # use 128 as ACT
386d # raw EVP 116
387d # OK, use as new value
387f # go to ACT test
3881 # Default EVP ? 128
3885 ||#### update ACT
3889 # skip ACT test
389c # AD to degrees F
38a1 # input for ACT calc (addr= 115)
38a7 # R38 is our new ACT
38a7 ||#### ACT sensor is BAD
38a9 # do NOT use ECT as new ACT ?
38af # use ECT as ACT
38b1 # do NOT set ACT from ROM ?
38b4 # Default ACT ?
38b8 ||##### update ACT
38cd # BAD sensor
38cf # AD to degrees F
38d4 # Input for ECT calc (addr=113)
38da ||###### invalid ECT sensor reading
38dc # use ACT for ECT ?
38f9 # Default ECT value from ROM ? (75 deg ?)
38fe # previous Engine Coolant Temp - degrees F ?
3901 # new ECT value to filter and save
3904 # R38 = R38 * 256
3907 # filter factor
390b # FILTER (factor times difference added back)
390d # Filterd Engine Coolant Temperature
3910 # Counts up after h/w reset
3914 # TKYON2 - compare whole seconds
3918 # jump timer <= ROM time
3921 # jmp time <= 8 secs?
3923 # div by 8
3929 # incr putimer
392b ||#### update TP|
392f # TP sensor has failed ?
393c ||#### TP is out of range|
394e # range error
3950 # TP sensor has failed ?
395b # Change in TP if not at idle (as indicated by AM) To permit Part Throttle operation
3962 # default value
3965 ||################# update TAR - Throttle position sensor rate|
3968 # min rate?
396c # read raw TAR sensor 120
3972 # clamp to zero
397b # round up
397f # TAR scaled and translated? 29E
397f ||############################## update BP
399b # filter R35 as new TP
399d # Never gets here !
399f # time of last BP pulse ?
39ae # Faulty BAP?
39bd # BP counts
39c0 # time of last BP read
39c4 # reset count to zero
39c6 # disallow odd BP counts
39d4 # BP count == zero?
39d6 # Time of last BP read - R18 is delta time?
39e0 # convert counts to freq by dividing by time
39eb # = 106666667/freq
39ee # Table 8C78 - conversion to atmo
39f6 # round up to save byte vs word
39fa # save BP 12F
39fe # time of last BP calc
3a09 # new AD sensor value
3a0b # Old AD sensor value, filtered BP
3a0f # filter new/old AD input
3a14 # filtered BP
3a18 # BP - barometric pressure 1FE
3a23 # time of last BP read/calc
3a23 ||##### update MAF|
3a35 # max MAF count
3a3c # min MAF count
3a41 # range OK
3a43 # MAF count out of range error
3a46 # bad MAF sensor retry interval (3)
3a4a # set bad MAF retry interval
3a4a |# valid MAF sensor reading
3a51 # counts since last bad MAF read
3a57 # decr bad MAF read count but clamp to zero
3a68 # clr MAF input range error?
3a6b # jmp if MAF out of range error
3a6b |# MAF sensor read is bad - calc air mass by speed density
3a92 # spark RPM scaling
3aa7 # clamp to zero (throttle closing? )
3aa9 # Normalized delta TP, used for MAF sensor failure Table lookup.
3afe |# Update NDS and ACC (multiplexed inputs)
3b0d # last raw AD NDS/A3C
3b1c # A/C cycling control switch is open
3b3e # A/C cycling control switch is closed
3b44 # save last NDS/A3C
3b48 # Transmission Load switch
3b4f # 1 = Drive.
3b52 # Manual Trans, no clutch or gear switches, forced neutral state (NDSFLG = 0).
3b5a # 1 = Drive.
3b63 # time since Neutral/Drive Switch State change, sec.
3b65 # Manual Transmission, both clutch and gear switches.
3b6d # 1 = Drive.
3b70 # Drive Neutral select.
3b75 # 1 = Drive.
3b7d # time since Neutral/Drive Switch State change, sec.
3b82 # clr Drive Neutral select.
3b8a # OUTPUT = Seconds.
3b92 # time since Neutral/Drive Switch State change, sec.
3b97 # set Drive/Neutral Select.
3b9a # clear Power Steering Flag.
3ba2 || ###### CHECK EGOs - handle cross, rich to lean, or lean to rich
3ba2 | ## check EGO 1|
3ba3 # Mixture cross flag EGO1
3baa # Trip Voltage
3bae # 4.17v = Rich
3bb0 # jump if already rich (No Cross)
3bb3 # Set Mixture Rich
3bb8 # jump if already lean
3bbb # mixture is lean
3bbe # Set CROSS flag
3bc1 # sensor 1
3bc5 || ## check EGO 2 (same but different flags)|
3be4 # sensor 2
3be7 ||#### Update Brake On / Off (A/C ? )|
3bec # BIHP Brake Input H/w Present
3bf0 # jmp if not A/C or BOO sensor input
3bf2 # jmp if not BOO HIGH
3bf5 # Brake is on.
3bfb # HSI bit 3 is STI - Self Test Input - on the fly test
3bfe ||###############################################################################
3bfe |# KeyPower may be read thru a 20k and 4.35K voltage divider yielding 17.86% of battery voltage to AD input
3bfe |# Update VCAL/KEYPWR
3bfe |# VCAL is 2.5Volts giving an AD reading of 7FE0
3bfe |# a 14V battery thru the divider gives a 2.5V AD input
3bfe |# resulting battery voltage level is times 16
3bfe |###############################################################################
3c05 # R34L = 28000000
3c0b # chk for div by zero (VCAL regulator is bad)
3c10 # 28000000/VCAL = 5014 without voltage error
3c15 # VCAL default
3c15 ||# validate VCAL range|
3c27 # clamp range err
3c27 ||# normalize KEYPWR voltage|
3c2b # = B32C (gives 380BBF70 w/o voltage err)
3c2f # hi 16 bits of 32 bit result
3c32 # raw KEYPWR (17.86% of bat voltage)(result is VBat * 2)(result Hi SB 1BFE w/o errs)
3c36 # check max voltage in top 16 of 32 bit result (~15.94V)
3c3a # clamp voltage
3c3c # now volts * 16
3c41 # max voltage
3c41 ||# filter battery voltage level|
3c44 # OLD AD sensor value Lo = 211 - Battery Voltage Level
3c48 # NEW AD sensor value Lo
3c4b # filter new AD input - battery voltage
3c4e # filter factors (lookup in ROM)
3c50 # updated AD value = 211 - Battery Voltage Level * 16
3c57 # Table injector offset vs battery volts
3c7f # scale and translated TAR
3c8d # engine load (VE? )
3cce ||###################################################################
3cce |# Count the no of times switched between rich and lean (of stiochoimetric)
3cce |# 2A4 - total crosses
3cce |# 2A5 - EGO1 crosses
3cce |# 2A6 - EGO2 crosses
3cce |###################################################################
3ccf # Increment CROSS COUNT by BANK
3cdc # clamp max to FF
3ce3 ||#################################################################
3ce3 |# Update (MPH) vehicle speed values
3ce3 |# get sample interval time end and click count
3ce3 |# see routine 2A15 for click count
3ce3 |# 02AC = filtered MPH
3ce3 |# 02B2 = unfiltered MPH
3ce3 |# 02BC = filtered MPH
3ce3 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 12
3ce3 |#################################################################
3ce6 # (VSS)
3ce9 # IO time for HSI going 'high'
3cf1 # VSS speed ring clicks
3cf1 |# start new sample interval
3cf6 # time since last click
3cff # timed out, clear and reset
3cff |# check for any click count
3d04 # no clicks?
3d07 # jmp if valid sample
3d09 # NEW MPH = last MPH
3d09 |# calc time per speed ring click
3d0f # time hi 8 bits
3d12 # time since start of this RB2 click count (24 bits)
3d1b # = time per VSS click
3d20 ||# calc MPH - 96000000/2.4 = 40000000. 4000 clicks per mile ?
3d23 # = 96000000
3d2b # 96M / R14(time per click) = distance per time (MPH? )
3d33 # NEW (unfiltered) MPH
3d37 # IOTIme of this sample (24 bits)
3d48 # Filtered vehicle speed (1)
3d55 # Filtered vehicle speed (2)
3d59 ||#################################################################
3d59 |# Update heated windshield flag - check for some frequency input
3d59 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 10
3d59 |#################################################################
3d5a # A3C flag
3d5e # subtract from last state
3d63 # no state change
3d65 # last state = current state
3d75 # 250mS
3d83 # 300mS
3d85 # defrost already on ?
3d88 # jmp if HWFLGL - first time
3d8e # set first time defrost on
3d99 # jmp if A3C - is AC on?
3d9f || ############# RPM calc tables ###################################
1 |# first list is top word, second is bottom word of 32 bit variable
1 |# used below, where rpm*4 = value/PIP interval (in IOtimer ticks)
1 |##################################################################
3da6 # = 2faf080 = 50,000,000 4 cyl
3da8 # = 1fca055 = 33,333,333 6 cyl
3daa # = 17d7840 = 25,000,000 8 cyl
3daa ||#################################################################
1 |# Update RPM variables - filtering as required and other stuff
1 |# 0x108 ($108) RPM with filter 1
1 |# 0x27C ($27c) RPM with filter 2
1 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 14
1 |# RAE is raw RPM ( engine RPM * 4 )
1 |#################################################################
3db0 # time since last PIP recieved ?
3db6 # RPM = 0?
3dd1 # short entry 2284 - spout?
3dd8 # send HSO command 55 ands lots of other stuff - spout?
3de4 # 2nd short entry 2284 - spout?
3deb # send HSO command C5 ands lots of other stuff - spout?
3dfb # Hi word from table
3e00 # Lo word from table
3e05 # PIP time Lo
3e08 # Pip time Hi (byte)
3e0b # normalize time value (R38Long)
3e0e # divide. (val/pip time = RPM)
3e11 # engine RPM is in bottom bits of LONG shift
3e13 # new RPM
3e16 # RAE = RPM * 4
3e42 # = 256
3e49 # R32 = 16
3e4d # 8 - no of cyls
3e51 # piplim = 4
3e59 # R14 is index (0,2,4)=(4,6,8 cyls)
3e5d # 27C4 [4] = 3200
3e61 # sim min = 3200
3e67 # Min PIP Period
3e6a # Min PIP dly = 961
3e6d # = 13107 20% of 65536
3e7b ||#################################################################
3e7b |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 20
3e7b |#################################################################
3ea7 # spark RPM scaling
3eb5 # emission load scaling
3eba # raw engine load (= VE? )
3ecd # Air Meter Backflow Correction Table
3ed9 # Table 9204 ? vs RPM
3f0e # =Closed TP
3f69 # = 66
3f7d # = 9A
4011 # = 0
4025 # = A0
404b # EGR Mass Flow
4057 # clamp max to FFFF
4063 |# engine displacement = 1B4A = 6986 - engine displacement (unit = 0.0430981 Cubic Inches)#|
406c # clamp max to FFFF
406f # SET engine load
406f ||# speed density VE calc? RPM*BP/#00EF = ? #|
4082 # BP * fs(RPM)
408b # clamp max to FFFF
4096 # never jumps ?
409d # div by 2
40a0 # air flow / (RPM * CID) = VE (=Load)
40a5 # clamp max to FFFF
40a8 # Volumetric Efficiency (=Load)
40b5 # Save filtered Load
40b9 ||#################################################################
40b9 |# Update EGR stuff?
40b9 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 24
40b9 |#################################################################
40ba # PFE EGR Present
40c9 # save result
40d6 # 166
40f5 # Save result
40fc # filtered result EVP 2
4101 # filtered result EVP 1
4115 # Store result
412c # Save result
4130 # RPM <= 450 RPM ?
413c # update to smaller Min TP Closed position
4140 ||#################################################################
1 |# Check for RPM and Speed limiters
1 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 26
1 |# RPM values here are RPM * 4
1 |# Overspeed RPM, sets stage 3 fuel limiter
####1 |NB - THESE ARE NOT STOCK REV LIMITS !ROM checksum error cause!
1 |#################################################################
4141 # = 0x9a82 = 8000 rpm
414b # > 8000 rpm - Half fuel ON
414e # = 0x9a84 = 7500 RPM
4153 # < 7500 rpm - Half fuel OFF
415a # tracking vehcle speed ? = 1
4163 # vehicle speed filtered(1)
4167 # Speed Limiter A = FF ON
416a # jmp if speed < FF (ALWAYS)
416f # Speed Limiter A = FF OFF
4172 # jmp if speed < FF
4177 # Speed Limiter B = FF ON
417a # jump if speed <= ROM limit
417f # Speed Limiter B = FF OFF
4182 # jmp if speed >= ROM limit
4196 # 1 = High speed alternate fuel/spark
4199 # 1 = fire alternate injectors
41a0 ||#################################################################
41a0 |# Update closed loop flags
41a0 |# Update warm EGO flags
41a0 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 28
41a0 |#################################################################
41aa # 260 Volumetric Efficiency
41b0 # set LDFlag
41b5 # 260 Volumetric Efficiency
41bb # clr LDFlag
41be # LDFlag
41c1 # WOT flag?
41c4 # Engine Temp 254 degrees F ?
41ca # Engine Temp 220 degrees F ?
41da # jmp if not WMEGOL
41f3 # EGOCL1 = 1
41ff # open loop min load(min load for OL control)
4203 # engine load (VE? )
420e # min load for closed loop
4214 # engine load (VE? )
421d # Table 9CAC
4233 # Upper LOAD Limit for Closed Loop Fuel Control,unitless
4245 # open loop tp Voltage (throttle position to force open loop (TPS voltage - 1))
4259 # Hysteresis term to enter WOT mode
4298 # High load timer - 1/8 seconds under high load so far
429c # time at high load to force Open loop(seconds)
42ab # 1 = closed loop control mode
42b6 # set open loop
42bd # ENPIP1 = 1
42c1 # ENPIP2 = 1
42e4 # no of HEGOs
4307 # Desired fuel ratio for the left side bank
430b # Desired fuel ratio for the right side bank
4365 ||########|
4366 # emission rpm scaling
4374 # load scaling
4379 # engine load (VE? )
438c # HEGO BIAS
4394 # computed HEGO bias?
43ad # Closed Loop Peak-to-Peak amplitude, lambdas.
43c1 # time delay from when fuel change made until the EGO sensor sees it
4439 # 20A - LAMBSE1( )[divide by 32768]
444f # clamp overflow
4452 # clamp R34 Lambda to ROM limits (19.0:1 to 10.98:1)
4454 # 20A - LAMBSE1( )[divide by 32768]
44a8 # 20A - LAMBSE1( )[divide by 32768]
44be # clamp overflow
44c1 # clamp R34 Lambda to ROM limits (19.0:1 to 10.98:1)
44c3 # 20A - LAMBSE1( )[divide by 32768]
44fd |# clamp R34 Lambda to ROM limits
44fd ||######|
44fe # LAMMAX (A/F ratio 19.0:1)
4508 # LAMMIN (A/F ratio 10.98:1)
4512 ||######|
4513 # 20A - LAMBSE1( )[divide by 32768]
4526 # 20A - LAMBSE1( )[divide by 32768]
452b ||######|
452c # used for Table lookup
4545 # 260 Volumetric Efficiency
4552 # Base Fuel (A/F ratio) (ECT vs load)
455a # Open Loop Fuel Multiplier vs ACT
455f # RB1 = ACT (ACT = RB1 * 4)
458e # Startup Fuel (A/F ratio)(ECT vs Time)
45ae # Sea Level Lugging O/L Fuel Multiplier vs RPM
45c1 # barometric pressure
45cb # Altitude Lugging O/L Fuel Multiplier vs RPM
45f2 # fuel closed throttle open loop multiply
4631 # Table spark RPM scaling
463f # Table 9016
4644 # 260 Volumetric Efficiency
4654 # Manage Fuel Air Fuel Table, 10 x 8 Table of multipliers as a function of engine speed N and LOAD
4678 # selects which "WOT Fuel Multiplier vs RPM" Table to use
467b # WOT Fuel Multiplier vs RPM 1
4685 # WOT Fuel Multiplier vs RPM 2
469e # LAMBSE modifier?
46af # fuel open loop multiplier (LAMBSE)
46c0 # high speed flag?
46c3 # Table (vehicle speed - LAMBSE)
46c8 # vehicle speed filtered(1) (MPH) 2BC is 8.8 format VSS
46df # Desired fuel ratio for the left side bank of injectors
46e3 # Desired fuel ratio for the right side bank of injectors
46e7 ||#################################################################
46e7 |# temp something?
46e7 |#################################################################
46e8 # RB1 = ACT (ACT = RB1 * 4)
46ff ||#################################################################
46ff |# Adaptive something
46ff |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 2A
46ff |#################################################################
4703 # Run/Underspeed Flag. (1 = Underspeed or CRANK, 0 = Run)
4706 # ? ROM 9AE2=55
470a # jump if ECT < 170 degrees Farenheit
470c # ROM 9AE3=71
4710 # jump if ECT > 226 degrees Farenheit
4712 # set Adaptive Fuel Time Flag
4715 |############## not at operating temp(too hot or cold)
471b # Adaptive Fuel Time Flag
4745 # the column no of the Adaptive Learning Cell to be updated
4769 # ECC Load Scaling - emission load scaling
476e # engine load (VE? )
478a # Table spark RPM scaling
47a3 # Adaptive Learning Cell to be updated
47af # Adaptive Learning Cell to be updated
4803 # min act for adaptive control
4809 # max act for adaptive control
483e # computed HEGO bias
486d # KAM index = 0
4877 # KAM Table[R3E] write something?
4884 # KAM index = 1
4893 # KAM Table[R3E] write something?
4896 ||################################################################
4896 |# R3E = ? error?
4896 |################################################################
48a2 # 20A - LAMBSE1( )[divide by 32768]
48ac # KAM - read value from KAM Table
48b3 # KAM - write value back to KAM Table
48b8 # 9E00 - read index ROM Table value
48ce # ROM adaptive control min
48d9 # KAM Table store
48de # KAM checksum
48e3 # update KAM cksum and return
48ed # 20A - LAMBSE1( )[divide by 32768]
48f5 # return
48f7 # KAM - read indexed KAM value
48fc # incr value
48fe # KAM - store back into KAM loc
4903 # 9E00
490b # pull value from ROM Table
490e # byte << 1 (times 2)
4919 # adaptive control max
4924 # KAM - store value into same loc as above
4929 # KAM checksum
492e # incr cksum to match incr to value
4930 # KAM checksum
495f # KAM Table 1 Lo byte of ?
4964 # KAM Table 2 Hi byte of ?
496b # spark RPM scaling
4979 # ECC Load Scaling - emission load scaling
497e # engine load (VE? )
4993 # KAM Table 1 Lo byte of ?
4998 # KAM Table 2 Hi byte of ?
49a1 # KAM Table 1 Lo byte of ?
49a6 # KAM Table 2 Hi byte of ?
49bd # KAM Table 1 Lo byte of ?
49c2 # KAM Table 2 Hi byte of ?
49cb # KAM Table 1 Lo byte of ?
49d0 # KAM Table 2 Hi byte of ?
4a17 # jmp if the no of HEGOs != 1
4a17 |# One HEGO case
4a1e |# Two HEGO case (zero hegos? )
4a86 ||################################################################
4ab5 # no of cyls (8)
4ad6 ||#################################################################
4ad6 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 2C - calc injector pulse width?
4ad6 |#################################################################
4adf # Cranking Fuel Pulse Width vs ECT
4aea # barometric pressure
4afa # injector pulse width?
4afd # fuel crank pw multiply time
4b0d # R3CL * 4 and clamped
4b0f # injector slope low
4b1f # R3CL * 4 and clamped
4b3b # Desired fuel ratio for the left bank
4b47 # Desired fuel ratio for the right bank
4b58 ||#################################################################
4b58 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 8E Fall thru?
4b58 |#################################################################
4b6e # MAF input range error?
4b8e # Table 989E
4bb0 # set flags effecting 7XXX ad reads ?
4bd4 # Table 922C
4bd9 # Battery Voltage Level * 16
4be9 # injector slope low
4bf7 # injector slope high
4bf7 |# mult R3C long times 4 and clam max to FFFF -FFFF
4cbd # clamp max R3F to 3FFF
4cc9 ||#################################################################
4cc9 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 1E
4cc9 |# update fuel comsumption for DOL
4cc9 |#################################################################
4cca # Fuel Sum High
4cd0 # No of injectors fired by each output port.
4cf8 # add to Data Output Link Count
4cfc ||##########################################################
4d08 # 9ABD - NITMR3 - ATMR1 timed delay to enter Closed Loop fuel after Hot start, sec. Range of 0 to 255 sec., accuracy 1 sec.
4d30 # spark RPM scaling
4d41 # injector time load scaling
4d46 # engine load (VE? )
4d53 # Injector Timing (crank degrees)(RPM vs Load)
4d67 # injector delay global = 0
4d85 # Save filtered sensor output
4d8e # engine load (VE? )
4da2 # engine load (VE? )
4e10 # min rpm decel fuel shutoff
4e3e # engine load (VE? )
4e56 # Decel fuel low load timer enabled flag, 1 = Count up timer.
4e6c # Open Loop Fuel Multiplier vs RPM
4e83 # min ect decel fuel shutoff (140.0DegF)
4ef3 ||#################################################################
4ef3 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset E
4ef3 |#################################################################
4efb # scale and translated TAR
4f08 # engine load (VE? )
4f18 # Table 8C9E fuel tp scaling
4f1d # scale and translated TAR
4f27 # Table 8CA8 fuel XX scaling (what is XX?)
4f3f # accel pump rate - (Deg/sec vs ECT)
4f4a # Accelerator Enrichment Multiplier vs TP
4f4f # RAA is Throttle position - 126 - RATCH=Closed TP
4f61 # BP - barometric pressure
4f65 # Table 90A6
4f75 # accel pump multiplier
4fa4 # Table 8CD2
4fb9 # Table 8CFA load scaling
4fbe # engine load (VE? )
4fd4 # Table 9D38
4fea # Table 9CE8
50ed ||#################################################################
1 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 2E
1 |# Update fuel pump enable. Skip if flag set.
1 |# turn pump off if more than 1 sec elapsed since last PIP occurred
50ed |#################################################################
50f9 # 1024 = 1 second
5102 ||#################################################################
510c # Table 97C7
5116 # WOT flag
5128 # compare to raw EVP AD value
5135 ||#################################################################
5135 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 30
5135 |# EVP something
5135 |#################################################################
5136 # 97D9 EGR Type contents = 00 - egr type ( 0=sonic, 1=PFE, 2=none)
513a # jmp if sonic or no EGR
513d # PFEHP FLG - sonic h/w present from calibration data
5140 # jmp if EGR = none or sonic
5143 # BG POINT
5146 # 288 EM - EGR Mass Flow = zero
514a # 16E - EGRACT - Actual EGR percent = 100*EM/AMPEM.
5155 # PFEHP FLG - sonic h/w present from calibration data
515b # Table 98B0 - BP correction for exhaust backpressure calculation, "Hg
5160 # BP - barometric pressure
5167 # 1FF - BPCOR - BP corrected
516b # KAMRF1 - Adaptive Fuel strategy correction factor. It is composed of the value LTMTB1rc + .5
5170 # RA2 = AM -> Air mass flow, (lb/min)
517e # Table 98BA - Upstream pressure as a function of (AM * KAMREF). (KAMREF = Adaptive fuel correction factor), "H20.
518a # 1FF - BPCOR - BP corrected
519e # 104 - EPTBAR - Rolling average of the synchronously sampled EPT sensor (time constant = TCEPT), secs
51a5 # filtered EVP saved in KAM
51b0 # 97D4 - XFREPT - Transfer function of EPT sensor, " H20/counts
51cc # 176 - DELPR - Pressure drop across the control orifice, " H20 = PE - DP
51d0 # Table 995E - EGR mass flow as a function of DELPR, lb/min.
51d8 # BP - barometric pressure
51ee # 288 EM - EGR Mass Flow
51fc # 157 - ISCFLG - ISC MODE Flag (1 = RPM CONTROL Mode)
5205 # 20E - DELOPT - Filtered desired EGR valve position.
520b # 170 - EVP - EGR valve position reading in A/D counts.
520f # 128 - EOFF - The EGR valve reading when the valve is fully closed in A/D counts
5217 # Table 9904 - EGR mass flow as a function of EGR valve position (EVP -EOFF).
5222 # BP - barometric pressure
522e # 288 EM - EGR Mass Flow
5232 # 288 EM - EGR Mass Flow
524c # old AD sensor value - EGRACT - Actual EGR percent = 100*EM/AMPEM.
5250 # save new over old value 16E - EGRACT - Actual EGR percent = 100*EM/AMPEM.
5256 # PFEHP FLG - sonic h/w present from calibration data
525e # filtered sensor output - EGRACT - Actual EGR percent = 100*EM/AMPEM.
5267 # EGRMPT - Calibration time delay to ramp EGR in, secs.
526b # 9E5F - CTLOW - Temperature of Engine Coolant at Cold Startup, deg F.
5274 # set TSEGRE FLG -
5277 # 264 timer TSEGRE - Accumulated time EGR is enabled.
527d # clr TSEGRE FLG -
5280 # set 264 timer TSEGRE
5284 # PFEHP FLG - sonic h/w present from calibration data
5287 # EGREN - Flag which indicates EGR enabled
528a # 16F - EGRATE - Desired EGR rate in percent
528e # 20E - DELOPT - Filtered desired EGR valve position.
52ac # Table 8CDE Engine speed N normalizing function
52ba # Input = LOAD and Output = Normalized load
52bf # engine load (VE? )
52d2 # Table 99AE - Sea level EGR Table.
52dd # 201 - MULT BP212A - ?
52f0 # Table 99FE - Altitude EGR Table.
52fb # Table 98F8 - EGRALT multiplier as a function of Barometric Pressure BP.
5300 # BP - barometric pressure
530f # Table 98E2 - Multiplier as a function of ECT.
531d # Table 991C - Multiplier as a function of Air Charge Temperature ACT.
5322 # RB1 = ACT (ACT = RB1 * 4)
5333 # 97CD X EGR Table multplier.
533a # 264 TSEGRE - Accumulated time EGR is enabled (sec)
5340 # 97D2 - EGRMPT - Calibration time delay to ramp EGR in, sec.
534e # MFAFLG - Managed Fuel Air State flag, set to 1 if MFA is being used.
5354 # generates Table entry point. Input = N and Output = Normalized N.
5362 # generates Table entry point. Input = LOAD and Output = Normalized Load.
5367 # engine load (VE? )
5374 # Table 9A4E - Managed fuel Air EGR Table. X -input = FN083 - Normalized Engine Speed, RPM Y -input = FN082 - Normalized load. Output = Multiplier.
53d1 # BP - barometric pressure
53da # Table 9926
5400 # FILTER old, new, factor
5409 # check result
540f # clamp value if nec.
5413 # save filtered output
545b # Table 9986
5467 # BP - barometric pressure
5484 # orig value
548f # filtered value
549e # filtered EVP saved in KAM
54bc # 288 EM - EGR Mass Flow
54cc # 104 - EPTBAR
54d0 # 17C - CONPR
54d4 # 174 - DESDP
54d8 ||#################################################################
54d8 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 32
54d8 |# EGR stuff
54d8 |#################################################################
54d9 # PFE HP flag
54dc # 20E - DELOPT
54e2 # 97D0 - EGRDED
54e6 # 128 - EOFF
54ef # 170 - EVP
54f5 # jmp if EGRFLG
54f8 # 97CE - DCOFF
5519 # Table 9942
5521 # EGRDC
5536 # clr EGRFLG
5584 ||#################################################################
5584 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 6E
5584 |# Fall thru ?
5584 |# Update EGR stuff
5584 ||#################################################################|
5595 # Never gets here ?
55c2 ||#################################################################
55c2 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 34
55c2 |# Update spark advance
55c2 |#################################################################
55d3 # Table 8CDE spark RPM scaling
55e1 # Table 8CFA load scaling
55e6 # engine load (VE? )
55f2 # 2BD - vehicle speed filtered(1) (MPH) 2BC is 8.8 format
560e # Table 96C0 - Torque Reduction Table (auto trans protection)
561e # Table Closed Throttle Spark advance (added, ECT->adv)
562c # Table 94AC - Closed Throttle Base spark advance (RPM->adv)
563a # 9032 spark adder closed throttle
5659 # Table 9568 Time since startup kicker time delay, sec. Input is TCSTRT, max repetition 6.
5669 # Table 94CE (BP is input)
566e # BP - barometric pressure
5687 # Table 954E Idle Spark subtractor, deg.
56a1 # check WOT flag
56a4 # Table 9504 - WOT spark advance vs RPM
56b2 # Table 9528 - Spark Advance vs. BP
56b7 # BP - barometric pressure
56c3 # Table 9532 - WOT Spark Advance vs ECT
56c8 # INPUT: Engine Coolant Temp
56ce # OUTPUT: ECT advance increment
56d3 # Table 9540 - WOT Spark Advance vs ACT
56d8 # RB1 = ACT (ACT = RB1 * 4)
56e3 # 943A spark adder WOT
56ea # done
56f5 # Table 95C4 - Altitude Base spark (RPM vs LOAD)
5712 # Table 9614 - limp mode spark timing Table (Deg BTDC)(RPM vs LOAD)
571d # Table 94F8 LOMALT Table multiplier as a function of Barometric Pressure, BP.(0 at sea level 1.0 at 'high' altitude
5722 # BP - barometric pressure
5739 # Table 9574 - base spark timing Table (Deg BTDC)(RPM vs LOAD)
5769 # X -input = Normalized engine speed on RPM - FN070, Y -input = Normalized LOAD - FN071, Output = Spark advance adder for EGR, deg per 1 percent EGR.
577e # generates Table entry point. Input = N and Output = Normalized N.
578c # generates Table entry point. Input = LOAD and Output = Normalized Load.
5791 # engine load (VE? )
579e # Table 96B4 - Spark adv from engine speed N and LOAD.
57b8 # Table 9488 ECT normalizing function.
57cc # Table 9710 (ECT,LOAD) = Part throttle spark modifier Table. X -input = Normalized ECT (FN033) Y -input = Normalized LOAD (FN071).
57da # Spark advance
57df # RB1 = ACT (ACT = RB1 * 4)
57f4 # 9434 spark adder for part throttle
57f4 ||# Code section to retard timing if overspeed (via VSS) with Table $980d (mph).|
57f9 # If overspeed
57fc # Table 980D High Speed Spark retard, mph.
5801 # 2BD - vehicle speed filtered(1) (MPH) 2BC is 8.8 format
5808 # retard spark
5827 # Table 94DA LOM Load function to activate LOM spark strategy. Input: RPM and Output: load.
5851 ||#################################################################
1 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 4
1 |# Update Dwell - skip subr entirely if TFI Controlled Dwell
1 |#################################################################
5858 # Weighting factor for ECT and ACT on Base Dwell
5862 # Min low speed dwell
586d # Min high speed dwell
5872 # Battery Voltage Level * 16
5879 # Base amount of DWELL
587d # convert to IOtime ticks ?
58af ||#################################################################
58af |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 42
58af |# Idle Speed controls
58af |#################################################################
58b0 # Ignore if disable flag set
58b8 # Dashpot hysteresis
58bf # clamp value to max of FF
58bf |# R40 = 11 defined by ROM
#58c6 # 17 <= MPH
#58cc # 13 < MPH
58e3 # time since last PIP recieved
58e7 # 8 seconds
58ed # isc duty cycle during crank
5926 # jump if normal strategy - not self test mode
592d # Idle Speed in neutral = 672rpm
593f # Table 90C4
594d # Table 90D4
5952 # RB1 = ACT (ACT = RB1 * 4)
5962 # Table 955A
5984 # Table 92C0
5992 # jump if heated windshield not on
599f # Idle Speed in neutral = 672rpm
59ce # filtered DESNLO
5a01 # check if in neutral or in gear ( in ROM! = 3 )Maybe this is manual vs automatic
5a09 # F4 = 8FD6 so 74+8FD6 = 904A = Idle Speed in neutral (0054H = 84 and 84 * 8 = 672rpm
5a46 # time since entering 'running' mode
5a8e # Table 9AFC
5a93 # time since entering 'running' mode
5aa0 # Table 9366 - (ECT,ATMR3) = Airflow multiplier vs. ECT and ATMR3
5b38 # RAA is Throttle position
5b52 # dashpot decrement rate (dashpot decrement step at given flow(Kg/Hr(flow),Kg/Hr(Step))
5b7a # 126 - RATCH=Closed TP
5b91 # Table 9346 Max Dashpot clip Dashpot clip(lbs/min) vs RPM
5bd0 # jump if normal strategy - not self test mode
5bda # 9E5C
5bea # 2BD - vehicle speed filtered(1) (MPH) 2BC is 8.8 format
5c07 # 146 = $146
5c24 # zero $146
5c2e # Table 92CE
5c59 # engine load (VE? )
5c63 # zero 146 timer - ISCTMR
5cce # Table 9286
5d05 # Table 92F2
5d0c # Table 92D6
5d2b # zero $146 timer?
5d36 # Table 930E
5d62 # jump if normal strategy - not self test mode
5d6b # 29F - N byte
5d6f # Table 92B2
5d7d # jump if normal strategy - not self test mode
5dc1 # jump if normal strategy - not self test mode
5df9 # BP - barometric pressure
5e00 # 9030 - DEBYCP ?
5e06 # 9030 - DEBYCP ?
5e0a # 9030 - DEBYCP ?
5e10 # 9030 - DEBYCP ?
5e18 # Table 9256
5e27 # jump if running self tests
5e2a # engine load (VE? )
5e2e # Table 929A Crank Pulse Width Multiplier vs time in crank mode
5e53 # 146 timer - ISCTMR
5e6c # 16B - ISFlag - index of some sort?
5e70 # index to word offset
5e78 # 9047 - UPDATM
5e81 # 160 - IBGPSI
5e85 # KAM Table 2 checksum
5e8f # 902C - PSIBRN
5e97 # CkSum
5e99 # 902A - PSIBR M
5ea3 # 902A - PSIBR M
5eab # CkSum
5ead # 902C - PSIBRN
5eba # 154 IPSIBR
5ebe # KAM Table 2 checksum ISKSUM
5ec3 ||#################################################################
5ec3 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 44
5ec3 |# SCCS stuff checks VBAT
5ec3 |#################################################################
5ec7 # 8EA0 SCCS Frequency - Desired VSC Frequency, Hz
5ecd # 211 Battery Voltage Level * 16
5ed1 # 8E9E = 26(38)HLDRNG - Error deadband for no pulses required.
5ed5 # jmp battery voltage > ROM limit
5ed5 |# Battery voltage insufficient
5ed7 # SCCS force OFF BUTTON only
5eda # SCCS state clear all
5eda |# Battery voltage is OK
5ede # Update Vehicle Speed Control(VSC)SCCS
5ee6 ||#################################################################
5ee6 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 6A
5ee6 |# Read Cruise control buttons (SCCS)
5ee6 |# Update Vehicle Speed Control(VSC)
5ee6 |# set VSC bits in RB5 & RA0 based on ABS voltage **CHANGE** on AD channel 4 (SCCS)
5ee6 |#################################################################
5ee7 # AD channel 4 118 Cruise control buttons - Vehicle Speed Control Command Switch
5eeb # difference to old value of buttons
5ef2 # ABS difference
5ef4 # 8E6C - Min change in IVSCCS to reset the debounce timer
5efa # 3AC IVSCCS LST - Previous valid SCCS input
5efe # 8E8A - DEBTIM - Debounce time delay, seconds
5f02 # 2A8 timer? DEBOUNCE timer
5f06 # zero 2A8 timer? DEBOUNCE timer
5f0c # input, debounced counts
5f14 # check for SCCS error
5f17 # 8E6E - HI OFF - Input VSC command Switch input range, counts
5f1d # set RB5 bit 7 OFF BUTTON
5f21 # 8E70 - LOW ON - Input VSCCS input range, counts.
5f27 # set RA0 bit 7 ON STATE
5f2b # 8E72 - LCOAST - Input VSCCS input range, counts.
5f31 # 8E74 - HCOAST - Input VSCCS input range, counts.
5f37 # set RB5 bit 5 COAST BUTTON
5f3b # 8E76 - LACCEL - Input VSCCS input range, counts.
5f41 # 8E78 - HACCEL - Input VSCCS input range, counts.
5f47 # set RB5 bit 4 ACCELORATE BUTTON
5f4b # 8E7A - LRESUM - Input VSCCS input range, counts.
5f51 # 8E7C - HRESUM - Input VSCCS input range, counts.
5f57 # set RB5 bit 3 RESUME BUTTON
5f5b # 8E7E - LOHOLD - Input VSCCS input range, counts.
5f61 # 8E80 - HIHOLD - Input VSCCS input range, counts.
5f67 # clr all bits in RB5
5f6a # set RB5 bit 1 button voltage range error
5f6d # clr RA0 bit 7 clr ON state
5f70 ||################################################################
5f71 # jump if not VIP mode flag : VSCDT
5f77 # x4
5f7a # SCCS vehicle speed in MPH filtered 2
5f7e # SCCS vehicle speed in MPH filtered 2
5f82 # SCCS on state
5f85 # SCCS OFF buttob
5f8f # jump if VIP mode flag : VSCDT
5fac # SCCS Button voltage range error
5fe2 # BIFLG = If equal to 1, Brake is on.
5fe5 # BIFLG = If equal to 1, Brake is on.
5feb # 9E5C
5ff4 # ck SCCS buttons: RESUME, COAST, ACCELL
5ffa # set SCCS button Range error
5ffe # SCCS COAST button
6015 # SCCS ACCEL button
6039 # SCCS RESUME button
6087 # SCCS ACCEL button
60a8 # jump if not VIP mode flag : VSCDT
60cf # jump if not VIP mode flag : VSCDT
6109 # SCCS vehicle speed in MPH filtered 2
6112 # RAA is Throttle position, 126 - RATCH=Closed TP
614c # set 2BB - timer?
6178 # LSO output line 0 OFF (Speed Control Vacuum)
617b # LSO output line 4 ON (Speed Control Vent)
6190 ||#################################################################
6190 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 3A
6190 |#################################################################
619e # RB1 = ACT (ACT = RB1 * 4)
61bf # RB1 = ACT (ACT = RB1 * 4)
61d0 # 9E70 no of HEGOs
61e6 # timer?
61ef # 9E65 thermactor present switch = 1.0
6207 # clr bits 6, 2, 1, 0
620d # R47 bit 4 OFF (Air Management 2)
6210 # R47 bit 3 OFF (Air Management 1)
6222 # engine load (VE? )
622d # engine load (VE? )
623c # 93B6
624c # R47 bit 4 OFF (Air Management 2)
624f # R47 bit 3 OFF (Air Management 1)
6254 # 93CE
6269 # timer?
6272 # 138 timer?
627f # 137 timer?
6292 # RCE timer?
629b # timer?
62a3 # R47 bit 4 OFF (Air Management 2)
62ae # R47 bit 4 ON (Air Management 2)
62b1 # R47 bit 3 ON (Air Management 1)
62b4 ||#################################################################
62b4 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 3C
62b4 |#################################################################
62b5 # 93E1 - ECADHP
62b9 # return if h/w not present
62bb # ROM 93E2 - ECADECT
62c1 # set ECADQ1
62c6 # ROM 93E5 - EDETHYS
62cc # clr ECADQ1
62cf # 29F - N BYTE
62d3 # 93E3 - ECADN
62d9 # set ECADQ2
62de # 93E6 - EDNHYS
62e4 # clr ECADQ2
62e7 # 2BD - vehicle speed filtered(1) (MPH) 2BC is 8.8 format
62eb # 93E4 - ECADVS
62f1 # set ECADQ3
62f6 # 93E7 - EDVSHYS
62fc # clr ECADQ3
6305 # 9E65 thermactor present switch = 1.0
630c # jmp if no Thermactor present
630e # jmp if not USAFLG
6311 # 93E8 - EDTM3
6320 # jmp if not ECADI
6323 # jmp if not ECADQ1
6326 # jmp if not ECADQ2
6329 # jmp if not ECADQ3
632c # R47 bit 6 OFF (Fan)HI FAN
6331 # R47 bit 6 ON (Fan)HI FAN
6334 ||#################################################################
6334 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 3E
6334 |# Update Canister Purge timing
6334 |#################################################################
6350 # 93F6 - Canister purge hot startup delay time.
635f # timer?
636e # Table 9A72 - Canister Purge Duty Cycle vs. AM, X -input = AM, Y -output = Purge Duty Cycle.
638c # Table 9A5A - Canister Purge Duty Cycle Multiplier, X -input = PRGTMR. Y -output = Duty Cycle Multiplier.
6391 # 149 - timer Canister Purge Timer - cannister purge accumulation time in seconds
639e # Table 9A66 - Canister Purge Duty Cycle Multiplier, X -input = CPRGTMR, Y -output = Duty Cycle Multiplier.
63a3 # 14A - timer?
63ba # zero 14A - timer - Current Purge on time.
63c7 ||#################################################################
63c7 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 70 Fall thru?
63c7 |# Update Canister Purge
63c7 |################################################################# |
63cd # 12E - PURGE PERIOD
63d1 # 12C - PURGDC - Canister Purge Duty Cycle.
63d8 # 12D - PURG ON TIME
63dc ||#################################################################
63dc |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 16
63dc |# Update A/C cutout and idle slowdown flag
63dc |#################################################################
6411 # jmp if A/C is off
6428 # BIFLG = If equal to 1, Brake is on.
642b # 213 - A/C Clutch Brake Timer (sec)
6437 # 215 - A/C Clutch WOT Cutout Timer (sec)
644e # LSO output line 6 setting bit turns ON relay which turns AC OFF
645d # 3A8 timer?
6474 # 218 - A/C CLUTCH TURN -ON DELAY TIMER (msec resolution)
647a # LSO output line 6 clearing bit turns OFF relay which turns AC ON
6485 # jmp if ACCFLG
6488 # set ACIFLG - A/C engagement impending flag:1=A/C about to engage - adjust airflow and fuel immediately
648b ||#################################################################
648b |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 38
648b |# update ect cooling fans
648b |#################################################################
648c # 941C fan control enable
649b # ROM 941F fan high speed temp 2(242DegF)
64a1 # ROM 941E fan high speed temp 1(234DegF)
64b1 # engine load (VE? )
64bb # 2BD - vehicle speed filtered(1) (MPH) 2BC is 8.8 format
64cf # timer?
64d8 # 941E fan high speed temp 1(234DegF)
64e8 # ROM 9414 fan low speed temp (220DegF)
64f1 # 9414 fan low speed temp (220DegF)
6504 # 941D fan high speed enable
6515 # 2BD - vehicle speed filtered(1) (MPH) 2BC is 8.8 format
6526 # R47 bits 5 and 6 OFF (Fans? )
6531 # 216 - timer?
653d # 215 timer?
6547 # 2BD - vehicle speed filtered(1) (MPH) 2BC is 8.8 format
6551 # R47 bit 5 OFF (Fan? )
6554 # R47 bit 6 ON (Fan? )
655f # R47 bit 5 ON (Fan? )
6562 # R47 bit 6 OFF (Fan? )
6565 ||#################################################################
6565 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 40
6565 |#################################################################
656d # thermactor present must be 2
657c # 126 - RATCH=Closed TP
6586 # RAA is Throttle position
658b # R47 bit 3 ON (Air management1)
6598 # RAA is Throttle position
659d # R47 bit 3 OFF (Air management1)
65a0 ||#################################################################
65a0 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 4A
65a0 |# Update Air Management
65a0 |#################################################################
65a1 # 9E65 thermactor present switch = 1.0
65aa # 8E68 - NIAC
65b3 # set IACFLG
65b8 # 8E6A - NIACH
65c5 # clr IACFLG
65cb # R47 bit 4 OFF (Air management2)
65d0 # R47 bit 4 ON (Air management2)
65d3 ||#################################################################
65d3 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 18
65d3 |#################################################################
65d7 # STI input line low timer
65de # Cranking, clear timers
65fc # Not cranking, but closed Throttle
6609 # Not crank, not closed Throttle
6613 # At Wide Open Throttle ?
6623 # part throttle ?
6634 # RC9 is some kind of timer
6636 # if R47 bit 5 OFF (Fan? )
6639 # zero 14E - timer
666a # FILTER 955A
66ca # 260 Volumetric Efficiency
66e6 # zero 137 timer?
66f5 # 8FD8
66ff # WOT flag
6711 # 027c - filtered(2) RPM
6736 # BP - barometric pressure
674f # 2BD - vehicle speed filtered(1) (MPH) 2BC is 8.8 format
67b4 # BP - barometric pressure
67c8 # 2BD - vehicle speed filtered(1) (MPH) 2BC is 8.8 format
67ce # zero RCE timer?
67fe # High load timer - 1/8 seconds under high load so far
6810 # zero timer?
6822 # zero timer?
6826 # timer?
6833 # timer?
6863 # zero 216 - timer?
686a # 126 - RATCH=Closed TP
6873 # RAA is Throttle position
687f # RAA is Throttle position
688a # zero 214 - timer?
6890 # 214 - timer?
689b # set 214 - timer?
689f # RAA is Throttle position
68a7 # Table 9056
68af # 214 - timer?
68b5 # zero 215 timer?
68bc # zero 220 timer?
68e6 # zero 138 timer?
68f2 # zero 14F timer?
68f9 # zero 218 - timer?
68fd ||#################################################################
1 |# Update Timers
1 |# see timer table below this subroutine.
1 |# routine has 1 mS (1/1204) resolution.
1 |# keeps remainders of IOTIMER so that it stays in sync
1 |#################################################################
68fe # 1/8s remainder (in mSec)
6909 # IOTIMER delta time since last mSec
6913 # *128/52083 = 1 mSec
691c # < 1 mS passed - return
691e # time since last timer update (mSecs)
6922 # (remainder IO times*128) + 64 (rounding)
6926 # return to IOTIMES remainder
6929 # effective time of this update (IOTIME-remainder)
692d # set $3e:5, = "new mS"
6930 # add new mSs to current mS count
6933 # R3f +ve if new 1/8 sec
6939 # remainder =- 1/8 sec (in mS)
693c # = "New 1/8 Sec"
693f # 1 Sec remainder (in 1/8 secs)
6942 # set "New second" (when R3d = 0)
6945 # reset 1 sec remainder (= 8/8, counts down)
6948 # store 1/8 sec remainder (in mSec)
694c # save IOTIME of last timer update (a true mS)
6950 # OK. Start process
6956 # All zero - return (exit)
695b # 16 bit address of timer
695e # short entry? Go to update
6961 # load mask from timer entry
6964 # create 16 bit address for flags
6967 # AND flags data with entry mask
696a # flag on or off required ?
696d # Inverse - if flag zero, GO timer
696f # (flags set) STOP, loop to next entry
6971 # (flags clr) STOP, loop to next entry
6973 # time flags - has time increment passed?
6977 # no, loop to next entry
6979 # Byte or Word timer
697c # read current Word value
6981 # read current Byte value
6984 # OK - update. Up or Down
6987 # negate value
6989 # if zero jump straight to save
698e # Not mSecs, increment timer
6992 # add mSecs to timer
6997 # overflow, wrap to zero
6999 # down - jmp straight to save
699c # up, set -1 ?
699e # jmp to save word/byte
69a6 # save Word timer
69ab # save Byte timer
69b0 ||######################################
69b0 |# TIMERS Table
1 |# 3 or 5 byte entries
1 |# byte 0 = flags word
1 |# byte 2&3 WORD = timer address
1 |# if 5 byte entry - timer controlled by flag(s)
1 |# byte 4 = flag mask - selects control bit(s) in address
1 |# byte 5 = flags address (start/stop) timer|#
69b0 |# 2X = timer in 1/1024 seconds (~msec)
69b0 |# 4X = timer in 1/8 seconds
69b0 |# 8X = timer in seconds
69b0 |# So
69b0 |# bit 0 = 0 if short entry (3 or 5 bytes)
69b0 |# bit 1 = 1 if 16 bit timer else 0 = 8 bit timer
69b0 |# bit 2 = 0 timer count up vs down
69b0 |# bit 3 = 0 if flag bit must be set to update timer loc
69b0 |# bit 4 not used
69b0 |# bit 5 = 1 update in 1/1024 seconds (~msec)
69b0 |# bit 6 = update in 1/8 seconds
69b0 |# bit 7 = update in seconds
69b0 |# else entry size = 5
69b0 |# entry size = 2 if bit 0 of first byte = 0
69b0 |# in follow Table the 15 bit address field is byte flipped for correct word order
69b0 |######################################
69b1 # Byte,mSecs,Up. Time since last BP pulse?
69b4 # Byte,Secs,Up. Time since $a1:7 = 0
69b9 # Byte,Secs,Up. Time since $24:6 = 1
69be # Byte,Secs,Up. Time since $a1:2 = 0
69c3 # Byte,Secs,Up. Time since $27:7 = 1
69c8 # Byte,Secs,Up. Time since $27:6 = 1
69cd # Byte,Secs,Up. Time since $24:2 = 1
69d2 # Byte,Secs,Up. Time since $24:5 = 1
69d7 # Word,Secs,Up. Time since $a1:0 = 1
69dc # Byte,1/8s,Up. Time since $ed:7 = 1
69e1 # Byte,1/8s,Down. Time since $ed:6 = 1
69e6 # Byte,Secs,Up.
69e9 # Byte,1/8s,Up.
69ec # Word,1/8s,Up.
69ef # Word, mSecs,Up.
69f2 # Byte,1/8s,Up. Time since $2b:5 = 1
69f7 # Word,Secs,Up. Time since $2a:6 = 1
69fc # Word, mSecs,Up.
69ff # Word, mSecs,Up.
6a02 # Byte,Secs,Up. Time since $eb:2 = 1
6a07 # Byte,1/8s,Up. Time since $29:0 = 0
6a0c # Byte,1/8s,Up.
6a0f # Byte,1/8s,Up. Time since $a1:6 = 1
6a14 # Byte,Secs,Up. Time since $e8:1 = 1
6a19 # Byte,Secs,Down. Time since $e8:0 = 1
6a1e # Byte,Secs,Up. Time since $24:0 = 0 (Not WOT)
6a23 # Byte,Secs,Up. Time since $ec:0 = 1 (managed Fuel)
6a28 # Byte,Secs,Up. Time since $24:7 = 1
6a2d # Word,mSecs,Up. Time since $4f:6 = 1
6a32 # Byte,Secs,Up.
6a35 # Byte,mSecs,Up.
6a38 # Byte,1/8s,Up.
6a3b # Word,1/8s,Up.
6a3e # Byte,Secs,Up.
6a41 # Byte,1/8s,Up.
6a44 # Word,mSecs,Up. Time since $ea:2 = 1
6a49 # Byte,1/8s,Up. Time since $ea:1 = 1
6a4e # Byte,mSecs,Up. Time since $ec:6 = 1
6a53 # Word,mSecs,Down.
6a56 # Byte,mSecs,Up.
6a59 # Byte,1/8s,Up.
6a5c # Byte,Secs,Up. Time since $ef:6 = 1
6a61 # Byte,1/8s,Up. Time since $ea:6 = 1
6a66 # Byte,mSecs,Up. Time since $a1:3 = 1
6a6b # Word,mSecs,Up.
6a6e # Byte,1/8s,Up.
6a71 # Byte,1/8s,Up.
6a74 # Word,mSecs,Up.
6a77 # Word,mSecs,Up.
6a79 ||#################################################################
6a79 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 46
6a79 |# Update shift light
6a79 |#################################################################
6a7b # 9E5D=0(Manual trans) - TSTRAT - transmission stratagey
6a7f # SIL (Shift Indicator Light)
6a84 # jmp if ?
6a87 # Table 8C34 - Incremental Indicated RPM shift point as a function of ECT
6a95 # Table 8C50 - Indicated RPM shift point as a function of LOAD.
6a9a # engine load (VE? )
6aa1 # add RPM shift points
6aa4 # ROM 8C0C - SPTRPM
6aaf # set SLTMR FLG
6ab4 # clr SLTMR FLG
6ab7 # zero 139 timer - SLTMR
6ac4 # 139 Shift Light Timer
6ad4 # R47 bit 2 ON Shift Light
6ad9 # R47 bit 2 OFF Shift Light
6adc ||#################################################################
6adc |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 48
6adc |#################################################################
6add # 940E - HPACL
6ae1 # return if no Thermactor present
6af0 # 126 - Filtered TP
6af5 # 9412 - SHKTP
6afb # RAA is Throttle position
6b00 # R47 bit 4 ON (Air management2)
6b05 # R47 bit 4 OFF (Air management2)
6b09 # jmp if not SIGPIP
6b0c # jmp if SYNFLG
6b11 # RBA - PIP time lo 16 bits
6b1a # RBA - PIP time lo 16 bits
6b22 # RBA - PIP time lo 16 bits
6b2a # RBA - PIP time lo 16 bits
6bfa # Now check for 10% each way ?
6c04 # = 0.9 ?
6c0f # = 1.10 ?
6c24 # PIP time lo 16 bits with correction
6c8e ||#################################################################
6c8e |# handle HSI line 1 data - Knock sensor
6c8e |# check for Knock if reqd
6c8e |#################################################################
6c8f # mask HSI data
6c92 # 947A KIHP = 00 ( is there a knock sensor )
6c96 # jump if line data = 0
6c9b # set VIP KNOCK
6c9f # 947A KIHP = 00 ( is there a knock sensor )
6ca6 # ROM 9474 - RPMCNL
6caa # jmp if N <= RPMCNL
6cac # KWCTR : ROM 9479 - WINCLD
6cb0 # jmp if KWCTR >= WINCLD
6cb2 # jmp if not KNOCK DETECTED
6cb5 # KWCTR
6cb8 # SIGPIP
6cbb # KWCTR
6cbe # KWCTR
6cc0 # QUEUE 9
6cc4 # 323
6cca |# 2284 proc address
6ce2 # clr R4E bit 1
6d03 # last saved PIP event time (24 bits)
6d10 ||#################################################################
6d10 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 36
6d10 |#################################################################
6d17 # New PIP received flag
6d1c # unknown function
6d24 # = RPM / 128
6d2a # Table output * 128
6d2d # = WOPEN
6d35 # output is fraction of PIP Period.
6d3d # Table output * 128
6d43 # RBA - PIP time lo 16 bits
6d46 # multiply by 64
6d49 # 9472 - WINLEN
6d4d # 228 - WINDOW DELTA
6d51 # Retard increment versus RPM, deg.
6d59 # Table output * 128
6d5f # RET INC
6d65 # Spark Advance Rate vs RPM
6d6d # RPM / 128
6d73 # adv * 16
6d83 ||# Advance all cyls 1 degree of spark
6d89 # add 1 degree of advance to each cyl
6d8f # 22B - SparkAdvance[ cyl 1 -8 ]
6d9d # Advance Limit
6da1 # 22B - SparkAdvance[ cyl 1 -8 ] new advance for this cyl
6daa # Filter Throttle Posn
6db3 # filtered result
6e20 # is there a knock sensor ?
6e24 # engine load (VE? )
6e3c # clr SparkAdvance[ cyl 1 -8 ]
6e48 ||#################################################################
6e48 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 4E
6e48 |# Key On Engine Off, Engine Running, Continuous tests
6e48 |# There are 4 proc Tables BASE A - BASE D - how do these correspond to
6e48 |# self test stuff
6e48 |#################################################################
6e4c # Set up EGR flags
6e51 # jump if VIP enable is set
6e54 # Time since CPU power up - mS
6e58 # compare whole seconds 16
6e5b # jmp if timer < 4096 msec (~ 4 secs)
6e63 # jump if EEC reset
6e66 # jump if not CRANKING - EEC reset
6e69 # Enter KOEO (Engine off test)
6e69 ||########## STI low - EEC reset
6e74 # Reboot system
6e77 # normal strategy - not self test
6e7a # STI input is low - EEC reset
6e7d # Transmission type
6e81 # 3 = Manual Transmission, both clutch and gear switches.
6e86 # 4 = Auto Transmission, non-electronic, neutral drive switch.
6e91 # filter at 00CA[R78] use blend 116(EVP) to 380
6e9b # jump if STI input is low
6e9e # Vehicle speed, MPH
6ea6 # Vehicle speed > 4 MPH
6ea8 # SCCS on (Cruise Control)
6eab # SCCS brake (cruise control)
6eae # VSCDT? push proc D and execute it
6eb0 # OK - running self tests
6eb3 # EEC reset
6eb5 # jump if not VIP mode flag : VSCST
6eb8 # jump if STI input is high to EEC reset
6ebb # jump if not CRANKING to EEC reset
6ebe # VSCST? push proc C and execute it(STI low and engine off or starting)
6ec0 # jump if CRANKING
6ec3 # jump if underspeed/cranking
6ec6 # jump if STI input is high
6ecb # 1C8 timer - STI input line low timer (1/8sec)
6ecf # 1 second
6ed2 # jmp if STI low timer < 1 second
6ed4 # jump if not VIP mode flag : VIP enable
6ed7 # 134 - PUTMR - Counts up after h/w reset
6edb # compare whole seconds 1800 msec (1/1024) = 6 seconds
6ede # jmp if timer < 6 sec
6ee9 # SCCS on (Cruise Control)
6eec # jump if VIP mode flag : disable VSCDT set
6eef # 134 - PUTMR - Counts up after h/w reset
6ef3 # compare whole seconds
6ef8 # jmp if timer >= VVSCET?
6efa # VIP mode flag : set VSCDT and DISABLE RUNNING
6efd # jmp to BASE D procs
6eff # jump if VIP mode flag : disable running set
6f02 # Set VIP mode flag : disable no start and disable VSCDT
6f07 # BASE A - computed jump
6f0c # jump if STI input is low
6f0f # jump VIP mode flag : disable no start
6f14 # BASE B - push self test function proc ?
6f18 # test code - KOEO self test and others?
6f20 # return
6f22 # if SCCS ON state - return (exit if cruise control is ON)
6f25 # 134 - PUTMR - Counts up after h/w reset (msec)
6f29 # compare msec - 2800 * 1/1024 = 10 seconds
6f2c # if Eng Runnung Timer >= 10seconds then return
6f2e # 13E - timer? time since last PIP recieved (msec)
6f32 # 400 msec(1/1024) seconds ~ 1 second
6f35 # if time since PIP <= 1 sec then return
6f37 # Set VIP mode flag : VSCST
6f37 ||##### ENGINE OFF VCS TEST?
6f3c # BASE C - computed jump in 7000 area
6f40 # run the test routine
6f43 # BASE D - computed jump in 7000 area
6f47 # run the test routine
6f47 ||#### computed diagnostic calls return here
6f48 # Save diagnostic testing registers
6f4d ||######################################
1 |# gets jump function index into R3A
1 |#######################################
6f4e # load diagnostic testing registers
6f50 # function address index
6f53 # X 2 - make into word index
6f56 # original return address
6f58 # push extra address (save diag vals)
6f5b # Zero 1st time only, This is return address of call x7026
6f5e # jump if first time thru here
6f60 # return to 1st or 3rd caller
6f62 # restore return address
6f64 ||# Diagnostic Proc Table A
6f65 # Diagnostic Proc Table A proc no 2
6f82 ||####################################################################
6f82 |# Diagnostic proc Table A
6f82 |# sensor error stack processing - dump out errors?
6f82 |####################################################################
6f86 # is error stack empty?
6f8b |# E11 - System PASS
6f8e # Trouble Code : System PASS (no errors)
6f8f # E 00 (end of errors? )
6f93 # Hard Trouble Code Error Table
6f97 # load next trouble code byte into word R32
6f9d # zero is end of error codes?
6f9f # call this for every error
6fa1 # 342 + 13
6fa5 # loop back small
6fa5 |# end of error codes stack
6fbd # loop back big
6fce # loop back big
6fe3 ||#######################################################
6fe3 |# R32 byte has trouble code - called for every trouble code in 342 stack
6fe3 |#######################################################
6fe6 # error code x 16 (left one hex digit)
6fed # execute this loop error code X 16 + 1? times
6fff # R32 << 4 (one hex digit)
700e |#######################################################
700e |# entry point 1
700e |# shift D4 right 16 times or until R19 == 0
700e |#######################################################
701a ||#######################################################
7025 ||#######################################################
1 |# this proc can shortcut returns from stack - to grandcaller
1 |#######################################################
7026 # get & save caller
7028 # get & save grandcaller
702a # STO fast codes
702d # jump if STO high speed
7039 # Self Test Output trigger
7042 # return to grandcaller
7042 # return to grandcaller
7045 # restore grandcaller
7047 # restore caller
704b # Save diagnostic testing registers
704f ||######################################################
1 |# save and restore test values for self test
1 |######################################################
7095 ||##########################################################
7096 # points to 0x8EDA
709b # why does this REG need resetting
709f # 0=sonic, 1=PFE, 2=none
70a9 # branch ALWAYS in this ROM
70b4 # - never happens in this ROM
70b7 |##########################################################
70bd # process? a trouble code?
70bf # set R30 to end of trouble code stack
70c1 # Low Speed Repeat
70c7 # R30 = # 356 WORD
70d0 # save start code?
70d5 # KAMINDEXLow
70dc # take next value from 7C4 Table
70e1 # loop for 25 entries (37)
70ea # was bit bit set?
70ec # Table (index starts at 1 not zero)
70f2 # skip zeros
70f4 # write to 356+
70f4 ||#############################################################
70f4 |# Restore the registers used
70f4 |# Save the registers used for testing
70f4 |# If ROM 97D9(EGR Type) = 1 then set bit 6 in RE6 else clear the bit
70f4 |# If ROM 97D9(EGR Type) = 2 then set bit 6 in RD9 else clear the bit
70f4 |# Save diagnostic testing registers
70f4 |# Set up EGR flags
70f4 |# Since ROM does not change this proc ALWAYS clr both bit 6 flags
70f4 |# Things like continious tests require preserving registers
70f4 |# change flag bit 6 in RD9 and RE6 based on ROM 97D9(EGR Type) = egr type ( 0=sonic, 1=PFE, 2=none)
70f4 |# load diagnostic testing registers
70f4 |# resets R72 = 180 and sets R78 = 8EDA
70f4 |#############################################################
70f7 # mark as end in case of exit?
70fa # loop
70fd # loop
70ff # set ptr to code table
7101 # Bubble sort Table
711d # R30 = end of trouble code stack
7121 |# bubble sort
7122 # load ptr to ?
7126 # exit and restore ptr
7141 ||#############################################################
1 |# Diagnostic, Trouble Codes ? called as [7142+Reg] from 70ec
1 |# so table must start at 1.
1 |##############################################################
7167 ||#############################################################
1 |# Self Test subroutine list KOEO. ( From 6f14+x)
1 |##############################################################
716a # Proc uses next word as a PARAM
716c # PARAM - interrupt mask address
716e # ECT. BP, MAF sensor range tests
7170 # ACT, EGR, NPS, A/C on,PwrSteering,VCAL, TP sensor tests
7172 # force LSO and HSO outputs off set STO on jmp to (R34)
7174 # Thermactor Air System test
7176 # Fuel Pump Secondary circuit test
7178 # dump out all 342 stack error codes to ?
717a # incr R38 and set LSO and BiDI outputs?
717c # proc with odd h/w xor
717c ||######## Self Test list 2 (from 6f07)################|
7180 # clr STO, Hard Fault, ACT, ECT, TP, TPS ?
7182 # high RPM test (If Engine Running)
7196 # PARAM - for proc 8085
71ac # dump out all 342 stack error codes to ?
71c0 # in all three Tables at end
71c2 # clr 1CA timer, incr R38 self test index, set bit flag and return
71c4 # dump out all 342 stack error codes to ?
71c6 # in all three Tables at end
71c6 ||######## Self Test list 3 (from 6f3c)################|
71c8 # STO off and output to low, zero VIP timer, incr R38 test index
71ca # tweak flags
71cc # SCCS something
71d0 # clr 1CA timer, incr R38 self test index, set bit flag and return
71d2 # dump out all 342 stack error codes to ?
71d4 # in all three Tables at end
717c ||######## Self Test list 4 (from 6f43)################|
71d6 # STO off and output to low, zero VIP timer, incr R38 test index
71dc # PARAM - for proc 807e
71e4 # PARAM - for proc 807e
71ec # HEGO - A/F ratio test?
71ee # clr 1CA timer, incr R38 self test index, set bit flag and return
71f0 # dump out all 342 stack error codes to ?
71f2 # in all three Tables at end
71f2 ||########## End of self test lists ####################
71f7 # set code flags for clearing later
721d # no SCCS buttons/mode
7225 # Brake is on.
724f # E49 SPOUT signal defaulted or 1-2 shift error E40D
7254 # E47 air flow low at base idle
7259 # E48 air flow high at base idle
7262 # E67 A/C input high
7268 # E74 Brake circuit fail - not actuated
726e # E75 Brake circuit fail - always high
7279 # SCCS Open Circuit Check, pars = E81,limit,bit mask(=SCCS),IO
7281 # LSO output line 4 ON (Speed Control Vent)
7284 # return from 7A76 to this address
7287 # DOL Open Circuit Check, E82,limit,bit mask(=DOL),IO
728d # SCCS controls off & stuff?
728f # Open Circuit Check function
728f ||############################################################
728f |# STO off and output to low, zero VIP timer, incr R38 test index
728f |# jump Table entry 71C8
728f |############################################################
7294 # set STO off flag, set STO output low, and set STO trigger
7297 # zero 1CA timer? VIP TIMER EX?
729b # incr test index
# 729d |#######################################################
729e # tweak flags, set STO on and return
72a1 # 91 - Air/Fuel mixture not within Self test range (HEGO switching error)
72a3 # JUMP TO (use caller data) E 91 -> err stack
72a6 # From Diagnostic Proc Table D
72cc # From Diagnostic Proc Table D
72cf # From Diagnostic Proc Table D
72d1 # LSO output line 4 ON (Speed Control Vent)
72d6 # From Diagnostic Proc Table D
#72dc |# //72FC # bit 5 is CID line
#72dc |# 716E Self test jump Table entry
7302 ||# Diagnostic Proc Table D
7317 # incr test index
7317 ||# Diagnostic Proc Table D
7319 # clr RD9 bit 5 VVS flag1?
731e # LSO output line 4 OFF (Speed Control Vent)
7321 # LSO output line 0 OFF (Speed Control Vacuum)
7328 # SCCS Count? R9B = R42 why such a strange instruction?
732d ||#################################################################
732d |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset ?
732d |#################################################################
736f # load diagnostic testing registers
7372 # call set HSO Time Hold = Master IO Timer Lo + # 0003
7375 # return to this address
7378 # E8 Fuel Pump Open Circuit Check
73a3 # exit if CRANKING
73aa # ECT raw from AD conversion
73b1 # trouble code bit 2 - ECT open circuit trouble code
7459 # test selector is 1D7 vs 1D6 BYTE here
746e # increment test routine selector (R38)
7472 # max test is 00FF
7475 # test selector is 1D7 not the 1D6 here
7479 # - RC9 is some kind of timer
7489 # if Air management2 ON
7492 # test selector is 1D7 - reset to zero
749d # Never gets here ?
755c # Lo,Hi limit, E hi = none, E Lo - PFE/EVP/ (sonic) voltage below closed limit
757d # PFE/EVP/ (sonic) voltage below closed limit, Defective PFE/EPT sensor ?
764d # time in self test mode?
769b # tweak flags, set STO on and return
769f # set STO off flag, set STO output low, and set STO trigger
76c2 # jump if STI input is high
76c2 |# incr the # times the test has been run for index R38 and less ?
76c9 # incr 22 bytes in Table clamp at max of FF
76d2 # clamp to FF max
76df ||#######################################################
76df |# sets and clears trouble code bit flags
76df |# first param (at 001A) bottom 3 bits are index in 7C4 Table?
76df |# rest of bit >> 3 and - 1 are error flag bit
76df |#######################################################
76e0 # copy the three bytes to R1A/1B/1C
76e3 # 3rd param byte to word
76e6 # address 8E5A + data offset
76ea # read ROM at lookup address
76ef # same ROM address AGAIN
76f3 # what is this byte RAM Table?
76f8 # 1st param byte to word
76fb # mask out bottom 3 bits of first param (0 -7)
76fe # R18 is now a pointer to ?
7704 # first param >> 3 (shift out offset bits) 5 bits left
7707 # zero value is special ( flag bits are biased up by one )
770b # R1C = 0001 now
770d # creates a mask of bit # (R1A - 1)
7710 # 382 error bit flags word
7715 # R14 is second param
771a # value looked up above
773d # invert mask
773f # clear the error bit
7745 # R14 is still? 3rd param byte (0x76E3)
7759 # add second param and looked up ROm value
775e # clamp max value
7761 # compare second param sum and Table lookup value
7766 # what is this address ?
776c # clr bits 0,1,2
7775 # clr bits 0,1,2
778a # set the error bit
7795 # save ? R14 is second param (ie 1AA + 0D = 1B7)
779a # 382 error bit flags, bit 2 set = ECT grounded
77a3 # clear Table 7C4 to 7D9
77ac # tweak flags. set STO on and return
77af # LSO output line 5 (STO) ON (MIL)
77af |# set STO off flag, set STO output low, and set STO trigger
77b4 # set STO OFF flag
77b7 # LSO output line 5 (STO) OFF (MIL)
77ba # set Self Test Output trigger
77bd ||################################################################
77bd |# copy specified bytes to R1A onwards (77c2)
1 |# or where specified in R16 (77be) from GRANDCALLER subroutine.
1 |# gets one byte from return address of caller function.
1 |# gets reqd bytes from 'Grandcaller' function, and mods return addresses.
1 |# IN - 1 byte (caller subroutine), NumBytes (grandcaller subroutine)
1 |# OUT - [R1a] or [x] onwards asigned bytes
77bd |################################################################
77be # default destination is R1a onwards
77c2 # Caller's (normal) return address
77c4 # Get count of bytes, Inc return address
77c7 # Get GrandCaller's return address
77cf # Get no of bytes into dest. addr
77d4 # and push modded returns back.
77d6 ||################################################################
77d6 |# extended filter ? gets 2 bytes from ROM
77d6 |# R32 is OLD AD sensor value
77d6 |# R34 is new AD sensor value
77d6 |# R36 is manged filtering factor
77d6 |################################################################
77d7 # get ROM bytes to R1A
77d9 # get 2 bytes into R1A from this caller's return addr
77da # (address of) OLD AD sensor value
77dd # NEW AD sensor value 216 - raw EVP
77e1 # manged filter factor
77e6 # filter
77e9 # save updated value
77ec ||################################################################
77ed # get 1 ROM byte to R1A
77f8 ||################################################################
77f9 # get 3 ROM bytes to R1A
77fb # 3 bytes to R1A,B,C from caller
77fc # 382 word
780c ||################################################################
780c |# Key On Engine Off (KOEO) Self -Tests
780c |################################################################
780d # jmp if disable EOLT set
7810 # set STO off flag, set STO output low, and set STO trigger
7813 # do h/w RAM/ROM/CPU checks
7816 # load diagnostic testing registers
7819 # jump if not VIP mode flag : disable no start
781c # Set STO output on - diddle some flags?
781f # *HANG* - h/w error
7821 # checksum the ROM
7824 # test selector set to zero
7829 # STO very fast readout set
782f # the skip two returns do not return here
7832 # clear STO very fast readout
7835 # disable EOLT
7838 # Set VIP mode flag : no start
783b # if LSO output line 7 is ON (Fuel Pump)
783e # jump if not VIP mode flag : VIP enable
7841 # zero 1CA VIP TIMER EX, incr R38 self test index, and return
7843 ||############################################################
7843 |# ROM Checksum
7843 |############################################################
7846 #
7848 # Start address (2000)
784c # End address (9fff)
7850 # If real end address
7855 # add to sum
7858 # end address reached?
785b # loop
785d # load next ROM range
7862 # checksum zero ?
7864 # E15 - EEC ROM fail
7867 # zero 1CA timer, incr R38 self test index, and return
7869 ||######################## ROM checksum adresses ##############
786a # start address(set 0 for no checksum test)
786B # @786B checksum base address. Set to zero to clear error code 15
786c # last address of ROM checksum
786e |#############################################################
7873 # 61 ECT sensor circuit grounded
787a # 51 ECT circuit open
7886 # 21 ECT out of range
78a0 # 22 MAP/BP sensor out of range
78a5 # 22 MAP/BP sensor out of range
78c1 # 56 MAF circuit above max voltage
78c6 # 26 MAF input out of range
78c9 # save code 26
78cb # CALLED BELOW - zero timer, incr self test index and return
78d7 # 64 ACT sensor circuit grounded
78de # 54 ACT sensor circuit open
78ea # 24 ACT sensor out of range
78f9 # 32 EGR not controlling,E34 Insufficient EGR flow
7906 # 34 Insufficient EGR flow
7922 # 67 NPS circuit open with Air conditioning on
7924 # 67 Neutral Pressure switch (NPS) circuit open
7928 # 79 A/C on / Defrost
7937 # 52 Power Steering Pressure Switch circuit open
793b # 19 Failure in ECC reference voltage
7947 # 63 TP sensor circuit below min voltage
794e # 53 TP sensor circuit open, above max voltage
795a # 23 - TP out of range during self test
7963 ||#######################################################
7963 |# Compare two values. First value must be less than second
1 |# or error code is generated
1 |# Entry points for FOUR and FIVE params( 2 addresses + optional byte)
1 |# Both params can be plain or complex address types,complex marked by bit 15.
1 |# four param sets flag for pass/fail,
1 |# five param has error code as fifth byte and set if fails
1 |#######################################################
7964 # mark as 4 bytes
7967 # copy 4 bytes from caller to R1A onwards
796a ||# entry point for FIVE params
796f # make R1a,b into true address
7973 # make R1c,d into true address
797d # Jump if PASSED (no codes)
797f # jump if 4 params
7982 # 5 params, error code
7985 # save errorno in (342) TROUBLE CODE Table
7987 # clear error marker
798a ||#######################################################
1 |# Decode complex addresses into their TRUE addresses (plain ones OK too)
1 |# address decoded back to input register (via R16, R42 )
1 |# Address is encoded as 1 bit=flag, 3 bits=base reg/2, 12 bits offset from reg
1 |# NOTE encoding is HALF reg value (because of divide by 8)
1 |# return value is then a POINTER (as a plain address)
1 |#######################################################
798f # get address (from args in caller)
7992 # get data from address
7995 # address not encoded - return unchanged
7998 # Hi byte of value
799b # Clear top nibble. R42 = Offset address
799e # Clear bottom nibble and flag
79a1 # Rbase register (0-14 times 2 effectively)
79a4 # R42 += Rbase register (as pointer)
79a9 # update input pointer to new address
79ac ||# 716E Self test jump Table entry
79b9 # zero 1CA timer, incr R38 self test index, and return
79be # LSO output line 7 ON (Fuel Pump)
79c9 # E96 - Themactor Air System inoperative
79cc ||# 716E Self test jump Table entry
79d6 # E95 - Fuel Pump secondary circuit failure
79d9 # zero 1CA timer, incr R38 self test index, and return
79de # 'return' address
79e2 # zero 1CA timer, incr R38 self test index, and return
79e2 ||# 716E Self test jump Table entry
79e2 |# where does R34 come from?
79e7 # force all LSO and HSO otputs off and STO on
79f6 # address to jump to ?
79f9 # 9E65 thermactor present switch = 1.0
79fd |# Idle Air Control Open Circuit Check, E81, limit, mask, - Idle Air Control
7a05 |# Air Management 1 Open Circuit Check, E82, limit, mask, - Air Management 1
7a0b |# Canister purge Open Circuit Check, E85, limit, mask, # 12D Canister Purge on time
7a17 |# Fuel Pump Open Circuit Check, E87, limit, mask, IO = Fuel Pump
7a34 # check ? E84
7a44 |# Electro Drive Fan Open Circuit Check, E88, limit.mask = ElectroDriveFan
7a5c |# Hi Fan Open Circuit Check, E83, limit,mask, R47 bit 6 - HiFan output line
7a6e # call set HSO Time Hold = Master IO Timer Lo + # 0003
7a73 # clr 1CA timer, incr R38 self test index, set bit flag and return
7a74 ||#################################################################
7a74 |# Four data bytes follow calls to this function (R1A,1B,1C,1D)
7a74 |# R1A - is Trouble Code if there is an error
7a74 |# R1B - ROM loc for limit 8F86 + this offset (word)
7a74 |# R1C - parameter flag - mask to select the device (Fan, CANP, FuelPump etc)
7a74 |# R1D - pointer to SFR flag byte usually R46 or 47 for output lines
7a74 |# The OCC AD channel must be a supply voltage to the actuators
7a74 |# This performs 'circuit' tests
7a74 |# Measure any variation in voltage when the selected output line is switched
7a74 |#################################################################
7a76 # load params from stack & OCC base line test of circuit
7a78 # fourth param byte to word
7a78 |# toggle output line for this device
7a7b # load contents of SFR
7a7e # mask contents with third param
7a81 # store back in [SFR]
7a84 # read OCC and compare to level before - set Trouble code if out of range
7a86 |# retoggle output line for this same device
7a89 # xor 3rd and fourth param (if calls did not change them)
7a8c # store fourth param? to [SFR]
7a8f # return to callers caller
7a8f ||################################################################
7a8f |# Open Circuit Check ?
7a8f |# Four data byte follow calls to this function
7a8f |# (via 7aa1)
7a8f |################################################################
7a91 # load params from stack & OCC base line test of circuit
7a99 # read OCC and compre to level before - set Trouble code if out of range
7aa0 ||################################################################
7aa0 |# Read reference base level OCC AD channel for the test circuit line
7aa0 |################################################################
7aa1 # Repeatedly read AD channels 2.4mS
7aa3 # back up stack by one call
7aa5 # Get 4 bytes from Grandcaller into R1A
7aa8 # restore stack
7aaa # circuit test param 2 - ROM location selector
7ab1 # R1E + ROM 8E5A + 12C = 8F86 + R1E
7ab4 # 10E - OCC - Open Circuit Check AD value
7ab8 # 1DE - OCC reference level save value
7abc ||###############################################################
7abc |# Compare to the reference OCC level
7abc |# Read the switched OCC level for the test circuit line
7abc |###############################################################
7abd # Repeatedly read AD channels for 5161 IOtimes
7abf # 1DE - OCC reference level save value
7ac3 # 10E - OCC - Open Circuit Check AD value - difference
7ac7 # jmp if positive
7ac9 # ABS OCC value
7acb # limit for this circuit
7ace # jmp if OCC >= ROM Limit - GOOD
7ad0 # Post Trouble Code (in R1a) - open circuit error for X
7ad3 # clr trouble code
7ad5 ||################################################################
7ad5 |# Repeatedly read AD channels for 5161 IO times (12.4 mS)
7ad5 |########################################################
7ad6 # read start time
7ad9 # = time passed
7add # loop until 5161 IO times have passed
7ae3 # Save diagnostic testing registers
7ae6 # read all the AD channels
7ae9 # reload diagnostic testing registers
7aee ||########################################################
1 |# This function forces all LSO lines and BiDir lines OFF
1 |# sets Fan=1 (b5 R47) but clears rest of R46 and 47 and increments HSIO TIME
1 |# some kind of reset function ?
1 |########################################################
7aef # set Fan=1 (b5 R47)
7b00 ||# 716E Self test jump Table entry
7b04 # incr self test index
7b06 # Reset ?
7b1a ||########################################################
7b25 # compare to raw TP
7b2e # if LSO output line 5 (STO) is ON (MIL)
7b31 # fan high speed enable
7b4d # return
7b4f # fan control enable
7b9a # = 80
7b9e # exit w/o odd h/w instruction
7ba0 # 1C2 timer?
7baa # exit
7bac ||########################################################
1 |# save R1A in TROUBLE CODE Table (at 342)
1 |# save range error code up to index 19
1 |# trouble code set in R1A (7bb2) or via inline param (7bae)
1 |########################################################
7bae # Get 1 byte from caller to R1A
7bb2 # 19 max error code positions in Table
7bb8 # 342 is base of Hard Trouble Code Error Table
7bbf ||###############################################################
1 |# Range test. Error code to 342 Table
1 |# 1st and 2nd params are AD value to check
1 |# 3rd and 4th params are [encoded] value limit low
1 |# 5th and 6th params are [encoded] value limit high
1 |# 7th param is trouble code
1 |# params are placed in R1A/1B/1C/1D/1E/1F/20
7bbf |###############################################################
7bc0 # get 7 bytes to R1A - R20
7bc3 # copy this many bytes to R1A on
7bc4 # decode R1c value if high bit set
7bc8 # decode R1e value if high bit set
7bcc # actual AD value to check
7bcf # limit low
7bd4 # limit high
7bdc # save specified trouble code in Table
7bdf ||# 716E Self test jump Table entry
7be0 # set STO off flag, set STO output low, and set STO trigger
7be5 # clear Self Test Output trigger
7beb # 112 - clear ECT raw ?
7c00 # E98 - Hard Fault present
7c0b # E64 - ACT sensor grounded
7c11 # E54 - ACT sensor open
7c17 # E61 - ECT sensor grounded
7c1d # E51 - ECT sensor open
7c23 # E63 - TP sensor below min voltage
7c29 # E53 - TP sensor above max voltage
7c2f # E56 - TPS sensor below min voltage
7c35 # E66 - TPS sensor above max voltage
# 7c3c |##############################################################
7c40 # HEGO1 delta time initial value?
7c45 # HEGO2 delta time initial value?
7c52 # clr Knock Enabled
7c6b # LSO output line 6 ON (Wide Open THrottle A/C cutout)
7c6e # LSO output line 3 OFF (Idle Speed Control)
7c71 # R47 bit 4 OFF (Air management2)
7c74 # 12C
7c78 # DOO trouble codes ?
7c81 ||# Diagnostic Proc Table A
7c8f # - filtered RPM
7c97 # E12 - Cannot control RPM during high RPM test
7ca3 # E21 - ECT out of range during self test
7cac # E26 - MAF ? sensor out of range during self test
7cb5 # E23 - TP sensor out of range during self test
7cbe # E24 - ACT sensor out of range during self test
7cc7 ||# Diagnostic Proc Table A
7cc9 # filtered sensor output - in place (0108) - filtered RPM
7ce3 ||# Diagnostic Proc Table A
7ce5 # jump if no HEGO1 cross over voltage detected yet
7ceb # jump if no HEGO2 cross over voltage detected yet
7d06 #E42 - EGO sensor indicates system rich
7d10 |#E92 - Air/Fuel mixture not within Self test range
7d10 |# Diagnostic Proc Table A
7d11 # jump if HEGO1 cross over voltage detected
7d17 # jump if HEGO2 cross over voltage detected
7d25 # 'filter' to scale time delta (ROM range limited to 10A)
7d3f #E41 - EGO sensor indicates system lean
7d45 #E91 - Air/Fuel mixture not with Self test range
7d48 |# Diagnostic Proc Table A
7d51 # Thermactor present?
7d58 # 'filter' to scale time delta (ROM range limited to 10A)
7d60 # (Air management1)
7d63 # (Air management2)
7d66 |# Diagnostic Proc Table A
7d68 # jump if no HEGO1 cross over voltage detected yet
7d6e # jump if no HEGO2 cross over voltage detected yet
7d81 #E94 Thermactor Air System inoperative
7d87 #E44 Thermactor Air System inoperative
7d8f |# Diagnostic Proc Table A
7d95 # HEGO2 cross over voltage detected
7d98 # HEGO1 cross over voltage detected
7d9f #E45 Thermactor air upstream during Self test
7da2 # R47 bit 3 OFF (Air management1)
7da5 # R47 bit 4 ON (Air management2)
7da8 |# Diagnostic Proc Table A
7db9 # HEGO2 cross over voltage detected
7dbc # HEGO1 cross over voltage detected
7dbf #E46 Thermactor air not by-passed during Self test
7dc2 # Air management2
7dc5 # Air management1
7ddb # no of HEGOs
7de2 |||########################################################
7de2 |# Very odd routine
7de2 |# Word behind caller is 'filter' to scale time delta (ROM range limited to 10A)
7de2 |########################################################
7deb # copy byte following call count bytes from stackptr2 to 001A
7dee # copy this many bytes to 001A from this callers return address
7def # mangle the value at 001A into ROM if high bit set
7df4 # 00E0 IO time since last visit to this proc
7df9 # time since ? * ?
7dfd # R36 is Hi 16 bits of prior result times "filter"
7e04 # 10A ? MAP/BP ? time?
7e09 # time delta * # 2844 * filterFactor
7e0e # 9E82 - 6000
7e14 # 9E82 - 6000 - clamp if too low
7e1a # 10A Table ?
7e22 # 9E84 - A666
7e28 # 9E84 - A666 - clamp if too high
7e2c # 10A
7e31 # 10C - ? store to raw KEYPWR?
7e36 # store last time tweaked
7e3a |########################################################
7e3b # copy byte following call count bytes from stackptr2 to 001A
7e3e # copy this many bytes to 001A from this callers return address
7e3f # mangle the value at 001A into ROM if high bit set
7e49 # nasty! return back two addresses
7e4b ||# Diagnostic proc Table A
7e56 # limit Low,Limit High,Trouble Codes, Lo limit,Hi limit
7e8d |# Diagnostic Proc Table D
7e7a |# Diagnostic proc Table A
7ec4 # E33 - EGR valve (PFE and sonic) not opening
7ecd ||########################################################
1 |# data params follow the call here
1 |# param word 0 (1A) - sensor value EVP ?
1 |# param word 1 (1C) - Lo
1 |# param word 2 (1E) - Hi
1 |# param byte 3 (20) - Trouble Code for ? voltage lower than mangle Lo
1 |# param byte 4 (21) - Trouble Code for ? voltage lower than mangle Hi
1 |########################################################
7ee7 # 35 - PFE/EPT/EVP below min voltage
7f02 # 35 - PFE/EPT/EVP above max voltage
7f05 # VSCST, running, no start
7f0b # save R1A in 342 TROUBLE CODE Table
7f14 ||# Diagnostic proc Table A
7f22 ||# Diagnostic proc Table A
7f35 ||# Diagnostic proc Table A
7f53 # 18 - SPOUT circuit open (grounded? )
7f4b ||# Diagnostic proc Table A
7f60 ||# Diagnostic proc Table A
7f75 # 13 Cannot control RPM during low RPM test
7f7d ||# Diagnostic proc Table A
7f8a # is knock sensor present
7faf ||# Diagnostic proc Table A
7fb8 # filtered sensor output - in place (0108) - filtered RPM
7fc6 |# Diagnostic proc Table A
8029 # E77 Operator error during Dynamic Response Test or Cyl Balance Test
8032 # E73 Insufficient TPS change during Dynamic Response Test
803c # E25 Knock not sensed during Dynamic Response Test
8055 # E74 Brake on/off switch circuit open
805c # E75 Brake on/off switch circuit closed
8075 #E52 Power Steering Pressure Switch circuit open
8075 |# Diagnostic Proc Table A
8079 |# Diagnostic Proc Table D
8083 |# Diagnostic Proc Table D
808a |# Diagnostic proc Table A
80a4 |# Diagnostic proc Table A
80c2 |# Diagnostic proc Table A
80d0 |# diagnostic proc Table A
80f0 |# diagnostic proc Table A
811a # store to raw ECT AD
811f |# Diagnostic proc Table A
812b |# Diagnostic proc Table A
8142 # save R1A in 342 TROUBLE CODE Table
8145 # store to raw ECT AD
8161 # store to raw KEYPWR
816b # E 90 - Pass Cyl Balance Test
8175 |# Diagnostic proc Table A
8188 # clr 1CA timer, incr R38 self test index, set bit flag and return
8188 ||# Diagnostic proc Table A
81b8 ||# Diagnostic proc Table A
8227 |#################################################################
8227 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 9A
8227 |#################################################################
8228 # If equal to 1, Brake is on.
8233 # power steering on
823e |#################################################################
823e |# Check HEGO sensors
823e |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 98
823e |#################################################################
823f # Set up EGR flags
8242 # OLD average HEGO1
8246 # NEW value - raw HEGO1
824a # filter factor
824e # filter HEGO1
8251 # save new filtered value
8255 # clear HEGO1 cross over voltage detected
825e # signal HEGO1 voltage cross?
8261 # OLD average HEGO2
8265 # NEW value HEGO2 raw
8269 # filter oxygen sensor?
826c # filtered value (new HEGO2 avg)
8270 # clear HEGO2 cross over voltage detected
8279 # signal HEGO2 voltage cross?
827c ||#################################################################
1 |# CPU test
1 |# range of 8061 ALU, addressing, push/pop etc.
1 |#################################################################
8280 # save old stack ptr
8286 # set new stack pointer
829a # exit CPU ALU error
829c # safety catch ?
82a7 # safety catch ?
82b4 # test ADD
82c0 # test SHIFT and SUB
82ce # test XOR
82d8 # test AND
82e2 # test OR
8320 # test norml
8336 # stack test - push and pop
834b # stack to absolute address test locations
8358 # test stack push/pop
836d # indexed fetch test
837c # OK if equal, run RAM test
8381 # reset stack ptr, enable ints and return
8381 ||### push and pop test (called above) ######
8397 ||# safety catch for push and pop ?
8398 ||#############################################################
1 |# memory RAM test from 100 to 8FF
1 |# uses odd and even bit patterns (aaaa and 5555)
1 | and restores stack at end of test
1 |############################################################|
839a # RAM test start and end addresses
83af # backup contents of test location
83b5 # test odd bits
83c0 # test even bits
83cb # restore contents of test location
83d1 # loop to end
83da # RAM error
83da ||################################################################
8404 # timer value for ?
8409 # Check Engine LP?
841b # tweak flags, set STO on and return
841e # jump if VIP mode flag : disable no start
842d # set STO off flag, set STO output low, and set STO trigger
8432 ||################################################################
8432 |# Diagnostic proc Table A
8432 |# jump Table entry 0x71C8
8432 |# reset lots of stuff and jump back to cycling thru procs
8432 |# switch out of self test to run mode ?
8432 |## function/maps/scalars
8432 |################################################################
8442 # force new stack pointer ?
8446 # Reset Low speed outputs ?
8449 # clear all LSO outputs
8451 # Reset EEC - init Tables and ports
8467 # Counts up after h/w reset
846c # not self test mode
847e # Reset STO
8484 ||###################################################################
8484 |# Handle HSI line 7 data (Ignition Diagnostic Moniter)
1 |###################################################################
848e ||#################################################################
1 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 1C
1 |#################################################################
84b0 ||#############################################################
84b0 |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 0
84b0 |# On start bit 4 of R24 is set, but this routine clrs it at end so,
84b0 |# check for and set up calibration console
84b0 |# copy calibration pointers from 2022 to 00F0
84b0 |# if 0D00 is 2A, Enconsole is present
84b0 |# this routine called only at reset
84b0 |# this routine skips console ck the first time thru, then checks every time
84b0 |#############################################################
84b2 # Console status
84ba # console present?
84c2 # add 5D to current IOTime
84ca # increment past zero
84cc # to console locaion ?
84d4 # request interrupt (in 5D IOtimes)
84d7 # Console call
84da # flags for data pointers
84e2 # use these calibration pointers for console
84e8 # h/w switch for console?
84ed # calibration Table pointers
84f1 # enable ints if console enabled
84f5 # copy int vectors here
84fe # set 8 vectors from 2022 to Rf0 -f8
8504 # loop
8507 # exit
850a # console value ?
850f # console signature?
8519 # read/write console ?
8525 # return address
8528 # call here if 1FF6 is a R/W register
852f ||#################################################################
852f |# Tasklist Routine at 2151, routine offset 22
852f |# EVP something
852f |#################################################################
#8538 # 134 - PUTMR - Counts up after h/w reset
#853c # TKYON1 - Min time delay before PIPs are recognized, sec
858b # old filtered EVP
8590 # new value in R34
8593 # filter factor
8598 # new filtered EVP
85a2 ||#############################################################
1 |# Checksum the KAM tables 0x704 - 7AF|#
1 |# Checksum stored at 0x702 (word) - What is at 7e0 ?
1 |# New checksum is OK if within 1 of saved sum, then updated
1 |# otherwise tables are cleared (set to 128)
1 |# called only at reset
1 |#############################################################
85a3 # 86 byte tables
85a6 # start new csum
85a8 # Table 1
85b0 # Table 2
85b8 # loop
85bb # current csum
85cd # OK, save new csum
85d2 ||# checksum is bad - Clear tables
85d3 # set cells to 128
85d9 # Table 1
85de # Table 2
85e6 # new csum = (56+56)*128
85ea # save sum
85f4 ||#############################################################
1 |# checksum KAM Table 0x7E4-7EA (7EC is csum) 4 words ?
1 |# clear cells to zero if checksum is off by more than 1
1 |# this routine called only at reset
1 |#############################################################
85fb # add words 7E4-7EA
8605 # old sum (cksum? )
861d # zero cells
8623 # new csum
8628 |||#############################################################
1 |# end of routines
1 |#############################################################|
8628 ||#############################################################
1 |# Initialisation lists
1 |#
1 |# Start of each list has
1 |# Word 0 - top byte of address for list (bottom byte from each item)
1 |# word 1 - next list START (i.e. end of this list +1)
1 |# then has pairs of bytes -
1 |# byte 0 address (top byte for list + this byte)
1 |# byte 1 data which is OR'ed into address|#
1 |# addresses are cleared by the loop at 203d
1 |# so this is same as assigning them, except can check result this way
1 |#############################################################
862a # high byte address = 0
862c # next list, and end of this one
862e # start of 1st init list
8630 #$a1
8632 #$4f
8634 #$c1
8636 #$9c
8638 #$9d
863a #$ae = 640 =160rpm
863c #$af
863e #$b0
8640 #$b1
8642 #$c2
8644 #$dc
8646 #$d0
8648 #$c6
864a #$46
864c #$47
864e #$9b
8650 # next list start
865a # Addresses + 0x100 for this list
865c # start of next list
865e #$100 = 0x5bc0
8660 #$101
8662 #$102
8664 #$103
8666 #$104 = 0xa280
8668 #$105
866a #$108 = 0x640
866c #$109
866e #$116 = 0x4cc0
8670 #$117
8672 #$126
8674 #$127
8676 #$128
8678 #$129
867a #$131
867c #$141
867e #$152
8680 #$153
8682 #$169
8684 #$170
8686 #$171
8688 #$17c
868a #$17d
868c #$1fe
868e # next list
8698 # Addresses + 0x200 for this list
869c #$20b
869e #$20d
86a0 #$211
86a2 #$216
86a4 #$217
86a6 #$226
86a8 #$227
86aa #$22a
86ac #$22b
86ae #$23a
86b0 #$23b
86b2 #$268
86b4 #$269
86b6 #$26a
86b8 #$26b
86ba #$2bb
86bc #$2b9
86be #$2c5
86c0 #$2d4
86c2 #$2e0
86c4 #$2ea
86c6 #$2f4
86c8 #$2fe
86d4 # Addresses + 0x300 for this list
86d8 #$308
86da #$312
86dc #$31c
86de #$322
86e0 #$3c3
86e2 #$3c0
86e4 #$3c1
86e6 # end of all lists
8bff ||######################### Reg 0xF0 points here (8c00)
8c00 # pointer to next block (RF2)
8c02 # default/start value for filtered TP (Throttle)
#8c04 # 8 cyl lookups from 3e5d
8c06 # Heated Windscreen Transition Time Threshold
8c08 # Heated Windscreen Recognition Time Threshold - HWRT
8c0a # Steady State Factor - Used in MKAY and signature KAY calculations.
8c0c # Shift Indicator Light Timer Enable RPM - SPTRPM
8c0e # Shift Indicator Light RPM - Shift indicator light is turned on at this rpm regardless of any other condition evaluations.
8c10 # time before shift light turned on (1/8 sec = 1.5 secs)
8c11 # time before shift light turned off (= 4 secs)
8c11 |## Min PIP periods 4,6,8 cyls - at 6500rpm ? - (ref 3e67)
8c11 |# RPM at which the PIP signal is regarded as unreliable. Set slightly higher than Rev Limit Half Fuel On.
8c12 # 4.615mS - 4 cyl
8c14 # 3.076mS - 6 cyl
8c16 # 2.306ms - 8 cyl (min pip period, = 6250000/rpm)
8c16 ||# Fuel Forward Lambda Decrement Time
8c24 ||# Time Before Drive - FN394F
8c32 ||# Shift Indicator Light RPM vs ECT - FN651
8c4c ||# Shift Indicator Light RPM vs Load - FN652A
8c74 ||# BAP Transfer
8c8c ||# Startup Fuel Scaler for Time
8c9c ||##### Accel Enrichment Fuel Scaler for Throttle Rate
8ca6 ||##### Accel Enrichment Fuel Scaler for ECT/ACT
8cb0 ||################ Func: EEC Load Scaling
8cb0 |# Table - emission load scaling. Spark, MAF Backflow Scaler for Load
8cb0 |# Scale: 256.0 Offset: 0.0 Math: 1
8cb0 |# Scale: 32768.0 Offset: 0.0 Math: 1
8cb0 |# X: Raw Load
8cb0 |# Y: Table Row Pointer
8cb0 |#################
8cce ||# Startup Fuel Scaler for ECT/ACT
8cdc ||#################################
1 |# RPM scaling table
1 |# Spark, Injector Timing, MAF Backflow Scaler for RPM
1 |# Table 8CDE Engine speed rpm scaler 0-9 for tables
1 |# 4000 RPM up = 9, 3000 RPM = 8, 1500 RPM = 5, 500 RPM = 0
1 |#################################
8cf6 ||########## Table - Spark load scaling
1 |# Emissions & Spark Scaler for Load
8d12 ||########## Table - fuel load scaling
1 |# Base Fuel Scaler for Load
#8d2e # Table independent var is RPM
#8d2e ||# ECT AD counts to degrees F (used at 38B8)
#8d2e |##
#8d2e |### O2 bias Table
#8d2e |### O2 bias Table
#8d2e |### O2 bias Table - cross time correction
8d2e ||# Fuel & EGR Scaler for Load.
8d42 ||# Fuel & EGR Scaler for RPM.
8d52 ||# A/C Time Delay vs TP
8d6a ||# Fuel C/L Ramp Rate - FN339
8d76 ||# Fuel C/L Jump to Bias - FN342
8d84 ||# Fuel C/L Jump From Bias - FN344
8d8e ||# Ignition Expected Pips - FN346
8da4 ||# Fuel Accel Enrichment vs BP - FN378
8dae ||############## ECT or ACT A/D to degrees F
8dae |# ECT/ACT Transfer - Input is a rough hi byte only conversion.
8dc4 # ISC Adder vs ECT - FN825A
8dd4 # ISC Adder vs ACT - FN825B
8de0 ||#############################################################
8de0 |# Func: MAF Transfer function (volts => Kg per hr)
8de0 |# Scale: 4.0 Offset: 0.0 Math: 1
8de0 |# Scale: 4096.0 Offset: 0.0 Math: 1
8de0 |# X: MAF Voltage
8de0 |# Y: Mass Flow Kg/hr MAF Transfer - FN036
8de0 |#############################################################
8e59 ||################################################### RF2 points here (8e5a)|
8e5a # next register value (RF4)
8e6a # RPM IAC Hysterysis - "
8e9c # MFA MPH Min - Minimum speed to remain in MFA mode.
8e9d # MFA MPH Hysterysis - VSMPGH
8e9e # VSS Error Deadband - No pulses required at this speed
8e9f # SCCS Low Battery - LOWBAT
8ea0 # VSS Frequency - VSCFRQ
8ea1 # MPH Sensor Present - 0 = no sensor, 1 = mph sensor, 2 = mph sensor and cruise control
8ea2 # ISC Dashpot Min MPH - DASMPH
8ea3 # ISC Dashpot Hysteresis For MPH - DASMHYST
8ea4 # ISC Min Daspot Clip For Declutch - DASMIN
8ea6 # Managed Failure Mode Hysteresis - MFMHYS
#8ea6 # bad MAF retry interval
8eaa # VIP Spark
8eb2 # HEGO Test Min RPM
8eb6 # VTAP1 - VTAP1
8eb8 # VTAP2 - VTAP2
8eba # VTAP3 - VTAP3
8ebc # VTAP4 - VTAP4
8ebe # VTAP5 - VTAP5
8ec2 # ACT min (checked in 38A1 and 7XXX)
8ec4 # ACT max
8ec8 # TPS Max - TAPMAX
8eca # TPS Min - TAPMIN
8ed0 # VIDMST
8ed8 # ECT min
8ed8 # ECT range low
8ed8 ||################################################### R78 points here (8eda - why not use Rf2 ?)
8eda # ECT range high
8eda # ECT max
8ede # Goose C
8ee0 # Goose RPM
8ee4 # Goose TP - Min throttle voltage delta for goose.
8eec # VBISW
8ef2 # VCBPCT
8ef8 # VCBDLY
8efe # VEGOBP
8eff # VIP EGO Switch Required
8f00 # VIP EGO Time
8f01 # VPTCNT -
8f0a # EVP min
8f0c # EVP max
#8f0a # ACT min
#8f0c # ACT max
8f20 # Error 33 Threshold - EGR did not flow
8f26 # Error 54 Threshold - ACT high
8f2c # Error 87 Threshold - Fuel pump circuit fault
8f2d # Error 91 Threshold - Lack of left HEGO switching.
8f32 # Error 22 Up Count - BAP sensor out of range.
8f38 # Error 35 Up Count - EVP input high
8f3e # Error 61 Up Count - ECT low
8f43 # Error 91 Up Count - Lack of left HEGO switching.
8f44 # Error 95 Up Count - Fuel pump open circuit
8f58 # warm up /Normal temp thrshhold ?
8f68 # max MAF voltage (mass air max)
8f6a # min MAF voltage (mass air min)
8f6c # Max RPM (4500) for MAF Max Voltage Test
8f72 # MIL Delay Time. delay before turning light on after fault detected.
8f76 # MIL Freq. The light will flash at frequency = 1 / (2 * MILTM1).
8f7a |# next limits are the min that Open Circuit Check needs to see when line toggles, else circuit is faulty
8f7c # AM1 Open Circuit Check.
8f7e # AM2 Open Circuit Check.
8f80 # High Speed Fan Open Circuit Check.
8f82 # EVR Open Circuit Check.
8f84 # Canister Purge Open Circuit Check.
8f86 # Fuel Pump Open Circuit Check.
8f88 # Low Speed Fan Open Circuit Check.
8f8a # SCVNT Open Circuit Check.
8fa2 # Max Idle RPM for EPT Test
8fd5 ||############## RF4 points here (8fd6) #####################################
8fdd # Allow MFA fuel economy mode strategy if set.
8fde # Enable Special Injector Timing In Neutral
8fdf # Injector Timing Value in Neutral
8fe0 # Maximum ECT at cold start to use open loop fuel multiplier.
8fe1 # O/L Fuel Startup Neutral Multiplier
8fe2 # O/L Fuel Multiplier Time Delay
8fe3 # Fuel Shut Off Deceleration Time Delay
8fe4 # MFA State Min RPM
8fe6 # MFA State Max RPM
8fe8 # MFA State Constant RPM Entry Condition
8fea # MFA State Max Load Condition
8fec # MFA State EGO Switch Requirement
8fee # MFA State Max RPM Hysterysis
8ff0 # MFA State Min RPM Hysterysis
8ff2 # MFA State Min Load
8ff4 # MFA State Max Load Condition Hysterysis
8ff6 # MFA Min BP for Fuel Economy Mode
8ff7 # MFA Min BP for Fuel Economy Hysterysis
8ff8 # MFA Ramp Increment
8ffa # Injection Timing Pulse Edge - 0 = Use rising edge, 1 = Use falling edge
8ffc # Injector delay timing multiplier
8ffe # injector delay global
9002 # global accel pump multiplier
9006 # Fuel Accel Min TP Delta - Conversion wrong.
9008 # Delta Load for Intake Manifold Filling - AEACLD
900c # Fuel Transient Comp Multiplier
900e # Fuel Transient Min RPM Idle - TFSMN
9011 # Fuel Equilib Intake Surf Multiplier - MTEISF
9012 # Fuel Time Constant Multiplier - MTEFTC
9013 # Fuel Transient Compenstation - TFCISW
9014 # Fuel Decel Multuplier - MEFTRA
901a # Engine displacement 1B4A = 6986 (unit = 0.0430981 Cubic Inches)
901c # low injector slope (unit = 0.00171662 lbs/hr)
901e # high injector slope (unit = 0.00171662 lbs/hr)
9022 # ISC Gain For Underspeed in Neutral.
9024 # ISC Gain For Overspeed in Neutral.
9026 # ISC Gain For Underspeed in Drive.
9028 # ISC Gain For Overspeed in Drive.
902a # and gain modulator, used as input in IPSIBR calculation.
902c # and gain modulator, used as input in IPSIBR calculation.
902e # Throttle Body Air Flow
9030 # ISC Min Airflow
#9032 # spark adder closed throttle
9032 # ISC Gain Associated With The Desired DASPOT Airflow
9034 # ISC Offset term applied to the DASPOT calculation
9036 # ISC TP Hysterysis
9038 # ISC RPM Control Adder - Added to desired idle rpm as part of evaluating if ISC C/L rpm control is allowed
903a # ISC RPM Deviation Allowed Over ISC Time
903c # ISC Min Speed To Enter C/L RPM Control
903e # ISC RPM Deadband
9040 # ISC Throttle Position Adder
9042 # Airmass Filter Sample Rate
9043 # ISC Time Interval The Change In RPM Is Evaluated
9045 # A/C Load Adder
9047 # ISC KAM Update Rate
9048 # Neutral idle open loop delay (time in closed loop control before going open loop, secs)
9049 # drive idle (rpm in drive)
904a # Base Idle Speed (target) in Neutral (672rpm) before additions
904c # Base Idle Speed (target) in Drive (672rpm) before additions
# 904c |# Air flow from N and TP when MAF fails
904e # Buzz RPM - Additional rpm added at start up to idle rpm to clear engine.
9050 # Idle RPM Adder For A/C
9052 # Idle GPAS Clip Limit
9058 # ISC Air Neutral To Drive
905a # ISC Air Drive To Neutral
9066 # ISC Startup Kickdown Time
9067 # Buzz RPM Time - Duration that Buzz rpm is added to base target idle rpm at startup.
9068 # ISC Time Before N/D or D/N Switch Registers
9068 ||# MFA Fuel Table - Possibly the fuel table used in closed loop
90b1 ||# MFA Altitude Multiplier vs BP - FN311
90c5 # TP Scaler for MAF Failure
90de ||# Failed Mass Air Flow Sensor
1 |# - Substitution air mass value used if both the MAF and TP sensors have failed.
90fe ||# Failed Mass Air Flow Sensor (TP OK)
1 |# - Substitution air mass value used if the MAF sensor has failed and the TP sensor is ok.
913e ||# Injector Timing Scaler for Load
915c ||# Injector Timing - FN1315
1 |# 10 Cols: Speed [RPM] 500,700,900,1100,1300,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000
1 |# 8 Rows: Load [] .05,.15,.23,.30,.40,.50,.60,.75
1 |# - injector timing (global injector delay in crank degrees)
91a6 ||# Injector Output Port (Links injector to fuel pulsewidth, 0 = use Fuel Pulsewidth)
91b0 ||# Injector Firing Order - FN1329
91b9 ||# Func: Accelerator Enrichment Multiplier vs TPS ( accelerator enrichment vs TP voltage) - FN331B
91c9 || # Accel Enrichment Fuel (lbs/min)- FN1303
1 |# 7 Rows: ECT [DegF] -30,0,30,50,100,150,200
1 |# 8 Cols: Throttle Rate [Deg/sec] 15,33,48,63,77,90,110,125
9203 ||# Max Air Charge vs RPM - The maximum air charge based upon rpm.
9228 ||# Table - injector breakpoint vs battery voltage ( voltage, lbs/rev)
9248 ||# ISC Startup Scaler for ECT.
9254 ||# ISC Transfer - Alter if air flow characteristics through the ISC valve have changed.
9282 ||# ISC Adder vs RPM - FN810
9296 ||# ISC Dutycycle Multiplier vs Load - FN820B
92ae ||# ISC Gain vs RPM Error - FN824
92be ||# ISC Startup RPM vs ECT - FN826A
92cc ||# Spark Idle Multiplie vs Dashpot - FN839
92d4 ||# ISC Error Spark Multiplier Drive - FN841D
92ee ||# ISC Error Spark Multiplier Neutral - FN841N
930a ||# ISC C/L RPM Correction Rate - FN860
9326 ||# Table - dashpot decrement rate (dashpot decrement step at given flow(Kg/Hr(flow),Kg/Hr(Step))- FN879
1 |# X: RPM # Y: Dashpot Clip [lb/min]
9342 ||# Max Dashpot Pre Position Clip (maximum dashpot airflow by rpm in Kg/Hr)- FN882
9356 ||# ISC duty cycle during crank (keyed off ect at start) - FN884
9364 ||# Desired Airflow Multiplier - Multiplier of desired idle airflow to adjust for ECT and time in run mode.
1 |# Airflow multiplier vs. ECT and ATMR3
9389 ||# Desired idle airflow in drive (Kg/Hr)
939a ||# Desired idle airflow in neutral
93a6 ||################################################### Reg 0xF6 points here (93a8)|
93aa # Air Charge Manifold filling model slow filter constant
93ac # Air Charge Manifold filling model fast filter constant
93ae # Air Charge Fraction to select slow transient vs fast
93bb # Brake Input H/w Present - Set if brake pedal switch present.
93bc # Power Steering Pressure Switch Present
93e1 # Electronically Controlled Accessory Drive Present - ECADHP
93e4 # H/w Present (Electronic Control Assembly ? )
93ef # Canister Purge O/L Enable - PURGSW
93f6 # Purge Hot Startup Delay -
93fd # A/C Min Time Before Fan Is On - ACWDLY
9400 # A/C Clutch Engage Delay
9402 # A/C Clutch Engage Max Temp - CTAC
9403 # A/C Clutch Engage Max Temp Hysterysis - CTACH
940e # Set if Adjustable Dampers Present
9410 # Min Air Charge for Adjustable Damper - The minimum air charge to indicate hard acceleration.
9412 # Min TP for Adjustable Damper - The minimum voltage above closed throttle to indicate hard acceleration.
9414 # coolant fan low speed temp (220DegF)
9415 # High Speed Fan Temperature Hysteresis - HSFHYS
9416 # Low Speed Fan Temperature Hysterysis - LSFHYS
9417 # Low Speed Fan MPH - LSFVS
9418 # Low Speed Fan MPH Hysterysis - LSFVSH
9419 # Low Speed Fan Min Time Before High Speed - EDFTM
941a # A/C Min Time Off Before Turning Fan Off - ACMNFT
941c # Low Speed Fan Present/Enable
941d # High Speed Fan Present/Enable
941e # fan high speed temp 1(234DegF)
941e # ect1 fan on
941f # ect2 fan on fan high speed temp 2(242DegF)
9420 # Fan High Speed Min RPM - HSFRPM
9421 # Fan High Speed Min MPH - HSFVS
9422 # Fan High Speed Min Load - HSFLOD
9424 # Default ISC Dutycycle - Default ISC dutycyle when both TPS and MAF failed flags are set
9426 # Default Desired Idle RPM - Default desired idle rpm when both TPS and MAF failed flags are set
9428 # Default ECT value?
942f ||################################################### Reg 0xF8 points here (9430)
9432 # closed throttle spark adder
9434 # part throttle spark adder (Deg BTDC)
943a # spark adder WOT ( Deg BTDC)
943c # Spark Limit Min - SPLCLP
943d # Spark Limit Max - SPUCLP
943e # PT Spark Multiplier - "
943f # Spark/Fuel Lug Time Limit - LUGTIM
9440 # Lugging Timer Reset Switch - If set then Lugging Timer is cleared before Lugging Timer Up Flag is cleared and Lugging Timer Down Flag is set.
9442 # Spark Adder Neutral - NSADD
9444 # Spark Max PIP RPM - SPKSWL
9446 # Spark Min PIP RPM - SPKSWH
9448 # RPM to MPH Ratio for First Gear - TTNOV
9449 # High Data Rate Electronic Spark H/W present
944a # Computer Controlled Dwell Present if Set. (else dwell is TFI controlled)
9450 # # Slope for linear equation describing PIP period and percent of PIP period for acceleration, (Units = Beta/second)
9452 # Max PIP acceleration in percent of PIP period, Beta
9454 # Spark Advance Limit PIP%
9456 # max low speed dwell (off time in ms )
9458 # max high speed dwell (off time in ms )
945A # DWLWF - Weighting factor determining effect of ECT and ACT on Base Dwell, unitless.
945c # Switch point for change of max permitted DWELL,sec
945e # Spark Tip In TP - KACRAT
9460 # Spark Retard For Knock Sensor - RETLIM
9461 # Spark Knock Advance Limit - ADVLIM
9462 # Tip in retard (max tip in spark retard in Deg BTDC)
9463 # Spark Tip In Advance Per PIP - TIPINC
9468 # Spark Knock Min RPM - The minimum rpm for the knock strategy to be enabled.
946c # Spark Knock Min ECT - ECTNOK
946e # Spark Tip In Max RPM - NTIP
9478 # Spark Tip In TP Threshold - KNKCYL
947a # Knock Input H/w Present
9487 ||# PT Spark Scaler for ECT
94a8 ||# Closed Throttle Spark Adder For RPM - FN111
94bc ||# CT Spark Adder For ECT - FN112
1 |# Generates cold temperature spark advance. Input = ECT, deg F and Output = spark adder.
94cc ||# Closed Throttle Spark Adder For BP - FN115
94d8 ||# LOM spark Strategy - (load managemnt at WOT ?) Input: RPM and Output: load.
94ea ||# Part Throttle Spark Advance vs ACT - FN1261
94f6 ||# LOMALT Multiplier vs BP - FN129A
9502 ||# WOT Spark Advance vs RPM - FN1311
9524 ||# WOT Spark Advance vs BP - FN1331 (Hg , Degrees)
9530 ||# WOT Spark Advance vs ECT - FN134
953e ||# WOT Spark Advance vs ACT - FN135
954c ||# Idle Spark Subtractor - FN180
9558 ||# ISC Neutral RPM Adder - FN880
9566 ||# Startup Kicker Time Delay - FN400
9572 ||# Sea Level (Base) Spark Table (Deg BTDC = load vs RPM)
1 |# - The ecu interpolates between the Sea Level and Altitude spark tables during normal part throttle
1 |# operation. Set to the same as the Sea Level Spark table.
1 |# 10 Cols: Speed [RPM] 500,700,900,1100,1300,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000
1 |# 8 Rows: Load [] .05,.15,.23,.30,.40,.50,.60,.75
95c3 || # Altitude Spark Table
1 |# - The ecu interpolates between the Sea Level and Altitude spark tables during normal part throttle
1 |# operation. Set to the same as the Sea Level Spark table.
1 |# 10 Cols: Speed [RPM] 500,700,900,1100,1300,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000
1 |# 8 Rows: Load [] .05,.15,.23,.30,.40,.50,.60,.75
1 |# 95C4 @95C4
960a ||# sea level (Base) lom spark Table
1 |# - A more aggressive spark advance used during acceleration.
1 |# 10 Cols: Speed [RPM] 500,700,900,1100,1300,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000
1 |# 8 Rows: Load [] .05,.15,.23,.30,.40,.50,.60,.75
#1 |# 9614 @9614 altitude lom spark (load vs RPM)
965a ||# Part Thottle Spark Adder for EGR
96aa ||# PT Spark Adder for RPM
1 |# Table of spark adders from engine speed N and LOAD. (4 x 3)
1 |# X input is RPM Y -input is LOAD
96bc ||# Torque Reduction Table - FN1119
970a ||# Part Throttle spark modifier (adder). (ECT,LOAD)
# 1 |# 9749 @9749 min high speed dwell
9741 ||# Min Low Speed Dwell - FN160A
1 |# = Dwell/Coil off time vs battery voltage
975c ||# Min High Speed Dwell - FN160B1
1 |# = Dwell/Coil off time vs battery voltage
# |# 9761 @9761 min low speed dwell
9774 ||# Spark Knock Retard Increment vs RPM - FN143A
9782 ||# Spark Knock Threshold Time - Output is fraction of PIP period.
9790 ||# Spark Knock Threshold Position.
979a ||# Spark Advance Rate vs RPM
1 |# - Limits the advance rate to avoid pinging, increase to improve throttle response.
97a6 ||#################### RFA points here (97a8)|
97aa # PT Threshold - Added to closed throttle value.
97ac # WOT Threshold Hysteresis - HYST2
97ae # PT Threshold Hysteresis -
97b0 # WOT breakpoint. TPS voltage - 1
97b2 # 254 degrees?
97b3 # Fuel Lugging Mode O/L Min ECT - LDEH
97b5 # Min Time for Lugging O/L - The minimum time in lugging mode required for the Lugging O/L Flag to be set.
97b6 # Fuel Lugging Mode O/L Min Load - LDMH
97b8 # Fuel Lugging Mode O/L Min Load Hysteresis - LDMHH
97ba # Global Open Loop Fuel Multiplier - OLMCL
97bc # RPM classifications
97cc # EGR PT Adder - KPEI
97cd # egr multiplier (byte)
97ce # EGR Dutycycle for Valve to Open - DCOFF
97d0 # EGR Deadband Value for EVP - EGRDED
97d2 # Calibration time delay to ramp in EGR (sec)
97d4 # EPT Transfer - XFREPT
97d9 # EGR type (0=sonic, 1=PFE, 2=none)
97e2 # Dashpot decrement Filter factor ?
97e6 ||## Filter factors for the various filter & rollav subroutine calls, mapped by encoded addresses
1 |# number range d040 - d060, maps to 97e8 - 9808|
97e8 # EVP output (d040)
97ea # BAP 1
97ec # ECT
97ee # EGR 1 (d046)
97f0 # EVP (d048)
97f2 # AM (airflow)
97f4 # RPM 1 (d04c)
97f6 # TP 1 (Throttle) (d04e)
97f8 # VBAT (d050)
97fa # MPH 1 (d052)
97fc # LOAD (d054)
97fe # BAP 2 (d056)
9800 # Injdly output (d058)
9802 # MPH 2 (d05a)
9804 # RPM 2 (d05c)
9806 # TP 2 (throttle) (d05e)
9808 # EGR Filter (d060)
980c ||# High Speed Spark Retard - Deducted from spark calculations.Table 980D High Speed Spark retard, mph.
981a ||# Fuel High Speed Multiplier - FN396A
9829 ||# Func - sea level lugging Open Loop multiplier (vs rpm) - FN308
9842 ||# Func - Altitude Lugging Open Loop Fuel Multiplier (RPM) - FN309
985e ||# Func - Fuel Crank PulseWidth Multiplier vs Time - FN306
9876 ||# Cranking Fuel PulseWidth vs ECT - FN348
989a ||# Fuel Under RPM Pulsewidth vs ECT - FN387
98ae ||# Exhaust Back Pressure Correction
1 |# - Barometric pressure correction for exhaust back pressure calculation
98b8 ||# EGR Valve Upstream Pressure
1 |# - Upstream pressure as a function of input(AM * KAMREF) output = H2O
98de ||# EGR Multipiler for ECT - FN211
98ec ||# Spark vs BP Sealevel - FN212A
98f6 ||# EGR Multipiler for BAP - FN217A
9902 ||# EGR Mass Flow vs EGR Valve Position - FN219A
9918 ||# EGR Multipiler for ACT - FN220
9924 ||# EGR Position vs Desired Flow - FN221A
993e ||# EGR Duty Cycle Adder vs EGR Error
995a ||# EGR mass flow as a function of DELPR - is this EGR Transfer Function?
9982 ||# EGR Desired Drop vs Flow - FN247
99aa ||# Table - Sea level EGR table - FN908A
1 |# X = scaled RPM Y = scaled load. Output = Percent EGR
99f4 ||# Table - Altitude EGR table - FN908B
1 |# X = scaled RPM Y = scaled load. Output = Percent EGR
9a44 ||# MFA EGR Multiplier - Multiplier used for ramping in managed fuel air tables.
9a56 ||# Canister Purge Duty Cycle Multiplier - FN600
9a64 ||# Canister Purge Duty Cycle Multiplier - FN602
9a70 ||# Canister Purge Duty Cycle vs Airmass - Conversion to be determined.
9a7c ||################################################### Reg 0xFC points here (9a7e)|
9a80 Percent Load Switch - Set for load% = load, clear for load% = load/peak load
9a82 # Half fuel on
9a84 # Half fuel off
9a86 # Speed Limiter A On
9a87 # Speed Limiter A Off
9a88 # Speed Limiter B On
9a89 # Speed Limiter B Off
9a8c # ECT limit LO
9a8d # ECT limit Hi
9a92 # throttle position to force open loop (TPS voltage - 1)
9a94 # no fuel rpm (max rpm)
9a95 # rev limit
9a98 # Min no of HEGO switches required for WARM_EGO_FLAG to be set.
9a9a # min load for open loop
9a9c # min load for closed loop
9a9e # Upper LOAD Limit for Closed Loop Fuel Control,unitless
9aa0 # Time at high load to force Open Loop (secs)
9aa2 # Desired A/F Ratio Max - is clipped to this limit = 1.30
9aa4 # Desired A/F Ratio Min - is clipped to this limit = 0.75
9aaf Injectors Per Output Port - No of injectors fired by each port.
9ab0 # no of cyls
9ab1 # Injector Fire Method - 1 = sequential, 2 = simultaneous
9ab6 # Max RPM for Idle - max rpm to allow Idle Flag to be set when Closed Throttle flag set.
9ABD # NITMR3 - ATMR1 timed delay to enter Closed Loop fuel after Hot start, seconds.
9ac3 # min ect for decel fuel shutoff (Deg F - 140)
9ac4 # Fuel Shut Off Max Load.
9ac6 # Fuel Shut Off Max Load Hysterysis.
9ac8 # Min RPM for Decel Fuel Shut Off.
9aca # Min RPM for Decel Fuel Shut Off Hysterysis.
9acc # Fuel Shut Off Neutral Max Time - DSTM1
9acd # Fuel Shut Off Shift Max Time - DSTM2
9acf # Decel Fuel Shut Off Time Extended - CTEDSO
9ad0 # Fuel Shut Off Min Time at PT - DSFTM
9ad1 # Fuel Shut Off Min PIP To Remain O/L - PIPNUM
9ad4 # Fuel Shut Off Shift Min RPM - SHFRPM
# 9ad4 # Fuel Shut Off Time To Enable - CTDFSO
9ad6 # Fuel Shut Off Shift Min RPM Hysterysis - SHFHYS
9ada # Fuel Shut Off Deceleration Min MPH - DFSVS
9adb # Fuel Shut Off Deceleration Min MPH Hysterysis - DFSVSH
9ae1 # Fuel Shut Off PT Enable - 1 = PT decel fuel shut off, 0 = CT decel fuel shut off.
9ae2 # Adaptive ECT Min - AFECT1
9ae4 # Min ACT for Adaptive Control - AFACT1
9ae5 # Max ACT for Adaptive Control - AFACT2
9ae6 # Adaptive Delay Time - ADAPTM
9aee # Adaptive Control Min - MINADP
9aef # Adaptive Control Max - MAXADP
9af2 # HEGO Rich Correction - LMBJMP
9af8 # Adaptive Max Fast Cycles - KWUCNT
9afa # Adaptive Idle Low RPM - HCAMSW
9afb ||# ISC Time Scaler for Time
9b0c ||# Table - Emission Table RPM scaling
9b2c ||# Func - Injector Offset vs Battery Voltage (Reduce for larger injectors).
9b44 ||# Func - Open Loop Fuel Multiplier vs ACT - FN300
9b52 ||# Func - Closed Throttle, Open Loop Fuel Multiplier vs ACT - FN301
9b68 ||# Func - Fuel Idle Neutral Multiplier - FN301N
9b7c ||# Func - WOT Fuel Multiplier vs RPM - FN303
9b9c ||# Table - MAF Backflow Correction
1 |# Multiplier of raw air mass to compensate for backflow in the MAF sensor.
9be6 ||# Table - Base Fuel (A/F ratio load vs ECT)
1 |# A/F ratio - load vs ECT, Used when ECT is low and WARM_HEGO_FLAG = 0
1 |# 10 Cols: ECT [DegF] -30,0,30,60,90,120,150,180,210,240
1 |# 8 Rows: Load [] .05, .15, .30, .40, .55, .70, .80, .90
9c36 ||# Table - Startup Fuel - Subtracted from Base Fuel table for warm up enrichment. [A/F Ratio]
1 ||# fuel base (correct address? )
1 |# 10 Cols: ECT [DegF] -30,0,30,60,90,120,150,180,210,240
1 |# 8 Rows: Time [Sec] 0,3,5,10,15,25,35,45
#9c86 ||# fuel startup
#9c86 ||# Table 9C90 fuel time scaling
9c86 ||# Peak Load at Sea Level vs RPM
1 |# Adjust if engine is substantially more efficient than stock and Percent Load Switch is not set.
9ca8 || # Load Limit Open Loop vs ECT - FN320A
9cc4 || # Fuel Drive Engagement vs ECT - FN371
9ce4 || # Fuel Equilibrium Intake Surface - FN1321
#9d32 |# Scale: 128.0 Offset: 0.0 Math: 1
#9d32 |# Scale: 4.0 Offset: 0.0 Math: 1
#9d32 |# X: RPM
#9d32 |# Y: Open Loop Fuel Multiplier
9d36 |# Fuel Equilibrium Time Constant - FN1322
1 |# 10 Cols 8 Rows
# 2e ||# fuel ect scaling
9d7e ||# Table - Exhaust Pulse Delay
1 |# The time, in revs per second, from when a fuel change is made until the HEGO sensor indicates this change.
1 |# Result is used to calculate the transport delay in PIPs and seconds.
9da4 ||# Table - HEGO amplitude
9dc4 ||# Table - HEGO bias
1 |# Allows the averaged A/F ratio to be shifted slightly rich or lean to adjust emissions.
1 |# A rich mixture will lower NOx but raise CO, a lean mixture will do the opposite.
9de4 ||# Func: Open Loop Fuel Multiplier vs RPM (FN374)
9dfc ||Table - Adaptive Control Update Rate - FN1325 (for learning cells ?)
9e58 ||################## Reg 0xFE points here (9e5a) ############################|
9e5a ||## TRLoad - Transmission Type - 0 = manual, no clutch or gear switches, forced neutral state
1 |# 1 = manual, no clutch or gear switches 2 = manual, one clutch or gear switch 3 = manual, both clutch and gear switches
1 |# 4 = non electronic auto, neutral drive switch 5 = non electronic auto, neutral pressure switch, 6 = electronic auto , PRNDL sensor
9e5c ||## Tstrat - Transmission Strategy - Selects which transmission strategy to use;
1 |# 0 = no transmission control 1 = SIL (shift indicator light) 2 = A4LD with 3/4 shift control and convertor clutch control
1 |# 3 = AXOD 4 = C6E4 (E4OD) 5 = A4LD-E 6 = FAX-4 7 = AOD-4 (AOD-I) 8 = 4EAT 9 = CD4E
9e5e # Hot Start Min ECT - The minimum ECT for a hot start condition to be recognised.
9e5f # Cold Start Max ECT - The maximum ECT for a cold start condition to be recognised.
9e61 # PIPs per Cycle - Number of PIPs per dizzy rev. (2 engine revs)
9e64 # Lambda Reset Switch - Set if desired A/F ratio is to be clipped to be no leaner than 14.64 when transiting from O/L to C/L.
9e65 # Thermactor H/W Present (values 1,2,3 checked...)
9e66 # CID Sensor Present
9e67 # CID Sensor Type - 1 = Variable Reluctance 0 = Hall Effect sensor.
9e67 ||# Signature PIP duty cycle, 8 cyls/<35% = .20, 6 cyls/< 30% = .24, 4 cyls/30% = .29, Not present = 0.99
9e70 # no of HEGOs
9e74 # MAF Min Airmass Clip
abcd #
b048 # ? - neutral idle open loop delay (time in seconds under closed loop control before going open loop)
bab6 # - max rpm closed throttle idle