1DGA disassembly

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Jamie from oz
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Re: 1DGA disassembly

Unread post by Jamie from oz »

Thanks John.
I will add the other sub names from A9L after I do the scales.
Jamie from oz
Posts: 54
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Location: South Australia
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Re: 1DGA disassembly

Unread post by Jamie from oz »

have started to sort the 1dga_256k_xdf
1dga 2.jpg
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Binary Editor

Re: 1DGA disassembly

Unread post by jsa »

Good luck turning it into a silk purse.

The BE patch code is sorted.

Some more stuff to chuck in the DIR;
For the subroutine section

Code: Select all

Sub 2000 "Sub2000_Boot"                                                 # {0}
For the Bank 8 Commands section

Code: Select all

WOR 8784 8787                                                           # initialise data lists {0}
STR 8788 87A7 : Y N :Y                                                  # {0}
WOR 87A8 87A9                                                           # {0}
FIL 87AA 87B1                                                           # {0}
WOR 87B2 87B5                                                           # {0}
STR 87B6 87E3 : Y N D 100 :Y                                            # {0}
WOR 87E4 87E5                                                           # {0}
FIL 87E6 87ED                                                           # {0}
WOR 87EE 87F1                                                           # {0}
STR 87F2 8821 : Y N D 200 :Y                                            # {0}
WOR 8822 8824                                                           # {0}
FIL 8825 882B                                                           # {0}
WOR 882C 882F                                                           # {0}
STR 8830 8845 : Y N D 300 :Y                                            # {0}
WOR 8846 8847                                                           # {0}
For the Payload Registers section

Code: Select all

SYM   24 "Clbrtn_Cnsl"              :B4                                 # Calibration Console Flag {0}

SYM  d00 "CC_PRESENT"               #                                   # {0}
For the Bank 8 Scalars section

Code: Select all

SYM 200e "CC_EXE_TIME"              #UW                                 # Calibration Console Execution Time {0}

SYM 2020 "NPTRS"                    #UY                                 # P5-26 Cal Console training Manual
SYM 2021 "NCALS"                    #UY                                 # P5-26 Cal Console training Manual
SYM 2022 "Z_CPL1-Cal_Pntr_List_1"   #UW                                 # {0}
SYM 2024 "Z_CPL2-Cal_Pntr_List_2"   #UW                                 # {0}
SYM 2026 "Z_CPL3-Cal_Pntr_List_3"   #UW                                 # {0}
SYM 2028 "Z_CPL4-Cal_Pntr_List_4"   #UW                                 # {0}
SYM 202a "Z_CPL5-Cal_Pntr_List_5"   #UW                                 # {0}
SYM 202c "Z_CPL6-Cal_Pntr_List_6"   #UW                                 # {0}
SYM 202e "Z_CPL7-Cal_Pntr_List_7"   #UW                                 # {0} 
SYM 2030 "Z_CPL8-Cal_Pntr_List_8"   #UW                                 # {0}
This can go in your CMT file or start a new CMT file.

Code: Select all

2064 # [8784] Address of Initialisation Structure

860A \n\n##################################################################################
860A \n# Calibration console routine and patch code executed by \s2151
860A   \n    # Vect  from L218A
860A   \n    # Vect  from L21DE
860A   \n    # Vect  from L2202

860B \n\n    # Cont  from L860B executed by \s2151 \t83\s860B
860B   \n    # Call  from L2091 L208E Sets \s24:4 = 1 \t83\s2032
860C ~ No Console
8611 ~ Unless = 2a
8614 ~ Jump

8615 \n\n    ~ Does not Continue as D00 does not = 2a \t83\s860C
8616 ~
8619 ~
861C ~
8622 ~
8624 ~
8626 ~
862B ~
862E ~
8631 ~
8634 ~
8639 ~
863C ~
8640 ~

8641 \n\n    # JNE   from L8614 R15!=2a \sD00 NOT present \t83\s860C
8641   \n    ~ JB    from L8639 BYPASSED by \sD00 NOT present \t83\s860C
8642 # Clear CC address
8647 # Load calibration list address

864C   \n    # Cont  No calibration console, enable interrupts \t83\s860C
864E \n\n    # JB    from L864B \s24:4=1 leave interupts disabled \t83\s860C
864F # RBase F0
8653 # RBase count 0x8

8657 \n\n    # DJNZ  Loop from L865E until Rbase F0 to FE loaded \t83\s860C

8660 \n\n    # Cont  Rbase F0 to FE loaded \t83\s860C

8685 \n\n    # JB    from L8661 \s24:4=1 \t83\s860C
8685   \n    # JNE   from L8669 [1ff2] != 0x1f1c \t83\s860C
8685   \n    # JNE   from L867D [1ff6] failed check \t83\s860C
8685   \n    # PUSH  from L867F [1ff6] passed check. [1ff2] also pushed to stack \t83\s860C

8783 \n
8783 \n##################################################################################
8783 \n# Structure for values assigned at startup
8783 \n# Value assigned one byte at a time

8786 # L87A8 end of this list
87A8 # L87B2 start of next list
87A9 \n####
87B4 # L87E4 end of this list
87E4 # L87EE start of next list
87E5 \n####
87F0 # L8822 end of this list
8822 # L882C start of next list
8823 \n####
882E # L8846 end of this list
8846 # Structure end

8A1D   \n    # rpm > column
Jamie from oz
Posts: 54
Joined: 2022 Jul 08, 04:54
Location: South Australia
Vehicle Information: 1995 ford falcon ute 5.0 windsor efi

Re: 1DGA disassembly

Unread post by Jamie from oz »

Thanks John
I will add those .
I will get the consolidated dir sorted more on the weekend and post it.

Yes the tuner pro xdf is only to help Dimitrios as he doesn't have a Quaterhorse .

Will make up a BE one after .
I have one started tho LOL.
Jamie from oz
Posts: 54
Joined: 2022 Jul 08, 04:54
Location: South Australia
Vehicle Information: 1995 ford falcon ute 5.0 windsor efi

Re: 1DGA disassembly

Unread post by Jamie from oz »

This XDF isn't complete yet as i still need to do the scalers and flags.
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Jamie from oz
Posts: 54
Joined: 2022 Jul 08, 04:54
Location: South Australia
Vehicle Information: 1995 ford falcon ute 5.0 windsor efi

Re: 1DGA disassembly

Unread post by Jamie from oz »

Have been working away at the Consolidated dir and the XDF.

The 1DGA XDF should be more usable now and only a couple things i wasn't sure about the addresses.
I added all the addresses to the ### error ones but haven't checked them out correctly yet.
(589.95 KiB) Downloaded 202 times
updated 27/08/2024 Jamie.
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