Just copy and paste.
I have my car running much better after tweaking injector timing.
One small thing that's bugging me is lean tip-in.
It's usually not enough to cause issues, but every so often I'll get a stumble when AFR gets up to 16.5+.
It only last for a second or 2, but it's annoying.
I tried setting transient tuning per this post.
https://www.eectuning.org/forums/viewto ... 908#p87684
One thing I noticed when logging is that EFTRFF is almost always 0.
In my datalog for ~30 minutes I have 17k+ lines of data. There were only 70 lines that have a value for transient and all were the same value (19.5312504934009).
In my calibration (modified A9S), one scalar that has me confused is AEACLD.
Why would this value be negative?AEACLD - Change in LOAD indicating that the Intake Manifold is filling. When change in load is greater than this, transient enrichment is allowed
Stock value is -0.101.
If that's the case, I would expect transient to be constantly changing since any bit of throttle would be greater than a negative change in load, but as mentioned, mine is almost always 0.