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by D3fault
2023 Nov 16, 00:10
Forum: CRAI8 - 98 Fords (Most All)
Topic: hhu1 bin
Replies: 16
Views: 14284

Re: hhu1 bin

Well as it turns out the port infact was not cleaned properly. I was under the impression all that needed to be done was the dialectic grease cleaned off the pins. I lightly scuffed the port with some sandpaper until the contacts were copper colored reinstalled in the car connected my chip read my stock tune flashed it to the ECU disabled pats and it started and functioned as intended. Tho I did notice for some reason in my xdf under “cubic inch displacement” my factory bin shows as 4228 cubic inches. When I changed this in live tuning with the engine running my idle spazzed out. Aside from that all is well and works as intended. I appreciate the help and suggestions.
by D3fault
2023 Nov 13, 14:03
Forum: CRAI8 - 98 Fords (Most All)
Topic: hhu1 bin
Replies: 16
Views: 14284

Re: hhu1 bin

Key was on when I read it. I never installed or removed the chip with the ECU powered on. Car will start and run fine with the chip uninstalled.
by D3fault
2023 Nov 11, 14:39
Forum: CRAI8 - 98 Fords (Most All)
Topic: hhu1 bin
Replies: 16
Views: 14284

Re: hhu1 bin

@rusty i did get it from Paul. i had a friend try the same files with tunerpro on his laptop and it gave the same data readings. something definitely isn't right because Paul reformatted that bin for me. no reason it shouldn't have worked. the port is clean. like i said i wire brushed it twice and wiped it down with alcohol.
by D3fault
2023 Nov 10, 16:18
Forum: CRAI8 - 98 Fords (Most All)
Topic: hhu1 bin
Replies: 16
Views: 14284

Re: hhu1 bin

Also attaching a reformatted version of another hhu1 bin
by D3fault
2023 Nov 10, 14:18
Forum: CRAI8 - 98 Fords (Most All)
Topic: hhu1 bin
Replies: 16
Views: 14284

Re: hhu1 bin

ive cleaned the j3 port twice with a brass wire brush and rubbing alcohol thinking it was a bad connection too. no luck. i think its something in the crai8 xdf file because i can read my stock tune out and load it into tunerpro but all the values just populate as randomized garbage. examples: engine displacement 3.4 liters, fuel pump prime time 38.6 seconds, random letters and numbers in the injector size editor. i looked and noticed there's a patch in the xdf for "crajo strategy identifier" that's supposed to be patched for a crai8 file but isn't. i also tried a different fresh hhu1 bin file i sourced and it did the same thing so im thinking its the strategy file not interpreting correctly. if you could take a look at it id be very thankful. ill attach the bin im trying to use. "unknown bin" is the one i read off the cars ecu the other is the bin i was given.
by D3fault
2023 Nov 09, 17:35
Forum: CRAI8 - 98 Fords (Most All)
Topic: hhu1 bin
Replies: 16
Views: 14284

hhu1 bin

hi. im trying to tune a 98 3.8 mustang with a HHU1 catch code ecu. does anyone have an appropriate base tune file and xdf or know where or how i can get one? any help is appreciated.