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2024 Oct 01, 08:31
Forum: The Garage & Build Threads
Topic: 1997 Mountaineer 5.0 for Coil-near-plug swap
Replies: 84
Views: 43072

Re: 1997 Mountaineer 5.0 for Coil-near-plug swap

Why not just use the explorer manifolds? That would solve the fitment issues without having to cut anything.
2024 Sep 24, 08:17
Forum: The Garage & Build Threads
Topic: 1997 Mountaineer 5.0 for Coil-near-plug swap
Replies: 84
Views: 43072

Re: 1997 Mountaineer 5.0 for Coil-near-plug swap

Yes, but I would buy a complete kit that comes with a sensor. There are a few different sensors that are wideband sensors, and they all read differently. Make sure you buy a kit and use the sensor that comes with the kit. That is very important. Unless you have a part number on the sensor, and it corresponds with the manufacturer's specifications for the gauge and controller. But I recommend you buy the kit and use the included sensor.
2024 Sep 24, 08:13
Forum: Hardware, Programming & Disassembly
Topic: EEC V file conversion
Replies: 513
Views: 175658

Re: EEC V file conversion

Ok. Thank you. That makes it easier to bang into my head, LOL. I think I get it now. Indirect points to a register, that holds the address, of the actual value used, and direct points to a register that contains the actual value used?
2024 Sep 23, 08:24
Forum: Hardware, Programming & Disassembly
Topic: EEC V file conversion
Replies: 513
Views: 175658

Re: EEC V file conversion

Sorry, wife had me busy over the weekend and did not get a chance to read up yet. I will add the above to my cmt file and add the word values to my dir file if not already there. So depending on the flag set, it would add 8 or 2 to the 926e to get the register of the value to load into Tmp2l? So indirectly loading the resulting register by adding 8 or 2 to the value of 926e. Sound like I understand why you got what you did? If it were a direct address mode it would be looking for the value of the register it is pointing to not an actual value plus a hex amount? Is that correct?
2024 Sep 21, 23:59
Forum: The Garage & Build Threads
Topic: 1997 Mountaineer 5.0 for Coil-near-plug swap
Replies: 84
Views: 43072

Re: 1997 Mountaineer 5.0 for Coil-near-plug swap

Just take the cheap sensor out and put the aem one in. The cheap sensor is a narrow band sensor and reads just like a stock one and is of no use. The egr location looks to be angled too much and won’t put the sensor in the middle of the exhaust flow. Looks like it will be against the side of the manifold.
Also, you will need to use a strong drill to get oil pressure with the oil pump drive shaft. A speed wrench by hand will not do it. And once it starts to build a little pressure a regular drill won’t be able to turn it over. Need to use a good heavy duty 1/2” drill.
2024 Sep 20, 17:28
Forum: Hardware, Programming & Disassembly
Topic: EEC V file conversion
Replies: 513
Views: 175658

Re: EEC V file conversion

The address mode is indirect. But I need to read up on what that means in this case. Also need to read up on memory expansion a bit more.
2024 Sep 20, 09:35
Forum: Hardware, Programming & Disassembly
Topic: EEC V file conversion
Replies: 513
Views: 175658

Re: EEC V file conversion

Missed when it cleared the word value, sorry about that. So it should be 8 or a depending on the result in b5_Rad then? Just to clear it up. So then I would add 8 to 926e to equal 9276 or a to 926e to equal 124ee than add the RBase value of 1723e to either of those results to find what is loaded into Tmp2l?

like this?

Code: Select all

92197: 65,08,00,26        ad2w  R26,8            TEMP1L(0) += 8;     =8
9219b: 3d,ad,04           jb    B5,Rad,921a2     if (FLG_SFT_UP = 0)  {
9219e: 65,02,00,26        ad2w  R26,2            TEMP1L (0)+= 2; } } } }    =2
921a2: 45,6e,92,26,32     ad3w  R32,R26,926e     TEMP7L = 8 + 926e;  = s.0x09276   or   a + 926e  =  s.0x09280
921a7: 46,32,fe,36        ad3w  R36,Rfe,[R32]    TMP2L = 1723e + [TEMP7L];  s.0x09276 + 1723e = s.0x204b4  or  s.0x09280 + 1723e = s.0x204be 
But I feel like that would be incorrect, because of the results? Because there is no s.0x204be? So what am I doing wrong? Sorry if these are stupid questions. Or maybe the RBase value in Rfe is not correct?
2024 Sep 20, 09:18
Forum: PCM / ECU / EEC Tuning
Topic: [READ0] Strategy File
Replies: 12
Views: 2389

Re: [READ0] Strategy File

Ok. Thank you for taking the time to do this. I really appreciate it. Again, if I can do anything to help, Please let me know.
2024 Sep 19, 16:04
Forum: Hardware, Programming & Disassembly
Topic: EEC V file conversion
Replies: 513
Views: 175658

Re: EEC V file conversion

Looks like it loads word 12a7, which is also GR_DS_TV, should I be looking at this subroutine without the label on the 12a7 address and as a value instead?

Code: Select all

92128: f2                 pushp                  push(PSW);
92129: a1,a7,12,26        ldw   R26,12a7         TEMP1L = GR_DS_TV;
9212d: a1,2a,00,28        ldw   R28,2a           TEMP2L = 2a;
92131: 10,08              rombk 8
92133: ef,4f,b9           call  8da85            Sxx8DA85_RZA8E908 ();
92136: 11,3c              clrb  R3c              TMP5L = 0;
92138: 01,26              clrw  R26              TEMP1L = 0;
9213a: b3,01,21,01,30     ldb   R30,[R0+121]     TEMP6L = TP_REL_H;
9213f: b3,e4,10,31        ldb   R31,[Re4+10]     TEMP6H = VSBART_RT;
92143: 37,b0,18           jnb   B7,Rb0,9215e     if (FLG_SFT_IN = 1)  {
92146: b3,fd,80,10,46     ldb   R46,[Rfc+1080]   TMP0L = [16db2];
9214b: 30,46,04           jnb   B0,R46,92152     if (B0_TMP0L = 1)  {
9214e: b3,e4,32,30        ldb   R30,[Re4+32]     TEMP6L = [112b2]; }
92152: b3,fd,81,10,46     ldb   R46,[Rfc+1081]   TMP0L = [16db3];
92157: 30,46,04           jnb   B0,R46,9215e     if (B0_TMP0L = 1)  {
9215a: b3,e4,15,31        ldb   R31,[Re4+15]     TEMP6H = [11295]; } }
9215e: 39,2a,11           jb    B1,R2a,92172     if (B1_TEMP3L = 0)  {
92161: 3a,2a,10           jb    B2,R2a,92174     if (B2_TEMP3L = 1) goto 92174;
92164: 3b,2a,30           jb    B3,R2a,92197     if (B3_TEMP3L = 1) goto 92197;
92167: 3c,2a,02           jb    B4,R2a,9216c     if (B4_TEMP3L = 0)  {
9216a: 22,56              sjmp  923c2            goto 923c2; }
More like this? But instead of 12a7 add 8 to it to equal 12af?

Code: Select all

92197: 65,08,00,26        ad2w  R26,8            TEMP1L += 8;
9219b: 3d,ad,04           jb    B5,Rad,921a2     if (FLG_SFT_UP = 0)  {
9219e: 65,02,00,26        ad2w  R26,2            TEMP1L += 2; } } } }
921a2: 45,6e,92,26,32     ad3w  R32,R26,926e     TEMP7L = 12a7 + 926e;
921a7: 46,32,fe,36        ad3w  R36,Rfe,[R32]    TMP2L = 1723e + [TEMP7L];
921ab: b0,30,38           ldb   R38,R30          TMP3L = TEMP6L;
921ae: 91,10,a5           orb   Ra5,10           SIGNDY = 1;
921b1: ef,a9,26           call  9485d            SLU9485D_92C16_**YFn ();
921b4: c7,e4,2a,3c        stb   R3c,[Re4+2a]     TV_RAMP = TMP5L;
2024 Sep 19, 15:58
Forum: Hardware, Programming & Disassembly
Topic: EEC V file conversion
Replies: 513
Views: 175658

Re: EEC V file conversion

The QH gives access to all of the ECU, so what is to be gained from the diagnostic subset??
I guess nothing really there. I was just thinking about the active commands section to activate outputs from tunerpro maybe for diagnostic purposes I guess. I think that the addressing may be in the vehicle build file possibly. Not sure. A lot of the xml files seem to point to a vbf file.
Look at code preceding your pasted snippet for where r26 is loaded with a value. An rbase could be set over a range but the jump bit will foil the plan due to +8 vs +8+2.
I will see what I can track down here. I do have Rfe defined in my lst file, not sure why SAD is not applying the value in this SUB. May be a bug I guess.