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by efloth
2023 Jan 10, 19:56
Forum: Moates Support
Topic: MOATES -- FYI
Replies: 81
Views: 33289


Cool! Are you focused on re-programming the factory EPROM or developing your own F3V2 style device? This link has the pinouts for the factory EPROM.

I'd say a jaybird replacement would be amazing: It programs J3 devices natively:
by efloth
2023 Jan 10, 16:56
Forum: A1C - 80/90s EFI-SD4x Speed Density
Topic: Electric fan control on Sd4x
Replies: 48
Views: 20815

Re: Electric fan control on Sd4x

So pin 39 just needs a couple smd components and connects through this ic.
Any ideas on what this chip is? Are we dealing with the on/off or PWM?
by efloth
2023 Jan 09, 22:56
Forum: A1C - 80/90s EFI-SD4x Speed Density
Topic: Electric fan control on Sd4x
Replies: 48
Views: 20815

Re: Electric fan control on Sd4x

I'll send a pic tomorrow. It is sd48b for sure but don't have the other info. I think pin 39 may be an option but I lost it near the small logic chips in the middle of the board. All the other available pins appear to go nowhere or to missing components.
by efloth
2023 Jan 09, 19:24
Forum: A1C - 80/90s EFI-SD4x Speed Density
Topic: Electric fan control on Sd4x
Replies: 48
Views: 20815

Re: Electric fan control on Sd4x

Let me know what you find. 35 is not connected as you said. I found the end of the line for pin 15. It appears an optional component needs to be installed. Any ideas on what goes here?
I have a relay so On/Off is what I am looking for
by efloth
2023 Jan 09, 00:01
Forum: A1C - 80/90s EFI-SD4x Speed Density
Topic: 400hp 351w startup tune
Replies: 95
Views: 41040

Re: 400hp 351w startup tune

Thank you sir! I was planning on running a stock regulator. What is the benefit of lower fuel pressure? Better control?
by efloth
2023 Jan 06, 10:26
Forum: A1C - 80/90s EFI-SD4x Speed Density
Topic: Electric fan control on Sd4x
Replies: 48
Views: 20815

Re: Electric fan control on Sd4x

Thanks for the input guys. So to find pin 35 in code, I need to orb a bunch of registers until I find the connection to ground activate? Does the other parameter of that opcode reference the bit in that register?
by efloth
2023 Jan 04, 23:24
Forum: A1C - 80/90s EFI-SD4x Speed Density
Topic: Electric fan control on Sd4x
Replies: 48
Views: 20815

Re: Electric fan control on Sd4x

Yes it's a 4x4. The link above has a good reference. I have an e4od so that column gets added in. 34 or 35 any good?
by efloth
2023 Jan 04, 22:15
Forum: A1C - 80/90s EFI-SD4x Speed Density
Topic: Electric fan control on Sd4x
Replies: 48
Views: 20815

Re: Electric fan control on Sd4x

I have sd48. Pins 13, 14, 15 & 18 are unused afaik
by efloth
2023 Jan 04, 19:56
Forum: A1C - 80/90s EFI-SD4x Speed Density
Topic: Electric fan control on Sd4x
Replies: 48
Views: 20815

Re: Electric fan control on Sd4x

I'd like temp control. I started studying the AL9 Fan control code but it's over my head at this point. I am pasting it here for reference. If one of you can help decipher this that would be great. I believe the B2_RE9=0 and BE2_RE9=1 lines are where the output is controlled. I don't understand how that relates to pin 41 or how that would translate to A1C. The orb and an2b opcodes are a mystery as well. Am I even close?

Code: Select all

648c: 9b,f6,74,00         cmpb  R0,[Rf6+74]      
6490: d7,01               jne   6493             if ([941c] = 0)  {
6492: f0                  ret                    return; }

6493: 37,a1,02            jnb   B7,Ra1,6498      if (B7_Ra1 = 1)  {
6496: 20,c1               sjmp  6559             goto 6559; }

6498: 71,df,e9            an2b  Re9,df           B5_Re9 = 0;
649b: 9b,f6,77,b0         cmpb  Rb0,[Rf6+77]     
649f: d6,24               jge   64c5             if (Rb0 < [941f])  {
64a1: 9b,f6,76,b0         cmpb  Rb0,[Rf6+76]     
64a5: de,21               jlt   64c8             if (Rb0 < [941e]) goto 64c8;
64a7: b3,74,21,42         ldb   R42,[R74+21]     R42 = [29f];
64ab: 9b,f6,78,42         cmpb  R42,[Rf6+78]     
64af: d3,17               jnc   64c8             if (R42 < [9420]) goto 64c8;
64b1: a3,74,de,42         ldw   R42,[R74+de]     R42 = [25c];
64b5: 8b,f6,7a,42         cmpw  R42,[Rf6+7a]     
64b9: d3,0d               jnc   64c8             if (R42 < [9422]) goto 64c8;
64bb: b3,74,3f,42         ldb   R42,[R74+3f]     R42 = [2bd];
64bf: 9b,f6,79,42         cmpb  R42,[Rf6+79]     
64c3: d9,03               jgtu  64c8             if (R42 > [9421]) goto 64c8; }
64c5: 91,20,e9            orb   Re9,20           B5_Re9 = 1; } } } }
64c8: 35,e9,0d            jnb   B5,Re9,64d8      if (B5_Re9 = 1)  {
64cb: b3,f6,71,40         ldb   R40,[Rf6+71]     R40 = [9419];
64cf: 9b,72,ce,40         cmpb  R40,[R72+ce]     
64d3: d9,03               jgtu  64d8             if (R40 <= [14e])  {
64d5: 91,08,e9            orb   Re9,8            B3_Re9 = 1; } }
64d8: b3,f6,76,42         ldb   R42,[Rf6+76]     R42 = [941e];
64dc: 7b,f6,6d,42         sb2b  R42,[Rf6+6d]     R42 -= [9415];
64e0: 98,b0,42            cmpb  R42,Rb0          
64e3: da,03               jle   64e8             if (R42 > Rb0)  {
64e5: 71,f7,e9            an2b  Re9,f7           B3_Re9 = 0; }
64e8: 9b,f6,6c,b0         cmpb  Rb0,[Rf6+6c]     
64ec: da,03               jle   64f1             if (Rb0 > [9414])  {
64ee: 91,04,e9            orb   Re9,4            B2_Re9 = 1; }
64f1: b3,f6,6c,42         ldb   R42,[Rf6+6c]     R42 = [9414];
64f5: 7b,f6,6e,42         sb2b  R42,[Rf6+6e]     R42 -= [9416];
64f9: 98,b0,42            cmpb  R42,Rb0          
64fc: da,03               jle   6501             if (R42 > Rb0)  {
64fe: 71,fb,e9            an2b  Re9,fb           B2_Re9 = 0; }
6501: 33,e9,09            jnb   B3,Re9,650d      if (B3_Re9 = 1)  {
6504: b3,f6,75,40         ldb   R40,[Rf6+75]     R40 = [941d];
6508: 99,01,40            cmpb  R40,1            
650b: df,44               je    6551             if (R40 = 1) goto 6551; }
650d: b3,f6,6f,42         ldb   R42,[Rf6+6f]     R42 = [9417];
6511: 7b,f6,70,42         sb2b  R42,[Rf6+70]     R42 -= [9418];
6515: 9b,74,3f,42         cmpb  R42,[R74+3f]     
6519: d1,05               jleu  6520             if (R42 > [2bd])  {
651b: 33,ea,02            jnb   B3,Rea,6520      if (B3_Rea = 1)  {
651e: 20,06               sjmp  6526             goto 6526; } }

6520: 3a,e9,03            jb    B2,Re9,6526      if (B2_Re9 = 0)  {
6523: 37,c5,04            jnb   B7,Rc5,652a      if (B7_Rc5 = 0) goto 652a; }
6526: 91,40,47            orb   R47,40           B6_R47 = 1;
6529: f0                  ret                    return; }

652a: 3b,ea,0c            jb    B3,Rea,6539      if (B3_Rea = 0)  {
652d: a3,f6,72,40         ldw   R40,[Rf6+72]     R40 = [941a];
6531: 8b,74,98,40         cmpw  R40,[R74+98]     
6535: d9,02               jgtu  6539             if (R40 <= [216])  {
6537: 20,14               sjmp  654d             goto 654d; } }

6539: b3,f6,55,40         ldb   R40,[Rf6+55]     R40 = [93fd];
653d: 9b,74,97,40         cmpb  R40,[R74+97]     
6541: d9,0a               jgtu  654d             if (R40 <= [215])  {
6543: b3,f6,6f,40         ldb   R40,[Rf6+6f]     R40 = [9417];
6547: 9b,74,3f,40         cmpb  R40,[R74+3f]     
654b: db,02               jc    654f             if (R40 >= [2bd]) goto 654f; }
654d: 20,10               sjmp  655f             goto 655f; }

654f: 20,07               sjmp  6558             return; }

6551: 71,df,47            an2b  R47,df           B5_R47 = 0;
6554: 91,40,47            orb   R47,40           B6_R47 = 1;
6557: f0                  ret                    return;